Indian Hate Thread

Daily reminder that lying, cheating streetshitters are the most disgusting people on Earth. After niggers, of course.

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What the fuck is actually going on in all these pictures of India? Shitting in the street is bad, but for gods sake why the hell would you go swimming in it? Are there sacks of money sitting at the bottom of every shit puddle in India or something?

India is based
Sikhs are based
Curry is delicious

No India hate here, Cho Ping Zing.

He's supposedly trying to unclog a pipe, but I'm sure Pajeet took a shit while he was at it.

>ive never seen this quantity of people having a poo next to the motorway


Why are you making fun of this man? He is obviously living in India's pinnacle of luxury. See how clear and clean the water is? You can practically smell how good his aroma will be for weeks before his next bath. And, when he is done bathing, he will leave behind a fresh, ripe broth for his many children and the children of neighbors.

Kek filthy cocksuckers I can't believe he didn't die on that scooter.

That's R*mania

>That dirty pillow
Would the floor be cleaner or the pillow?

They used the pillow to clean the floor.

Holy shit this video just keeps getting better kek

Looks too clean for that

Indian people in the USA aren't much better except they've mastered indoor plumbing and take the occasional shower. The problem is that they've got it so much better that they feel high and mighty compared to the people they've left behind and that bleeds over to how they feel about everyone else.

They are the same, shamelessly foolish idiots here. They'll break laws and argue that they're ok for doing it because it's ok... no other reason. Occupancy laws are especially fond targets. They'll claim their ignorance is out of innocent misunderstanding and cultural differences but they're smart enough to advertise their illegal dwelling arrangements in Hindi publications or websites to avoid letting their HOA know, for instance, that they're running their home like a hostel. Oh... and they'll openly disdain the HOA by establishing an informal Desi organization to deal with the HOA board collectively... so they can bully the Board, basically.

And they always want more but they don't want to pay for anything and are eager to pass responsibility for everything on to some one else, complain when things don't get done and they're the very last to offer their assistamce.... unless it is to another Indian.

Fuck those assholes right in their dots.

Before I sound (too) racist, two of my doctors are Indian and they're remarkably great caregivers. O e took some getting used to (with his no-nonsense approach) but they are both fantastic doctors and, fortunate as I am not to require Obamacare, I am happy they provide my medical care.

Before I sound too racist, Indians are subhuman trash and we should have done to those Indians what we did to our Indians

Atleast Indians aren't nearly as bad as people as the Chinese.

From my personal experience if I had to work with either Indian or Chinese on some project I'd pick the Indian. Chinese aren't simply trustworthy at all.

Fuck you dude. Shitting outdoors is great

Nigga fuck you.

sandniggers are the worst. by far.

Does it look like we'd want their land?

I'm pretty sure in the more wealthier middle/upper class parts they poo in actual looks right?

Meh. The chins are obvious asshiles. The do the ads will smile broadly, shake your hand but they think you're little more than a favored monkey, to be toyed with and discarded whenever is convenient or necessary.

No doubt... but shitting where you have to walk, look and smell it is for filthy subhumans.

Okay, but I know someone has more images like this. There is the one with like three or four guys just apparently rolling around in a shit puddle. Is every pipe in India clogged? Now that I type that I think it might be possible, but god damn!