You racists should be ashamed. Look at this 16yo crying

You racists should be ashamed. Look at this 16yo crying.

16 really? He's clearly just pretending to be that age so he can get his drivers license. That boy doesn't look a day over 15. Gonna have to wait till you're a little older there, kiddo.

He should be accompanied with a parent/guardian at his age at all times.

I can't see the 16 year old, there's a newborn baby taking up most of the picture.

You fucking retards This is a seven month old fetus crying because it's mother aborted her

Fucking hell, who would abandon such an adorable Little Baby? Where's his mummy?

>Can't even tell the difference between a fetus and a spermatozoa
lmao'ing at your life, senpai

What's with the picture of his father?

That photo is supposed to evoke a feeling of sympathy, but for me it evokes disgust, fuck that guy.

Wow racist
This is a pro-refugee board, get out far right monster.

Someone help that poor child!
Fuck borders n shit

fuck having borders and laws and shit

>Britain assuming xers gender



Are you newfags really this retarded? The guy is obviously in his 30s....

>That one poster that thinks he's 15

Your mother should have aborted you



both of you are fucktards. Thats just a pile of carbon atoms.

they promised him there would be children to rape at the border...but when he arrived he discovered there were no more children to rape.

Nice bait, Satan


link to original article, I want a laff

you racist bigot, this poor boy is 14



Did you hear that they have converted a HOTEL in balahdreen in roscommon for these children???

I can't believe britain would turn its back on a 15 year old refugee, you'd really look into that 13 year old's eyes and say 'you can't come in'? it will be on your hands when he dies before even reaching his 12th birthday

That's not how tears work.

I find your post problematic.
Seriously, though, it was probably taken right after the monkey chimped out and got teargassed.