Are gatherings like Burning Man degenerate, Sup Forums...

Are gatherings like Burning Man degenerate, Sup Forums? Do you have to be a hippie & take drugs to fit in a place like that?

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No, it's totally a redpilled experience.
Kosher certified.

she is beutiful, now too bad she had dozens of dicks in her.

>Hi Sup Forums, please tell me what to think

It is objectively degenerate. Nothing but an excuse to act like animals

It is pic related.

Isn't that shit crazily expensive? How do these hippies afford it?

I didnt know there was a gathering named after a guy who got set on fire, was thrown off a canyon and survived

But yes
anything hippie related is degenerate

Just look at your own picture dipshit

Is this the outlier or are most people who go to these events like that? I've heard Burning Man is mostly normies nowadays and I doubt they engage in the ourageous stuff I see from some photos.

How is this even a question? Watch CF, he is constantly talking about it

Seems like we're getting more and more posts like that lately. I see threads that are literally, "Hey Sup Forums, I got into a debate with someone and I couldn't defend my beliefs. Please tell me what I should say."

How can you profess to believe something if you can't even properly explain why you believe it? So many people here now just go along with the mainstream Sup Forums consensus without actually giving any thought to why they should agree with it, and when they're challenged they have no response.

this stuff makes me wonder if the founder/perpetrator of the Jonestown Massacre was too redpilled and created it just to kill some degenerates

They live like shit, save nothimg, blow all their money on it.

Or go back to their yuppie san fransisco tech jobs after its done.


this. if you stand for nothing, what do you fall for?

Lots of hippies have trust funds so they don't ever have to work a day in their lives. We call them Trustifarians

Believing something =/= Being prepared to debate

Yes. Absolutely degenerate.

Burning man is one of the most expensive music festivals in the world and most modern "hippies" come from middle to upper class income families

However ,festivals are a lot of fun

I need to know who she is

That was just last night.

I know what these sorts are like from being around them, rich trust fund slackers, everyday is party time, no responsibilities, never known hardship, fuck em.

How do people spend money from a trust fund, when it's all money owed to charity?
I thought you can only borrow money from a trust fund, but then you have to pay it all back to the trust at the federal reserve interest rate, and if you miss payments then the gubmint comes and hauls all your shit away. What's the benefit in that?
Do people simply borrow all their money from their trust fund as soon as they make the decision that they will probably die within the next few years, therefore paying it back doesn't matter?
someone please explain this to me
t. retard

Sure, I don't expect the average person to have had the kind of debate prep we get here but you should still be able to give a general explanation of why you old the beliefs you do. What I get from these threads is that they can't even do that much. I definitely got that impression from many of the supposed Trump supporters here. So many of them were completely incapable of doing anything but parroting memes when you asked them why they supported him.

The problem with Sup Forums becoming more popular and Sup Forums ideas becoming more mainstream is that there are lots of people who mindlessly repeat them because they want to fit in or seem cool. The result is people like OP who, aside from asking stupid questions with buzzwords like "degenerate" (bet he couldn't define it if asked), constantly start threads that are advised against in the sticky.

>tfw no hippie tit cow to cover in your load and ignore all her views and ideologies making her fall in life with you because you don't give a shit what she says

jew would know

Yes. Degenerate as fuck.

Although Burning Man is fucking bad, what's even worse is fucking Rainbow Gatherings. Rainbow Gathering is literally a temporary communist society with a shadow government running everything under the guise of anarchy. All of the hippies prey upon the goodwill of others to get their shit. They will literally walk up to a guy at a gas pump with a gas can and beg for a gallon saying "we're only a few blocks from where we need to be". Once they get their one gallon, they go a few exits and repeat this process, which they dub "spanging". That's their primary form of transportation to get from one commune to another. Their primary form of income is begging at intersections with their dogs.

At least trust fund hippies dont create a society that can only function by mooching off of people.
there are a lot of different kinds of trust funds. the one Im referring too is generally just a large, almost infinite sum of money. If you would like to see trustifarians in action all you have to do is visit a city like Asheville, NC or Austin, TX(plenty of others though)

Jews are superior.

>How do these hippies afford it?
They work in San Francisco in bullshit tech jobs

>making anyone fall in love with him

It was cool the first 2 years

And i highly recommend them if you like electronic music ,drugs loose women

> (OP)
>>tfw no hippie tit cow to cover in your load and ignore all her views and ideologies making her fall in life with you because you don't give a shit what she says

Dude don't do it, I got an STD this way

Trusfund babies are the ultimate neets, living the dream life.
wagecucks are jelly.

>Are gatherings like Burning Man degenerate

Of course they are, do you really have to ask?

