What are Sup Forums's honest thoughts on Catholicism?

What are Sup Forums's honest thoughts on Catholicism?

I consider myself an agnostic atheist, but I was raised Catholic. I feel there are many great values from Catholicism, such as

>submitting the self to the destiny carved out for it by Fate

>Believing that one's salvation is succured by works rather than acceptance of ideology

>Elevating the individual above the group, at least in the New Testament.

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.co.uk/books?id=NgPI7Jt1HewC&pg=PA744&lpg=PA744&dq=early christian prayer ritual&source=bl&ots=liCifsZQ5q&sig=IPmzTa-IqWJMEXHOWz8ww1Mvq60&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNoaLskbHRAhXMNxQKHRcjCrw4ChDoAQg4MAg#v=onepage&q=early christian prayer ritual&f=false


At least you are being intellectually honest.

It is obviously illogical to say for certain that God does not exist, even if you don't believe it.

Because unless you can prove without a doubt that God does not exist, you should be agnostic at the very least.

>I feel there are many great values from Catholicism

There are many great values from Catholicism.

The current Pope is weak and I don't agree with a lot of his views, but he's not an apostate.

Christians are pacified cucks nowadays
>never act, always pray
>think Islam is a religion of peace
>thinks Judaism predates Christianity
>think the Jews are the ancient Israelites/Hebrews and gods chosen people

Don't even get me started on the pope

I am a Catholic, so I like the Church. You probably know that the things you listed are more complex than you make them seem, so there's no sense in explaining them.

I feel like people around here tend to base their religious views on their political ones, which I think is just backward.


Preach it, Brother user!

>Pope Francis is a cuck

Catholicism used to be a bastion for western civilization.
Sadly all they have nowadays are traitorous cunts like the current Pope.

Catholicism is not Christian. The pope speaks directly against the word of god.

I hated Catholicism as a kid because my mom would never explain to me what was happening at all. I never understood what a the Eucharist meant, what's the men in funny looking robes are doing, and she never let me read the Bible. I "became" an Agnostic in my teens because of this but I was still religious in the sense I contained to believe in some sort of higher pwoer. Now though I want to go back but I want to learn, the thing that's really fueling me is that I don't have to sacrifice my intelligence to be a Catholic. Reading Theology is the best thing to happen to me in years.

I've also realized that no one is perfect but we're all united in the believe of the Lord and Jesus. We're all trying to be our best and not even the Pope himself is infallible, something people like this guy doesn't understand.

Hail the Protestant reformation

Catholic Church is a murdering bunch of pedo bookburners

It's flawed. You sin and confess, and it's like nothing happened. Church is rich beyond belief, churches flaunt their wealth with gold. If Jesus lived poor and humble, why can't they?

Catholic church also splits loyalty between one's country and to the Church itself. Pretty sure Bismarck recognized this.

This. The Catholic church has been a jewish sock puppet since the 1950-1960's. Read:

1. Johannes Oesterreicher was a jew "convert" who persuaded the catholicucks to rewrite a bunch of their doctrine after WW2 due to "muh 6 million": http ://forward.com/opinion/159955/converts-who-changed-the-church/
2. Read about the Nostra Aetate
3. Read about the murder of the Smiling Pope
4. Read about Pope Francis (hint: he is a communist agitator just like his parents who were forced to leave Italy during the reign of Mussolini)
5. Pacifist attitudes and "turn the other cheek" lead the sheep to slaughter.

>>submitting the self to the destiny carved out for it by Fate

How is this good? You should forge your own destiny. Fate is BS.

>unless you can prove without a doubt that God does not exist, you should be agnostic at the very least.

How about

> unless you can prove without a doubt that God does ... exist, you should be agnostic at the very least.

You should not have any beliefs unless you are absolutely certain about them.

WTF this is a shit tier argument even by christ/chan standards.

It sucks because it tried being Protestant

Protestantism is the worst shit to happen to Christianity

>many great values from Catholicism

> great values
> 1,000 years at least of boy-raping

You people make me physically ill.

