Don't hate the player, hate the game

>don't hate the player, hate the game

How does Sup Forums respond

Other urls found in this thread:

We hate the player, and the game

You don't tell me who to hate. I will hate you so goddamn hard

I hate the player and the game. Should I not hate the murderer but hate the murder?

I hate everyone

>How does Sup Forums respond

Fuck you, take this trash thread to Sup Forums where it belongs

The game exists because one keeps playing it, they've got their share of moral condemnation.

I agree
I think of this when using meme magic
Following chaos means it isn't really my fault what happens

I'm just glad that I am a player instead of a spectator

It's true though, also women love Catholic men like the one in that picture

>pregnant woman
>that faggot ass line
I don't know whats worse desu

Mexico gets it

Hows this for a response.

"You stop talking to my girlfriend or I shoot you in the head broad fucking daylight, nigger. She's not fucking you, you're not raping her. The next time I see you be ready to get your faggot ass beat."

Can't stand jealous as fuck motherfuckers who don't respect boundaries because they think they're gods gift to every woman in the world.

Maybe you'll understand what boundaries are when you're weeping hard with pants full of shit and a pistol against your head.

The reason why like at least 80% of you are virgins is because you can't play the game correctly. For one, they don't on their ass all day looking at Sup Forums, Reddit, or play video games. Adolf Hitler was the worse thing to happen to Europe. Killing whites to save whites? You don't declare war on your own race, unless it was for unification. but instead it was to show "Aryan supremacy". Another thing is anime, which makes you a fucking Jap loving retard. "muh white race, must watch muh anime". Anime is causing you idiots to be this way.That's my response.

you just posted this in another thread and ill call you a faggot here too.



Stop talking like a nigger.


Taking advantage of a women when her hormones are a mess

beta as fuck lad

Don't hate the player. Do hate the game. Hate that women's biological programming is 10 thousand years out of date and thus if they are let off the "strict monogamy" leash it leads to the downfall of society.

glad that we can probably avoid that outcome by inventing an artificial woman who's programming is whatever we want it to be and thus solves the big problem.

Turn off xbox and go to bed

If there's no players the game doesn't exist.

But I do.
I only play superior 2d games.

>fine but don't come crying for mercy on the day of the rope

Perhaps if women don't want their face kicked in they should stop trying to cheat at EVERY, POSSIBLE, OPPORTUNITY.

THATS why normal guys finally snap and beat a bitch until 1 hand and 1 foot are sticking out a giant blood filled hole in the ground.

"empowerment" doesn't mean you have the power to cheat every single day multiple times a day with absolute impunity.

>Don't hate the player. Do hate the game. >Hate that women's biological programming

The guys who are ruining women's hormones and sexuality have moral agency and they should be hated for what they do. It's like if there were a bunch of cakes layer out and one guy started to jerk off on them and ruining for everyone else. Sure you can join in and jerk off there too but that cake isn't good anymore, same for women with too many sexual partners, very little chance of a stable love life later on.

But meanwhile you suggest to hate women's biology which is something they cannot control.

The only people who get this said to them are women who just found out that their boyfriend cheated on them.

So I don't really care.

This, and even if I were to find out my wife was cheating on me it would just be a get out of jail free card.

I'm playing a different game

I'd just call it a tie and fuck both.
I'm only jewish for the free bag of gold you get for being a member.

It's their nature. You needa read some redpill lit.

They can't help it it's in their blood to fucking plow through as many chads as possible and avoid consequence.

They are biologically designed to be manipulative and sneaky. That's why they all hate eachother and all have huge banks of "frenemies" all waiting to backstab eachother. The woman's brain is fucking vastly different than the man's brain.

Trying to judge them on the male ideas of 'honor' and such is a fucking laughable waste of energy. Their brain completely ignores all of that by design. Her brain is literally designed to make her collect chad's sperm and then pass his kid off as Billy Beta's so the kid gets both strong genes and a well protected upbringing. Loyalty is a non-concept to them.

"Do you want to die in a pit somewhere starving to death with all your hair torn out as you sit and weep in total darkness in a small room? Because it can be arranged. You will do what I say, when I say it, or you will end up 'missing'."

The end of that problem.

>put on a Hugo Boss Uniform
>Detroy the degenerate civilization that created the game
>round all of the players of that game up
>put them into camps where they are worked into an early grave

Easy as fuck to answer. OP needs to stop being such a moronic faggot.

Suppose you're right but i can't bring myself to hate a guy for getting himself laid, that's uncontrollable biology. WOmen too. No use being a beta butthurt bitch about people who enjoy the chase and hookup culture. Just sucks that it will bring about the downfall of society if we don't either change it or run an end-around via technology.

It does suck for all the beta guys who only want a loyal woman and family that they can count on. That's a virtually impossible outcome given the current divorce laws and state of women's 'empowerment' that literally dissuades women from having a family at all while they have any attractiveness left.

Have fun being put in jail over rape or spousal abuse or some shit most likely. Though you can keep a woman loyal-ish if you keep up the act of being mr chad thundercock who keeps her fickle attention entertained every minute of every day and never fails any of her numerous shit tests.

Good luck with that though keeping up the act 24/7 is exhausting and hardly worth it. Never being able to let your guard down is perhaps worse than not getting laid.

Women dictate the terms of courtship and go for men that treat them like shit.

Women are therefore responsible for perpetuating a culture which abuses them. If it didn't work, guys wouldn't do it. If women were attracted to sensitive men and not alpha Chads, then the alpha Chads would have to change their game plan to compete.

In other words, if women don't like the state of the "game," they need to stop giving it up for shitty men that don't treat them well.

Also I'll hate whoever I damn well please, so fuck off.