>Do you have to be a hippie & take drugs to fit in a place like that?

Duh. I really hope you aren't trying to score some dirty hippie pussy, because that shit is worthless.

>OP lusts after OP's pic related girl
>has neither the money nor social skills to get one like her


thread theme, jewish village burns a white man who visits their village inside a huge wooden statue for moloch

which STD
how old were you
how old was she
where did it happen
did you use a condom
why not
were there any warning signs that she had a STD that you ignored (other than that she was a hippie)

Don't waste your time, full of shitty people, drunks and drug fiends. Though it's pretty easy to get lots of "free love".

underrated post.

Those tits are perfect. Do you think she's virgin?

At least it's just white people being degenerate w/ other white people.

In hippies communities you need to share your partner
It's forbidden to have a romantic relationship ship with one person with penalty to banned banned
Hippies are just another example of society hypocrisy

I saw a webm of a man so high he ran into the bonfire intentionally. Its pretty degenerate

Virtually all hippies are rich kids.

Nah, her stepdad probably took it

no and no
its only as degenerate as the person taking part in the experience

these are made up threads by our opposition. they are gathering good counter point to our.

Fact of life f you post you opinion on Sup Forums, someone will oppose it.

Yes, she's saving herself for the BBC.

>its only as degenerate as the person taking part in the experience

yeah, sure schlomo, I bet you go to the transsexual gay bars for drinks and not because you're a transsexual faggot yourself.

Wicker man, Burning man, whatever, all pagans are degenerate

You don't have to be a hippy or take drugs. Like going to such a festival, both of those things are your choice. That being said, Burning Man is shit. For the past few years especially it's become a hangout for rich people with money to blow. No need to trade or share when you can just hire a team of professionals to get you anything you need.

Generally yes

Slippery slope etc

Humans generally cant moderation

OP just find a good small group of friends and do magic mushrooms and focus on the spiritual side of the trip over the huh huh im so ripped side of it

I promise you will have a deeper connection with your friends, yourself and most importantly the universe.

I'll take $50 worth of shrooms between 3 close friends any day over burning man

Or you could stay at home and mind your own fucking business.

Extremely degenerate. STD and hippie central.

Burning Man is great. It might be a bit like the old Eleusinian Mysteries that the Athenians went to. It's basically a spiritual experience disguised as an art festival, which is disguised as a party. Much recommended. Might even turn some pasty-assed Sup Forums autists into functional human beings.

>spiritual experience

If you're not there for the music, you're a faggot

you must be one of those retards who thinks that spiritual experience = religious ritual

I am Hard and ready to go.

Nope. 'Spiritual experience' is homosexual and hippie.

You just have to make some kind of art project I believe. Or go around enjoying them.

My cousin is a welder and artist who gets commissioned to build the crazy vehicles and art for burning man, and he also makes money building shipping container houses these days.

I mean, yeah it's pretty degenerate.

But you could also look at it as a sort of primitive throwback to our more tribal roots.

Don't let strangers on the internet tell you what to think.

You need $$$$. Tickets ain't cheap, neither is getting or staying there.

spiritual experience = some hippie shit. now gtfo

It's not a music festival.


I don't think you understand the meaning of that word.

regular 3 day festival is $200 to $300

drugs range from free to jacked up prices with traveling black market merchants

i went to a "small" festival (~10,000 people), it had a "mandatory fun" feel, unbelievably corporate atmosphere covered with a thin veneer of hippe dippy

wide variety of music, security didnt bother the white people, attendees were a mix of young rich kids and mid 20s couples, occasional family

there was a company there selling drug test kits, every drug that i tested was the real deal, nothing was fake

Not really, it's the same experience as in science or hard philosophy or any other sort of confronting truth... I'm not talking bout some hippy dippy stuff that's all in the imagination

>Come to this thread for cute hippie chicks
>only 1 pic

Come on OP

I went to sand Francisco and bought weed off of kids like this. It was shitty weed and I jewed him hard on the price. I actually have a job and it's in sales and I'm good at it, his brain was fried it was like negotiating with a fence post. Then his crusty hippie wife asked me to buy her a bottle of alcohol because she had no ID (their claim for being stuck in San Francisco, no ID. Lol wut?) I said fuck no, pet their dog and left. Really felt bad for the dog, who's feeding it? Not them

reminds me of the Simpsons episode about burning man, where bart's teacher gets fired after being caught fucking around there

the teacher asks how they found out, principle replies it was the burning man secret police

It still sounds gay. I don'd get some 'experience' from discovering new shit in physics.

As a massive EDM-head though, I'd go to places for the acts.

>be even moderately attractive female under 30
>festivals are free

And/or probably trust fund slut