>submitting the self to the destiny carved out for it by Fate
>Believing that one's salvation is succured by works rather than acceptance of ideology
>Elevating the individual above the group, at least in the New Testament.

Where the hell did you get the idea those were Catholic values? Next you will say Catholics pray to Mary and worship statues. That's not what Catholics do. I've been a Catholic for only 15 years, but I've never heard these things be Catholic values.
A destiny carved out by Fate? I need to see a source on that. I've never seen any Catholic theology about a destiny determined by fate. Everyone makes their own choices.
Salvation by works? Uh, no. Salvation is only by faith in Jesus, but we use good works to make us and everyone else better. Jesus told us to do good works, so we do, but that doesn't 'buy' us salvation.
Elevating the individual above the group? Whut?

You say you were raised Catholic, but maybe you should start over. Some people who have the most distorted view of Catholicism were 'raised Catholic'. It's not your fault. Just some crappy Catechists out there. Just read the Catechism of the Catholic Church and go from there. That is everything the Church teaches, all spelled out and explained.

Catholics worship a false prophet and can get away with anything as long as they confess. This is why catholic countries are mostly crime ridden shitholes. Also the Papist groupthink makes Catholics vulnerable to socialism (just look at how many socialist catholic countries there are compared to Protestant ones).

Inb4 butthurt heathens autistically screech.

Used to be catholic. Now I'm a pagan. Look up what The Second Vatican Council is, and it'll redpill you pretty quickly in why paganism is superior to Christ.

does the bible say anything about race mixing?

>Compared to protestant ones


>All of Scandinavia
>Not socialist

Protestantism is the worst form of Christianity possible.

Socialism is a Protestant idea, so is Communism.

In fact all of Protestantism contradict the early christians that it is pathetically laughable

Fact, Protestant countries are only good because of enlightenment values inherently against it, not because of Protestantism itself

Want a Proddie country, look at America under the Puritans and Calvin's Geneva which are both like living in an ISIS shithole

"Consider how contrary to the mind of God are the heterodox in regard to the grace of God which has come to us. They have no regard for charity, none for the widow, the orphan, the oppressed, none for the man in prison, the hungry or the thirsty. They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they do not admit that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, the flesh which suffered for our sins and which the Father, in His graciousness, raised from the dead."

"Letter to the Smyrnaeans", paragraph 6. circa 80-110 A.D.

"Come together in common, one and all without exception in charity, in one faith and in one Jesus Christ, who is of the race of David according to the flesh, the son of man, and the Son of God, so that with undivided mind you may obey the bishop and the priests, and break one Bread which is the medicine of immortality and the antidote against death, enabling us to live forever in Jesus Christ."

-"Letter to the Ephesians", paragraph 20, c. 80-110 A.D.

>t.The first lesbian priest
Dont you have to marry a gay couple?

Can Protestants explain this?
hapter 40. Let Us Preserve in the Church the Order Appointed by God.

These things therefore being manifest to us, and since we look into the depths of the divine knowledge, it behooves us to do all things in [their proper] order, which the Lord has commanded us to perform at stated times. He has enjoined offerings [to be presented] and service to be performed [to Him], and that not thoughtlessly or irregularly, but at the appointed times and hours. Where and by whom He desires these things to be done, He Himself has fixed by His own supreme will, in order that all things, being piously done according to His good pleasure, may be acceptable unto Him. Those, therefore, who present their offerings at the appointed times, are accepted and blessed; for inasmuch as they follow the laws of the Lord, they sin not. For his own peculiar services are assigned to the high priest, and their own proper place is prescribed to the priests, and their own special ministrations devolve on the Levites. The layman is bound by the laws that pertain to laymen.

Chapter 41. Continuation of the Same Subject.

Let every one of you, brethren, give thanks to God in his own order, living in all good conscience, with becoming gravity, and not going beyond the rule of the ministry prescribed to him. Not in every place, brethren, are the daily sacrifices offered, or the peace-offerings, or the sin-offerings and the trespass-offerings, but in Jerusalem only. And even there they are not offered in any place, but only at the altar before the temple, that which is offered being first carefully examined by the high priest and the ministers already mentioned. Those, therefore, who do anything beyond that which is agreeable to His will, are punished with death. You see, brethren, that the greater the knowledge that has been vouchsafed to us, the greater also is the danger to which we are exposed.


