When was your first exposure to anime and when was that Sup Forums?

When was your first exposure to anime and when was that Sup Forums?

*which*, sorry for that

This isn't politics. Please, unironically delete this and don't make a new one; this kind of stuff slides other threads.
noice pic though


Are you REEEtarded?

huh? it is anime though...

Speed Racer a looooong time ago

>Be me and 12 years old or whatever
>Play dating game on newgrounds.com cuz horn dog kid
>Game was Love Hina dating sim
>Now I like anime harems

My sister had a weeb phase and convinced me to watch Naruto when they were marathoning for their 100 episode. Got to like episode 70 before I realized weebness was not for me. Never watched Anime after that

Bible black when I was like 8

Back in the day when the Sci-fi channel ran Saturday Anime. I think it was either Tank Police or Vampire Hunter D that I first watched.

>Hired that famous anime movie, Akira(?), on vhs from rental store.
>Watched it and realised it was utter incoherent shit
>Return VHS to rental store
>Refuse to rewind
>Never watch anime again

It ain't nigguh.
Anything that good can't be anime.

>Refuse to rewind

>Anything that good can't be anime.
guess how I know you haven't seen boku no pico

High school friends, naruto, dbz gantz, monster, black lagoon, monster x hunter

>other threads deleted
>this thread still here

First, last and only

moomin when i was 6

newfag hasn't been here since b4 Sup Forums

I guess when Pokemon first got big in the late 90s. Never expanded my reach any further until fairly recently when some nip movies like castle in the sky, graves of the fireflies, and spirited away were shown to me.the first two were terrific, spirited away was alright. Certainly now worth the fanfair I've heard about it after the fact

Tsubasa,in pizda ma-tii