Walk out of Game Stop with your gf

>walk out of Game Stop with your gf
>these 4 drive up to you and tell you to get in the car

what do?

Oblige, but only under the condition that I get to choose the radio station we listen to.

push the bitch in and run like hell

Draw my S&W Shield and mag dump them

>implying I have a gf
>implying i buy my games instead of pirating them.

Call the police

Throw my boomerang at them and get a four hit bounceroo then call for a kangaroo taxi for me an me misses so we can get to the dropbear protection store to get a helmet and make it home to clean the toilet of spider webs


wonder how 4 blacks ended up in my towm

Glock 17 them.

wtf would i do in game stop
steam or torrent my dude

y-you too

u wot m8 il fuckin have (you)

then you'd prep sheila's tight cunt for that BIG EMU COCK

> live in GA
> can legally shoot them
> do so and get a medal

Why did the men pose like that?

Give them GF then ask them if they want me to bait more whites for them.

Quickly enter the car being entirely submissive as my prime minister has taught me. I allow them to kill me and thereby win!

Why am I at game stop?


Well I concealed carry cause I'm not a fucking cuckold so I keep walking and if they approach me I "defend myself" and waste them. Alabama is a stand your ground state so I'd get let off fast and clean

>Climb into the car, I hope they rape me
>They just beat me up and scalp me
That would be pretty fucking dissapointing

rest my hand on this and tell them to fuck off.

Just pay them their reparations and you won't get hurt.

I'm surprised I've never heard this excuse used before to justify a mugging. It sounds exactly like something the black supremacist assholes of today would say.

Posing with your chin up looks better in the judge's eyes. It proclaims innocence rather than guilt and remorse.

Wonder why there's niggers in Montana and then go buy a vidya

Bullshit. You'd probably be sitting in county for a few days on a 2nd degree murder charges before they fully investigated the case and choose not to indict you.

Hey there nigras!

Pop pop pop watching niggers drop.

A day max. Assuming they'd even delay it that long. There's way too much CCTV in public places and unless it's angled in such a way that somehow depicts the 4 people begging for their leaves/fleeing in terror they aint got shit for him.

Draw the heavily modified G26, BOOM.

Down goes the heavily inebriated bix-nood.

do a 360 and walk back into gamestop and call the police so they can come rodney king them

this tbqh


Humorously, I actually have been confronted by niggers when I went to a gaymstop during opening hours. He kept calling me a "motherfucka!" and I was like is he talking to me? What the fuck did I do? I'm not White but some people mistake me for white like dumbass niggers. I just walked away because it ain't worth it dealing with a nigger who's angry at you for no reason. They think they're being intimidating when I didn't give a shit but I have gotten a trouble before for "being racist" because I didn't back down during past confrontations & I stupidly beat the fuck out of the nigger.

That's the problem with the USA, niggers are treated like a speshul class of people who can do no wrong but everything you do is villainized even if ur not White.

With a broad welcoming smile I say, hey there my negroes (I know their slang) and raise a hand expectantly into the air, then, in a high pitched voice I call out 'high five', when they go high I go low, we all laugh at our enriching cross cultural interaction & go our separate ways


i axe them that

Laugh at them and tell them to fuck off.

i'll pull out my gun

It's Alabama, you're fine