The fathers of the church spoke as they did because they regarded themselves as interpreters of the Scriptures. Therefore they are not to be made a substitute for the Scriptures; nor can the Scriptures be understood apart from the authoritative interpretation which tradition places upon them...if tradition is primitive, Protestant theology must admit that ‘Scripture alone’ requires redefinition. (Jaroslav Pelikan, Obedient Rebels, Harper & Row: New York, N. Y., 1964, p. 180 – bold emphasis mine.)

What does this mean?

We might have one of the worst clergies we ever had but you all know that is only legitimate church, the one Jesus order Peter to build is the apostolical roman one.

Protestantism was just a way to escape religion and get to atheism. Church made many mistake but it is obvious that church control helped to build Europe without the Church, the space is free for them.

>Catholics don't worship Mary
>Posts crusaders

You realize the crusaders were basically just pagans, right? They did literally worship Mary, as well.

I have a copy of the Kings James and I got so angry after reading a little bit of it and then later learning the history behind it. It's not even the first English translation of the Bible, the Douay-Rheims was the first and the language in the King James is archaic since English is an ever fluctuating language so this causes so much confusion and division because no one can agree what it means, and to top it all of, Protestant thinking adds to this fire by claiming "sola scriptura", reading the Bible literally and assuming people have the mental faculties to understand the Bible correctly. Like people read the Bible like the Quran when instead the Bible is a collection of books hence the word "Bible"

tl;dr KJV is evil because it cause division and people need to stop reading the Bible like the Quran

and wrong

KJV onlyists love to claim that it was from the Peshitta, which does not have some NT books and included the books Proddies thrown out


I prayed [to the Angel of Repentance, who is called the Shepherd] much that he would explain to me the similitude of the field…And he answered me again, saying, “Every one who is the servant of God, and has his Lord in his heart, asks of Him understanding, and receives it, and opens up every parable; and the words of the Lord become known to him which are spoken in parables. But those who are weak and slothful in prayer, hesitate to ask anything from the Lord; but the Lord is full of compassion, and gives without fail to all who ask Him. But you, having been strengthened by the holy Angel, and having obtained from Him such intercession, and not being slothful, why do not you ask of the Lord understanding, and receive it from Him?” I said to him, “Sir, having you with me, I am necessitated to ask questions of you, for you show me all things, and converse with me; but if I were to see or hear these things without you, I would then ask the Lord to explain them.”

The Shepherd of Hermas, 3.5.4
Rome, Date questionable; perhaps as early as AD 85-90, perhaps as late as AD 140-155 [1]

> infallibility of the Pope

You know, that only comes into play when the Pope teaches on faith and morals. Technically, he must speak 'ex cathedra' or 'from the chair' of St. Peter. It's only been used a few times.

Other than that, the Pope is just a bishop, that is, just a man. He makes mistakes, and even goes to confession regularly.


17:1 But the evil one, who is the opponent and envier, who is the enemy to the race of men, beholding both the greatness of his testimony and his conversation blameless from the beginning, how he was crowned with a crown of immortality, and how he carried off a prize that could not be spoken against, contrived that not even a relic of him should be taken by us, though many desired to do this, and to communicate with his holy flesh.

17:2 He suborned, therefore, Nicetes, the father of Herodes, and the brother of Alce, to make interest with the governor so as not to give his body to the tomb, Lest, said he, they abandon the crucified and begin to worship this man. And these things they said at the suggestion and instance of the Jews, who also kept watch when we were about to take the body from the fire, not knowing that we shall never be able to abandon Christ, who suffered for the salvation of the whole world of those who are saved, the blameless on behalf of sinners, nor to worship any one else.

