Redpill me on iodine

Does it help with fluoride?
Third eye?

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When you put it on a wound, it stings.

What are you tripping on?

>not taking iodine

Yeah it's necessary bro. over 50% of the US is iodine deficient. you can buy sea kelp iodine tablets for much less than Infowars shit iodine. 500 tablets it's around 5$.

Antiseptic, colourant,
I am sure you can figure it out

I was just looking into this. It is supposed to help you decalcify the pineal gland but not everyone agrees that you actually need to take iodine.

First of all, iodized salt and many common foods contain iodine, so there's a good chance you're already getting close to the daily recommended value.

Secondly, if the main cause of pineal calcification is fluoride in the water, just drink exclusively distilled and/or reverse osmosis filtered water.

Absolute bs, Iodine is contained in table salt. Everything has it. Iodine deficiency is almost extinct in west. The iodine deficient thyroid regulation is shit burgers use an as excuse to be fat. Unless of course its is genetically in your family in which case shiiiiit.

>What are you tripping on?
I bought a 12% iodine solution and experimented over a month.
It did nothing except for making me feel warmer.

>pineal calcification
I don't know anything about this. Is it not a natural process?

>it stings
No it doesn't

>drink distilled
Don't do this, fuck lol. Drink redpilled spring water (check for tests on their website) or reverse osmosis

Adulthood is what calcify the pineal gland.
And no chemical is going to decalcify it, you must become enlightened.
Stop looking for shortcuts and quick fixes.

>Calcification rates vary widely by country and correlate with an increase in age, with calcification occurring in an estimated 40% of Americans by their 17th year.[29] Calcification of the pineal gland is largely associated with corpora arenacea also known as "brain sand".

Cant find any good info just by shit google search.
Dont care enough to scholarly article.
Tell me stuff abut this

Most company's that say spring water comes from city water supply

I can also google shit thank you boss.

Obviously, do research on local companies.

Can help with Thyroid issues. But can also fuck you up because the balance is needed, not just "more" blindly.

Check your values - not at the regular Doc their tests are shit, but at some place a bit more professional while still not too costly. Then adjust your diet accordingly.

Also stop eating toxic and poisonous foods. Like modern wheat, modern milk (some cheeses are more okay), sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.

Removing toxins will help your body balance both bloodsugar, salt levels and all that juicy shit much better.

>And no chemical is going to decalcify it, you must become enlightened.
Yeah I know about meditation but it's hard to sit for a meaningful timespan.
I know that the culprit is lack of a consistent schedule though.
Going to work on that.

i keep mine in a soy sauce bottle in the refrigerator

Bought some lugols iodine to experiment with, it did nothing

So pineal is for hormone regulation. It would make sense that as an evolutionary trait it would stop. Too much test in old age is liked to dementia and brain degradation.

>Also stop eating toxic and poisonous foods. Like modern wheat, modern milk (some cheeses are more okay), sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.
I'm on a ketogenic diet right now.
First days so I feel like shit even supplementing with salts.
I don't think I can do without cheese, I wouldn't meet my caloric intake.
Carbohydrates are a hell of a drug.

I have been taking iodine for 8 months straight. At first I felt weird, woozy and sometimes sick to my stomach after eating. After which, a lot of toxins seem to have worked its way out of my body, felt great and had lots of positive effects on me.

Also pineal calcification may lead to Alzheimer. So your damned if you do and damned if you dont.

It's good on the wound

>Too much test in old age is liked to dementia and brain degradation.
You don't know whether the body is producing more to fight the illness.
It could be like saying BDNF is bad because overexpressed in Alzheimer's or whatever.

Drink it.

ah I see someone's been listening to Alex Jones.

1866... My god op did they even know the earth was round back then.
Thats fair but since live subject testing is prohibited all we can base alot of things on are correlations. I do know that fat is linked to Alzheimer prevention, and that fat deposits produce estrogen, another correlation.

It's a fairy-tale.

low carb diets will make you hypothyroid unless you're heating thyroid glands

There's several things you can do (google it).
Stop using toothpaste, though. Don't introduce any more fluoride into your system. There's lots of natural alternatives that work as well or even better.
Personally I use sea salt (dissolved in water) and coconut oil, with a dash of peppermint oil for that minty freshness.

What is the big advantage. Florinated tooth past is proven to strengthen teeth. Why abandon quality of life for duration. If i could die at 70 or 80 with the metabolism and body of a 24yo much better deal.

>1866... My god op did they even know the earth was round back then.

Seeing the knowlege people had about astrology many thousands of years ago.
The flat earh thing is just some "new" dumb religious meme, just a few centuries old.

So what?
Do I have to stop pleasing the pecker?

I don't know that there is one, I'm just giving advice to people who want to try it. I'm doing it to find out for myself.
The whole thing is exactly about quality of life. Do a quick search and you'll start wondering how the fuck fluoride was ever legal to begin with.
It's not like it's a big sacrifice anyway. Preparing your own solution is quick, and you can even buy products without fluoride.

This meme has to stop.

There is nothing special about the pineal gland, nor does the "Calcification" harm you in any way.

What is the purpose of this thing anyway? Make you connected to god and the universe or what shit?


that's peroxide

Iodine deficiency was a real thing in the early 20th century in the upper midwest and pacific northwest, but yeah it doesn't exist here today

you're a big guy


the jews don't want you to take iodine, so you know it must be good

Gubberment gave iodine to children after Chernobyl incident. Don't know if it helps tho

You can use it to make Meth.

Here in bananaland we have iodine in every brand of salt, i ended up developing hashimoto's disease, that happens by excess iodine.

Iodine translates to jodium or jood in Dutch. Literally 'jewdium' or 'jew'.

No, but it could help.
Most people are like beasts, they think about fucking and "mounting the World" and thats just not good for anyone.
Don't be a beast.

for you

Konnichiwa for your loss user-san

Iodine has a specific role. There are radioactive isotopes of iodine which are commonly associated with a nuclear release. The thyroid gland tends to absorb and hold Iodine. If it does so with the radioactive iodine, it holds it in the body and strongly contributes to certain types of cancer and other issues. By feeding yourself a bunch of 'safe' iodine (usually potassium iodine), the thyroid gets saturated with it, and stops absorbing more. So instead of getting the radioactive iodine stuck in your thyroid, it just passes through. Keeping the thyroid saturated normally isn't a good idea, it is less bad than a thyroid full of radioactive isotopes.

The only way to descalcify your third eye is by meditating.
Filtred water and non processed food might help too

Hang in there, BRanon. We're trying to end medical research on rhesus monkeys.

Bros! I've been taking Iodine for 8 weeks and my pineal has not only uncalcified but I can actually move it around and shit.

Hurt at first but now I'm living the dream guys!

Drink .25 liters of iodine a day!

Throw some tumeric in there and it will whiten your teeth like no one's business

Downside is that it will stain anything else yellow, so you need to be careful not to drool when you brush, but you should be able to do that anyway

If you lack iodine you risk gout and cretinism


That won't help me, I'm from that 1% white that's trapped in this shit.