The last time a bitch cheated on me I shoved a broken glass bottle halfway up her vagina and then went up the road for a long time. I don't care if I get sent to jail, its an excuse to murder niggers in self defense and get away with it.

I can hate the game, and the people who play it. It doesn't have to be exclusive.

Take, for example, every professional sport in existence. Literal circuses for the masses. I hate every single game, and I hate every single player that is fine with contributing absolutely nothing to society, while also causing a bunch of people to treat watching "the big game" as something more important than family, friends, or politics.

Yeah well that's walking a fine line. I'd prefer to remain outside of jail.

In some respects I've realized that women aren't worth the fucking trouble most of the time. I haven't yet met one who's made me think they weren't all biologically cheating whores. At one time the system strictly controlled their behavior through slut shaming- The one thing they can't have is everyone finding out about their sluttyness. Now that's all out the window so they fucking run completely wild and it's pretty disgusting. Some guys insist that their snowflake GF is the unicorn but I've never seen it in person and I'm not a fucking fatass NEET virgin faggot.

I evolved to hate the game and the player as a consequence

The game changes when the player is missing teeth.

Without players theres no game rules don't exist if people don't follow them

"the game" is sustained by players

games are made to cheat, here is your bullet

I long ago lost interest in the game so i can't even muster hate for either. If you want a women you have to play, if you fail it is no ones fault but your own.

All the hate people claim to have about women is just a reflection of their own insecurities. They fail to address their problems and blame their inadequacies on others. They really need to have a conversation with themselves and face their own demons. They will never find happiness if they can't not address their own subconscious issues.

I only hate myself

>Hate that women's biological programming is 10 thousand years out of date and thus if they are let off the "strict monogamy" leash it leads to the downfall of society.

>Suppose you're right but i can't bring myself to hate a guy for getting himself laid, that's uncontrollable biology

Do you see the problem with your posts? Hate women for what they can't control, and give guys a pass, because you say it's "uncontrollable biology," despite the fact that the amount of male rapists in the West (excepting rapefugess) is VERY low.

If you aren't raping, then you are controlling your biology. And coming from a man who withheld sex for the woman who became his wife (if I wanted a virgin, I figured I better be willing to do what I expected others to do), fuck you and your excuses.

Bitch I hate everything.
GTFO to /r9k/ with your muh dating muh women bullshit

Sort of. Still wrong.

Keep both those cunts in my rape dungeon

Hating the game is not hating women. I don't hate women. I do hate THE FACT that their biology is kinda fucking shitty for society.

But no i don't hate MEN or WOMEN for participating. It is what it is.

More power to you for finding a virgin wife and hopefully creating a stable family. I'd love to do the same but i'd be hard for me to find a virgin of any attractiveness near my own age (29). And it'd be pretty weird for me to start sniffing around 16-18 year olds even though I do admit that those are the women I find most attractive.

>Hating the game is not hating women. I don't hate women. I do hate THE FACT that their biology is kinda fucking shitty for society.

Only if you allow yourself to be a slave to your urges (they aren't needs, especially today, where, thanks to the internet, porn is plentiful and you can scratch your own itch whenever biology just won't leave you alone).

>I'd love to do the same but i'd be hard for me to find a virgin of any attractiveness near my own age (29).
What makes you think you deserve one? You openly admitted to sleeping around yourself. You chose your path, and you went for easy pussy throughout your 20's. You live with the consequences. You have no right to expect any woman you settle down with to have any fewer sexual partners than you have. If that number disgusts you, then there's always being alone for the rest of your life (which you should be totally comfortable with long before you pursue someone as a spouse; if you can't stand being alone with yourself, don't expect someone else to, either).

You pissed away your youth, giving yourself every excuse you could think of to continue pissing it away. You chose to do what was easy over what was right, and I have absolutely no pity for you. Only disgust.

become a psychopath and get what you want

An interesting perspective. Refreshing when normally the response people get is "LUL virgin beta, if you just lifted and acted like Chad you could be drowning in puss right now"

Perhaps you are right and I should be glad that I didn't fuck all the rotten skanks I could have because I was disgusted with their behavior.

Sounds like one of those platitudes dumb people enjoy repeating.

*cocks shotgun*
Fuck the game

just find some random slut and shape her in your own image. I have a girl that liked nigger culture and stuff like that but I taught her about right wing stuff and she is more right wing than I am, she is almost a nazi now. I will soon ask her to marry me, hope it works out.

>just find some random slut
>I will soon ask her to marry me
how can one be so retarded, even in a country with one of the lowest divorce rates and so on you still pick the slut I don't get it

Or play another game.

I know her for 4 damn years, I forgot to mention that..Way to jump to conclusions my fellow poster

>cock shotgun

I see you've never owned a shotgun.

Its a fucking meme you dip

Plan on seeing a bariatric surgeon this month
Hopefully get the sleeve, lose this weight, tighten up the loose areas, and fuck bitches like that guy.

But he does look auschwitz-mode with those ribs popping out.

Also this

>fucking a fat chick
lmaoing @ ur life

>laying Eves and apples
Yessssss. Thissss pleassssessss the sssserpent

>never heard of a pump-action
Really, dude?

Fuck off I'll hate whatever I want this is America.


a game only exists because it has players


Let's play the fuck you up game. Don't hate the player, bro.

>let the alphas win
>let sluts be sluts
>let beta men rot away on the interwebs

Sounds cool and manly to accept competition.
Unfortunately the family unit is the smallest foundational piece of society. Thus what you are describing will lead to collapse of the West.

Do not worry however. After the collapse the servants of God is there to help. Verily we will teach you the ways of the one true God and make a traditional society in his glory. We will honour your sacrifices after, maybe.


>My space angles

Good job, buddy.