17:3 Him we adore as the Son of God; but the martyrs, as the disciples and imitators of the Lord, we love according to their deserts, on account of their incomparable love for their King and Teacher, with whom may it be our lot to be partners and fellow-disciples.


And he eats shit which he shits out and feed you like Proddie pastors


If you are not catholic you are not conservative. That is all


A religion that teaches to turn the other cheek. And people wonder why we worship "human rights" and "anti racism"...or why the whole of europe is in suicide mode

Maybe it is time to be Islam you shithead

Except for the fact that Europe became cucked AFTER abandoning Christianity.


Proddies explain

destroyed by semitic devil worshipers

perhaps its for the better, spreading this false hope of christianity all over the world

How about you go fuck yourself , you and your desert religions... Keep worshiping your kike zombie god , you fucking idiot

Yeah, as the crusades showed us, Christianity is about turning the cheek. You're indeed someone who did not read seriously the book.

The crusaders were the worst Catholics even possible. Catholicism back in the day was still largely pagan, and many of k ifhts and crusaders essentially considered Jesus to be he personification of Wotan/Odin, worshipped the bones of saints as their ancestors (pagan), and worshipped Mary as a pagan God as well. Crusaders were weird as fuck, if you want to post "redpilled" Christians Sup Forums needs to make a meme of the Carolingians. Even they were fairly pagan, but not quite as much as the Crusaders.

isn't the bible pro race mixing and didn't moses have a nigger wife? how do you people reconcile this? i want to be a christian but i will never accept race mixing

And yet kept the worst aspects of the christian religion...They only kept the cucked elements and combined it with marxism...Now we're in suicide mode.

Explain the source I just quoted that came way before even Constantine

I am waiting Proddienigger

Britain, Holland, Estonia, Denmark, Norway > France, Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua

See above.

1 Timothy 4

1The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 3They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. 4For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.

They do stupid shit, that has nothing to do with christian doctrine, like forbiding marriage for priest.

The church will literall excommunicate a priest immediately for getting married, but permit decades of pederasty. And why ban polygamy?
There is absolutely no literal justification in any book of the bible to ban polygamy

They also obsess over Mary

Mark 3:35

Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother."

As Christ says in the last verse, any folower of Christ is a brother, sister or mother.

Why dont the catholocucks build an image of any random catholic woman and say prayers to it?

Modern catholics have reached the point of straight up apostasy

Your pope is a race traitor...And wants to import third worlders...

The order of DEUS VAULT came from Church Law, not the Bible. Christianity is a pacifistic religion in theory, because it only focuses on martyrdom, but yes in practice it is much different.


Protestantism destroyed by archeology of catacombs


Yeah, that might be exactly what he said.

All used enlightenment values. Not Proddie values you retard

Its okay. Needs more dues vult

And yet ironically, Proddies contradict all the Church Fathers and oppose the Bible

Stay mad Proddie nigger

>Thinks the Jews are the chosen people
Absolute bollocks, I was at mass today and the priest said that everyone is God's chosen people. He actually said it in a spiteful way as if he scorned Jews for thinking they were special. Absolutely based

An ongoing debate related to the "new" perspective has been over Paul's use of the Greek word pistis (πίστις, meaning "trust", "belief", "faith", or "faithfulness"). Writers with a more historic Lutheran and Reformed perspective have typically interpreted this word as meaning a belief in God and Christ, and trust in Christ for salvation with faith that he will save you.[citation needed] This interpretation is based on several passages from the Christian Bible, notably Ephesians 2:8–9, which reads, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not as a result of works, so that no one may boast." Interestingly, E. P. Sanders, notes that Ephesians 2:9 teaches the traditional perspectives.[13]

By contrast, many recent studies of the Greek word pistis have concluded that its primary and most common meaning was faithfulness, meaning firm commitment in an interpersonal relationship.[14][15][16][17] As such, the word could be almost synonymous with "obedience" when the people in the relationship held different status levels (e.g. a slave being faithful to his master). Far from being equivalent to "lack of human effort", the word seems to imply and require human effort. The interpretation of Paul's writings that we need to "faithfully" obey God's commands is quite different from one which sees him saying that we need to have "faith" that he will do everything for us. This is also argued to explain why James was adamant that "faith without works is dead" and that "a man is saved by works, and not by faith alone", while also saying that to merely believe places one on the same level as the demons (see James 2). The "new" perspective argues that James was concerned with those who were trying to reduce faith to an intellectual subscription without any intent to follow God or Jesus, and that Paul always intended "faith" to mean a full submission to God.

