Trump lost by 3,000,000 votes. He's not my president. He's a fucking loser

Trump lost by 3,000,000 votes. He's not my president. He's a fucking loser.

Must suck to live in California.

cool b8 dude

Yes he is

You knew the rules going in.

Who am I kidding, most liberals probably didn't know what the electoral college was.

I guess that's why he's the president elect

Have a fun 8 years, cuck.

It's awful. My BFF is one of those people that gets all their "politics" from the view and snl and shit. It was just a complete cringe fest during the election.

Like. That's nice. Some people care about real issues though.

As if anyone had a choice "going-in."
Screencap this post, in 4 years Trump will have broken all of his promises to the alt-right and the reddit immigrants here will be trying to justify their votes for him as epic trolls and anti-liberal warfare. They've already started, really. Enjoy those massive tax increases!

Yes he is you just haven't accepted it yet

He won, despite losing the meaningless popular vote.

Clinton won like maybe 5 counties.

I'm president. Believe me.

who said anything about having a choice? its just the rules of the game, and you either win or lose, and you lost worse than anyone we've ever seen. do you not even question why your corrupt whore had more faithless electors than any candidate in over 100 years?

>Hmmm, drain the swamp sounds good!
>He lost the popular vote but he won the electoral college, can't wait for him to dismantle the swamp!

What are states

What are states?

obviously you dont know how the electoral system works in democratic countries.

Enjoy the gulag

Out of all the colleges that liberals infest the one they couldn't into was the the Electoral.

>lives in the US
>not my president

haha stay mad BITCH

If by that you mean POTUS, won via fair election then I agree. How many illegals do you think voted this time? Must be allot. I hear you have a big problem with illegal immigration in the US. I even heard some cities were allowing them to vote regardless. Isn't that terrible?

Love watching the numbers go up after the fact. Soon it will be muh six million!!

you'd think being in college, they would have the brain power to realise that its based on territory won via votes and not the overall vote numbers in the country.


do you even read your words before you hit post?

They think we have a democracy, instead of a Republic in which the votes are conducted democratically at the state level. They aren't well versed in political theory, majoring in women's studies and other nonsense.

Cry more.

the fact that you can get a degree in multiculturalism is a sign that colleges are mentally ill.


Was there anyone who didn't already confront the possibility he was just a shill? Either way I'd still prefer Trump-lite to Hillary.


>Click here
Retard straw man argument.
Check back in 6 months to a year and you won't even admit to voting for this assstick.

Fucking drumpfies can't handle this. Bump for conservatears.

It is true that Trump is not your president right this second. However, barring any catastrophe, he will in point of actual and literal fact be your president, provided that you are a United States citizen or closely related category, in a matter of hours. And there is absolutely nothing that you can do about it unless you are willing and able to do certain things that I of course absolutely do not condone and am very obviously not encouraging you to do.

Your central rhetorical point is also wasted by the simple fact that you are presumably resident in this country where the presidential electoral process has remained fundamentally unchanged thus far, and is in point of actual fact again fully capable of being changed if certain supermajorities of opinion can be secured at certain stages. It is interesting to me that in the aftermath of the far more contentious Bush election, liberals did not spend vigorous, years-long energy toward reform in how presidential elections are actually carried out in this country. Perhaps that will change. But what you don't get to do is to gainsay the fact that Trump will in point of actual fact preside over you and will in point of actual fact represent you in government in about two weeks. And this exactly because the people who matter, showed up. What you fail to capture in your stupidity is that large number of would-be carers didn't care this time round, exactly because of how unlikeable and untrustworthy the opponent was - yes, even when stood up against a Trump, who (being careful now) admittedly has his own problems.

Donald John Trump is going to take the presidential oath of office some hours from now. He is going to execute that task, one time, and flawlessly, without a need for a do-over, as Obama did. And then he will be in control of the nuclear football, and there is nothing that you can possibly do about that fact barring what we all know you shouldn't do, and it is a good thing on the whole.

>the alt right is a real thing
Spot the shill. Nice touch with the reddit hate though.

>there are people this retarded alive and probably getting more vagina then you


"Muh Constitutions, Muh guns, Muh belt buckles"
Go pound some bibles you fuckwad, go drive around a big useless truck and get fucked in the ass at the gas pump because your penis is too small

>3,000,000 votes

in california. that's why we have the electoral college, so that one state doesn't drag the entire country wherever it wants to go. although that wouldn't be too bad for education if massachusetts was in charge

Holy shit fuck off with these stupid fucking platitudes

Nothing you do or say, no amount of seances or drum circles you organize will change the fact that Trump is the president of America.

Your President is back in Mexico Juan... you're gonna be sent back.


Sweet, sweet conservatears.

No, he is your president.

Liberals are really showing their mental illness thanks to this election.

You know who's not your president? Clinton. HAHAHAHAHA

Meh, Trumps a pedophile.

prove it.


Why do right-wing advocates like Trump always love sex with underage girls? Are all right-wingers pedophiles? Is being pedo ok now?


deadass b. no white boy is gon tell this soul sista was good



donate to my patreon or your a racist bigot, thanks

cuck detected
initializing scan...
weaponized terminal autism found
you need to restart your life to finish the cleanup

to be fair, there were a lot of people on the right who said the same thing when Obama won his first election.

So Hillary's password was 12345 and Podesta's password was password.

What was Weiner's password?
