


>russia meddling with our election

it doesn't matter if russia ACTUALLY hacked the election

it's the point and message that matters, and it is not OK for russia to do this, and we need to send the point across by not letting Trump be president


>bait every minute
Do bots reply to these threads?


Ha ha
Your candidate cheated hard and lost

>wahhhhh russia exposed our corruption


>thinks they still get to make rules

>fails to realize that Drumpf and the GOP don't have a mandate since Americans overwhelmingly voted with her



3 mil more in Cali alone voted for her and they didn't even have a Republican on the ballot at the national level. there was no incentive for Republicans to turn out in California for the presidential vote. if the vote was based on popular vote many more would shown up there and other liberal strongholds. if the rules were different they would have played the game different. the results would have been different.

oh wait, i see you said "Drumpf". now i realize you're a Daily Show fan. nevermind, facts won't sway you

>the Russians stole our election by revealing we were trying to steal the election

Can't make this shit up

One of the earliest things the American colonies did during the Revolution was go to France for help. During the War of 1812 the United States hired natives to conduct some guerrilla theater against the British. When the Civil War was at full throttle the Union hired slaves from the seceded states to spy on Confederate infantry. And in both World Wars the U.S. supplied allies with equipment so they could keep up the fight until she got there to give the winning knock out.

Through out history America has has relied on the help of foreigners in some way to get here through tough times, to do what was necessary. Part of being a patriot is knowing what resource are available.

I am cool with anybody that brings openness and transparency to the table.

>Russia meddled with the election by making it more open and fair


It would have been fair if Russia would have hacked the RNC and wiki leak the corruption of Drumpf and the Rnc

I'd ask you to prove it, but I know you can't. How about any credible evidence? Didn't think so.
Non issue.


The penalty for treason is death, libshits.

this jews expression represents average jew so well

false premise.
russia didn't meddle with the u.s. election

> Airing the dirty laundry of a party
Yeah, it might have affected the outcome, but it's not like they changed the totals in the voting machines or engaged in a ballot stuffing campaign.

When the will of the people is influenced by the work of foreign governments, that's just politics, and no different than Saudi financed ads for Bush or Sweden giving Barack the Nobel Peace Prize.

If they'd actually subverted the process, then it'd be mad.


got any proof? nigger

>you don't get to

Are they giving orders?

but saudi arabia is fine, right?

The problem is that the RNC didn't use credentials like P@ssw0rd or open links in phishing emails.

So unfair.

if it's not ok, then why are you ignoring Israel meddling in all of our elections since Truman?

So wait, Saudi Arabia is allowed to meddle with our election process but Russia isn't?

>1 post by this ID

>democrats mock trump for claiming the election process could possibly be meddled
>obama literally tells trump "stop whining"
>flash forwards today and democrats are butthurt on the galactic level about imaginary meddling from russia
we are truly in the best timeline

Enjoy your ban Paco


But you're ok with our own media and government withholding information from you because they want you to pick THEIR candidate?

all russia did was supply information.

Fake and gay

>Berlin Wall

I know it's bait, but come the fuck on.

>dems bash trump for saying election is rigged and won't accept any result but his victory
>trump wins
>dems scream for a recount despite all of this
>recount proves the dems in fact DID try to rig the election from the start

2016 was the best year.

I'm still confused what "the russians" actually did. The lack of details just makes it look like a made up story.

We are crypto-fascist. Stop comparing us to the GOP faggot

The Berlin wall wasn't built until the sixties, and even then it split the same country in two. Trump wants to build a wall along a sovereign border. There is nothing wrong with this, just like there is nothing wrong with me overreacting to this obvious b8


So Saudi Arabia and Qatar dumping billions of dollars into Clinton's pocket during the midst of an election is definitely not meddling with our election, but a foreign government paying people to shitpost and troll people online (which is the only fucking thing the Intel Report stated) is meddling with our election?

How convenient then that Correct the Record was based in Washington D.C., then.

You FAGGOTS vote for Republicans , you faggots therefor are republicans


you don't get to set the narrative anymore. You don't seem to realize it yet though.

America's enemies are in the DNC, not the Kremlin. Give it up Sorosbots. Your BS isn't working.


Anyone else picture this guy when they see these posts?
I do.

Fucking this.

New rule:
If youre cool with the DNC meddling in our election because your candidate won, you dont get to call yourself a democrat.

No. I see this guy.

kys faggot

the unclassified report that they finally issued today and completely overshadowed by a [spoiler]totally not a false flag[/spoiler] shooting stated that Russians were guilty of:
>telling RT to bash and make fun of Hillary Clinton
>browse various forums and shitpost anti-american propaganda and pro-Kremlin propaganda (literally CTR, but centered in Moscow)
>that's literally about it
>call Clinton mean names

It was a joke of a report and every single fucking defender is saying "well, that's the unclassified version! The REAL report is a lot worse!!"
>even Donald Trump, who received the real report, said it was basically nothing new
>the Russians didn't "hack our electoral boxes"
>they were literally just launching a propaganda campaign

I concede.

of course, the BEST fucking excuse i heard about it was on Fox News:

>There's a difference between Intelligence and Evidence!

We destroyed the GOP. Tore it in half and stole all of your blue collar red blooded american workers. Fuck u faggot. Heil Trump. H-whyte Pire

Somebody needs to give her a job in porn with the double-dick guy.

and dead people vote for democrats. That doesn't make them democrats.

I just wanna ask her so many questions.

Does one head taste what the other's eating? Do they have to coordinate to walk? Which head controls which actions? If one gets horny does the other? Which one of them controls the vagina? If they have a kid who will be its genetic mother?

fuck mexicans


>libshits suddenly care about patriotism
Is it only because their candidate lost

Well they shouldn't be cool with Saudis owning US politicians neither.

All the Russians wanted is to not let the Saudis install their puppet before Syria is resolved.

Even if there was any 'hacking'. Who got hacked exactly? You don't even have to hack Killary. She herself spilled gov secrets left and right when trying to debate GOD EMPEROR the CHAMPION OF KEK.

Thank God for Mike Pence.

A brilliant man.

They did try to play that card at the convention, but it fell pretty flat.