> Crusaders were pagan and worshiped Mary

So? For the sake of argument lets say that is true. Did those crusaders change Catholic theology? Nope. Still the Church founded by Jesus Christ. Still his same teachings.
Over the thousands of years of Catholic theology, you will find people screwing up in their understanding of the faith all the time. That doesn't make the Church wrong. Look to the foundations of the Church, its theology and not what people screw up on the fringes.

I dont belong to any church, have a lot of things to say about protestants as well

Like the adventists refusing to eat meat etc..

Freaking protestants.. always trying to refer themselves to the texts only to ensure themselves that they are better, and yet they fail hard. Bible also teachs you to follow somehow the church direction.

Crusades were about peace. Crusades were about securing the path to pilgrim and stopping those turks shitheads from raping every white passing by.

1 Timothy 4 speaks of Protestantism

I was taught this by a Domican Monk.Another thing, bishops used to challenge each other to duels through a strange law which prohibited the use of swords or shields, so they instead used maces. Bishops duelled each other with maces. Not very Biblical was it?

Another point, constantly repeating the same prayer over and over again

“And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.

Matthew 6:7

Stay assmad proddie nigger

You filthy sola Scriptura found not in the Bible

And in the Church Fathers

to you God broke his promise and make the Church apostasize and let it be for centuries and forever

He made a church and it got destroyed against his own promise

Your father is Satan

>All the examples come from South America

It's almost like it is race that matters in this equation and not religion...


>context about prayers as getting what you want
>about repeating prayers which Jesus established soon after
kys moron

Saying senteces like this is showing how much of an ignorant you are. Those generalizations have no sense at all. All concils had already been done at the time and the clergy was informed. You're refering to pagan cultural habits that lasted long but yet your point is not way near to be valid.

Dude get fucked.

Catholics are currently in a state of apostasy, I put out scripture to prove my points, you simply insult.

But then again, when would a fucking catholic ever care about what the Bible actually says

The first crusade was about taking the holy Land. The rest were just European inmnfighting, killing fellow Christian's and more famously in the 4th Crusade, being payed off by Venetian merchants to SACK Constantinople. Yeah... The crusades were the real reason that the Ottomans took the Balkans. The only reason they stopped was because of the Mongolian sacking of Baghdad.

Jesus only gave one prayer to repeat, nigger.

Go bow before an idol of some false saint, pagan scum

books.google.co.uk/books?id=NgPI7Jt1HewC&pg=PA744&lpg=PA744&dq=early christian prayer ritual&source=bl&ots=liCifsZQ5q&sig=IPmzTa-IqWJMEXHOWz8ww1Mvq60&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNoaLskbHRAhXMNxQKHRcjCrw4ChDoAQg4MAg#v=onepage&q=early christian prayer ritual&f=false


>Even admits in his refutations that the crusaders were basically pagan.

>repeat prayer is baaaad.

So, you've only said the Lord's Prayer once. Never said it again.

You can repeat prayers, just don't repeat "empty phrases" like mantras do get into some trance. You understand the difference, right? Saying a Hail Mary isn't an empty phrase and it it isn't a mantra.

Says the proddinigger who cannot even address my argument and simply focus on the small part of insult

kys stupid moron

Can you see the obvious difference between temporal church and untemporal church ?

Look for that instead of declaring who's going to heaven or not. Your words are those of a man of vainglory.

>assmad proddie cannot even refute
kys loser


I read the Bible all the time. At Mass I get readings from Old Testament, the Psalms, New Testament and the Gospels. There's a lot of Bible going on with Catholics. They put together the Bible, remember?

>submitting the self to the destiny carved out for it by Fate
There is no such thing as fate. There is also no such thing as free will, at least in the antithetical concept vis-a-vis fate. Since the understanding of relativity we have the mental tools to understand that the universe allows for the assessment of temporal events both from a linear perspective and from a non-linear non-subjective point. As such, temporal events satisfy simultaneously the definitions of fate and free will which makes both definitions paradoxical.
You can be agnostic all you want in regard to things that cannot be investigated but, to those that can, it's called ignorance.

>Believing that one's salvation is succured by works rather than acceptance of ideology
This has no value whatsoever as salvation is a purely religious concept. What if you don't need to be saved, eh? What if you can't obtain salvation because there is nothing to be saved from? How about you work to do good because it's the fucking good thing to do instead of doing it for the promise of something you may not even need and have no way of verifying that you do or that the process works.

>Elevating the individual above the group, at least in the New Testament.
As is the case with homo sapiens sapiens evolution regardless of religion or lack thereof. It's great that the New Testament recognizes instinctual behavior cultivated through natural selection for a couple of thousand years but it's not that big of a deal.

Dude, whats wrong?

Your anus still sore from your last priest visit?

Go say three hailmarys and bow before an Idol and beg to be healed and be done with it

>you need to do good in this life to be a good christian
>now give us money to spend less time in purgatory so we can have more gold in our fancy buildings
>ps dont use condoms when you're buggering children

As a devout Jew who taught in the synagogues of Galilee and the Temple
precincts of Jerusalem, Jesus would have observed the daily times of prayer
linked to the Temple sacrifices (evening, morning, afternoon) and their
associated rituals. His preaching—or the presentation of it in the gospels—likely
bears traces of sectarian conflicts within Palestinian Judaism of the first century.
He followed the tradition of the Hebrew prophets by reminding his listeners that
true religious observance consists not only of publicly observable behaviour, but
must extend to one's private devotions and personal intentions. He urged his
audiences to pray in secret and to fast without ostentation (Mt 6: 1–18). His
parables on prayer used unlikely exemplars of an integrity which he contrasted
with the practices of the conventionally religious, normally represented in his
preaching by the Pharisees, a sect known for careful observance of the Mosaic
Law. For example, Jesus describes a scene in which both a Pharisee and a tax
collector enter the Temple to pray. In the Pharisee's (audible) prayer, he thanks
God that he is not like other, sinful people. Meanwhile, the tax collector in both
posture and words humbly demonstrates his sense of unworthiness and need for
God's mercy. Jesus excoriates the Pharisee's inversion of prayer by which he
glorifies himself rather than God (Lk 18: 9–14).

This is dumb to say it was about getting the Holy Land. The first goal was to allow again pilgrimage to be made, they came up for the solution of creating orient christian kingdom to administrate and reward but you can't hide the real goal.

The crusade were not a free agression, this is a long term thoughtful respons to centuries of turkish sacks.

catholics arent christians, sorry lad
you germanics fucked roman christianitly when you invaded

>Did those crusader change catholic theology?

No , they were the legacy of Catholicism changing to incorporate paganism. The church became unsure of itself many times, what are you talking about? The core doctrine was usually ways in refute in one way or another.

Says the Proddie who oppose the Bible kys

You are the pagans with fake prayers like the Gentiles with your pathetic Hillsong Euphoria bullshit


Proddies are not Christians

they oppose the Early Christians

Show me a church father who doesnt contradict proddie teaching

I am waiting

As a devout Jew who taught in the synagogues of Galilee and the Temple
precincts of Jerusalem, Jesus would have observed the daily times of prayer
linked to the Temple sacrifices (evening, morning, afternoon) and their
associated rituals. His preaching—or the presentation of it in the gospels—likely
bears traces of sectarian conflicts within Palestinian Judaism of the first century.
He followed the tradition of the Hebrew prophets by reminding his listeners that
true religious observance consists not only of publicly observable behaviour, but
must extend to one's private devotions and personal intentions. He urged his
audiences to pray in secret and to fast without ostentation (Mt 6: 1–18). His
parables on prayer used unlikely exemplars of an integrity which he contrasted
with the practices of the conventionally religious, normally represented in his
preaching by the Pharisees, a sect known for careful observance of the Mosaic
Law. For example, Jesus describes a scene in which both a Pharisee and a tax
collector enter the Temple to pray. In the Pharisee's (audible) prayer, he thanks
God that he is not like other, sinful people. Meanwhile, the tax collector in both
posture and words humbly demonstrates his sense of unworthiness and need for
God's mercy. Jesus excoriates the Pharisee's inversion of prayer by which he
glorifies himself rather than God (Lk 18: 9–14).

cause obviously some caribean troll kid can decide what chrisitanity is about, proving posts after posts that he only read Matthew and closed the book.

No clue at what youre talking about

The study of prayer in polytheistic Graeco-Roman religion is fraught with
methodological questions and controversies. Some modern scholars, especially
those interested in early Christian spirituality, have often detected (or presumed)
a kind of pre-Christian piety, while others have emphasized the sharp differences
between polytheistic and monotheistic religious practice (Aubriot-Sévin 1992:
6–9, 33–48; Brown 2004: 34–73). In Graeco-Roman polytheism there was
certainly a strong emphasis on cult, typically linked to sacred place and sacred
object. Cultic practice was based on a transactional pattern of petition for divine
favour accompanied by sacrificial offering. The basic form of Greek prayer, an
invocation followed by a request, such as ‘O Zeus, give me good health,’
presumed sacrifice (Pulleyn 1997: 7–15; Aune 2001: 29–31). To the sacrifice
and the request might be added an argument as to why the request deserved to
be heard, and promise of further offerings if the request were granted (Chapot
and Laurot 2001: 12–13). One did not approach a figure of power, localized in a
sacred place (temple, grove, statue), informally or with empty hands

>proddie btfo by history

The Vatican used to be a very effective shitlib lobby UNTIL they put in the current openly shitlib pope.

More right wing catholics don't take him seriously thus they can't cause trouble. I hope Francis is pope forever.

it's a degradated (also, alas the most popular) form of christianity

primacy my ass.

Basically when the nun said to the class
>why do believe in God?
and the class sat in stunned silence until somebody said some bullshit answer
>no, it's because you were raised by Catholic parents
>and also don't go through with confirmation unless you honestly want to be part of this

And then you think back about the various stories and think about its historical role and you start to think you know what I can't refute most of that beyond how decrepit the human institution of attempting to run a rich, powerful city-state with global influence has become.


Jesus contrasted his own model prayer (known later as the ‘Lord's Prayer’) with
the ‘babbling and long-windedness’ of the Gentiles (Mt 6: 7). Paul, preoccupied
with establishing the position of his Gentile converts vis-à-vis Judaism, was also
keenly aware of the religious milieu in which his Gentile converts lived. Paul
knew that new Christians would have scruples about the fact that the meat
available in the markets typically came from sacrificial offerings in pagan temples
(1 Cor 8–10). The refusal of Christians to participate in local cults or to frequent
local temples set them apart from their neighbours, and caused turmoil during
Paul's ministry in Ephesus (Acts 19: 23–41). Because Christian prayer was not
linked to particular sacred places such as temples and shrines, Christians could
pray both communally or individually in any convenient location. In this they
were akin to the Jews, but lacked the ancient lineage that earned Jews some
respect in the Graeco-Roman world. Furthermore, the lack of a tangible object of
worship such as a statue or other sacred object contributed to the charge of
atheism levied against Christians in the Roman Empire. Not only would they not
conform to official veneration of the Emperor, they also refused to acknowledge
the various deities of the Graeco-Roman world represented by sacred animals,
trees, or rivers (Justin, 1 Apol. 34).

Catholic values are good if you aren't a pathetic stormfag that isn't really much different from an jihadist.

So yeah Catholicism I think gave me good values, went to really good Catholic schools (heavy focus on science instead of fairy tales like protestcucks) too. But I'm not a practicing one, just cultural.