Are Indians the master race?

Why are they so smart and successful Pol?
I don't interact with them much because I get sort of creepy vibes from them ( sorry for being racist)

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Even the Gods are Indians because there are so many of them.

1. They assimilate
2. They don't bitch about """privilege"""
3. They are pretty much Asians
4. They learn English
5. They do good work


There is only one God though


No there is not, look at Christians, Jews, Zoorastrians, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism.

You can't actually say that all of them are the same guy, when all of these religions are at each others neck all the time.

>only second to the chinks in manufacturing poo.

Indians can be cool, but I'd never want to work with one. In my experience, they are great at taking in theoretical knowledge, but have very limited practical skills. More importantly, with a few exceptions, they have very limited creative thinking, and can't seem to take initiative. The latter part is probably cultural. Good maintainers, not so good creators.

t. cs student.

Masters of the pooniverse.

>Around 80 IQ
>Doesn't even poo in loo
>Zero historical achievements
>Master race

Also this, same with chinks btw.

tech companies love them because they work cheap, that's all. they are high tech mexicans.

They are good at mindlessly memorizing and regurgitating stuff
t.medical student

But why do they hire em if they are going to mess up anyways?
Isn't that bad for them ?

those are actual indians, not the americanized ones.

Most indians are dumb, but the top 2% of indians are actually like really smart. A lot of those migrate to the west too.

The masterst Indians go to the US. The average Indian IQ is just over 80 - that's their racial mean.

because they realize their country is a shithole and it's nearly impossible to fix it now.



if they're the greatest, why is india a shitty country?

I actually haven nothing against Indians, they fought Muslims and are pretty smart with a culture focused around hard work and education.

Plus I've always been a fan of mythology and their pantheon of Gods and religious stories are pretty cool.

I just won't go to India because I'm not a fan of poo, Its a shame cause I like Indian food here in the U.S

CEO of several major companies, didn't invent any of it or start said companies. Sounds like a diversity quota thing instead.

True. Good luck pulling a Japan or China with an average IQ of 80 and almost sand nigger level culture.

Average Indian living in India: IQ 82
Average Indian immigrant to America: 112
The legal immigration system gives us their best and brightest, and that makes it easy to mistake their race as smart.

But You have a sand nigger culture too

That's right, the most intelligent and talented Indians are the ones that migrate.

However, if you acknowledge this and you acknowledge their success in America, do you also acknowledge then that Indians in America are largely superior to native born whites in America?


the sad part is that India needs those smart people, brain drain is fucked up to those developing countries.

yes only because you're comparing the best apples of a rotten tree to all apples in a normal tree.

Their racial mean might be a little better than what testing would suggest though. The Indian diet is abysmal, couple that with rampant childhood disease and the average Indian probably hasn't fulfilled their genetic potential for intelligence.

The caste system is probably partially stratified on intelligence as well.

Not only the best and brightest immigrate buddy

Does the CEO of Google that came in on an H1B probably have a superior intellect than the average person? Sure, but the Indians that run the Indian grocery store down the street from me probably don't.

Hey I dont mind india-indians and all, but ytf do they smell so bad??
Not memeing this indian kid sat 2 tables away from me and suddenly it reeked like an outhouse
How? Do they not wipe or like wipe with their hands and not wash them?.


spoke my mind swedenbro.

>Zero historical achievements
Might want to correct that.

I hate tech companies

Check this 4chin inspired site I made. Not trying to advertise or anything (but actually am huehuehue). Also, peace be to you Sup Forums. You have been the essense of my inspiration.

High cast Indians are basically as white as Italians.

People forget "Indian" isn't really a race but a bunch of races living on top of each other.

they kinda are tho

at least the ones not in India who have westernized

Pajeet my son.

I was in India this summer. They are successful because an Indian has two options; become a doctor, engineer, lawyer etc or starve.

It's pretty much that simple. Their culture forces them to work very very hard, because in India if you do not, you will be poor as fuck.


Probably the opposite. The Indian diet is a lot healthier than the Western diet. A lot less cancer, heart disease, stroke etc. etc.. Also around 80 is in line with their neighbors.

Yeah sure, but you live in America, not India right? So in your everyday life then, do you favour Indian immigrants over native born whites in any way? Would you rather hire one of these talented Indians instead of a random white dude? Would you rather one of these talented Indians marry your daughter instead of random white dude?

Oh, for sure, no disagreement here. That's why you have to look at it statistically right? But statistically, Indians are outperforming native born whites. They have higher average incomes. That's just fact.

maybe there are inferior races/groups based on genetics, but I would prefer to judge on the individual level. So it depends on how the indian guy compares to the white.

They actually invented the zero.

Indians are actually pretty based when they stop shitting everywhere

of course you would know

Have the indians ever done anything? I mean, they got colonized by Britain and they unified themselves to that's pretty cool but... what else?

It's mostly Islam fighting Islam though. I think we can agreed that's the worst religion by far.

Is that why all those companies have been going downhill lately, NASA is a joke now, and the quality of medical services has been slipping?

why do Indians tend to be autistic and suck at interacting even at the workplace? jewbook creeps tend to be like 80% pajeets

No. Their diet is deficient from a micro-nutrient perspective and largely quite low in protein. Overall not good for fulfilling their genetic potential for intelligence (or height for that matter).

Also it is invalid to compare Cancer, Heart Disease and Stroke rates between India and western countries. These are conditions that present later in life. The average Indian's life is 10-12 years shorter than a westerner so their likelihood of presenting these conditions is much lower.

Right. That's sensible. After all, you can get the better measure of man by having a short conversation than you can just by looking at their race right?

So is there even a point to viewing societies through a racial lens? Judging on the individual level overall seems to be the more sensible route.

So could Indians potentially become smarter with proper diet and education? or do you think it's genetic?

no there isn't a point, which I wish most of Sup Forums would realize even if blacks on average are inferior.

The only Indians you see OP are the good ones we choose to bring over like doctors and what not, if you went to India you would see how deprived and savage those poeple are; absolutely not master race.


Yes. I think with a better diet and sanitary living conditions the mean Indian IQ would improve.

Right, but you live in America. Indians in America score higher on IQ tests and have higher incomes than native born whites. Would you say that Indians in America are better than native born whites in America?

30% of every tech company is Indian because they can be paid pennies on the dollar as they are generally unskilled

There are some Indians in executive positions in tech companies. You must understand that there are more than five companies in the world right? And there are lots of Indians; it's a big country, and it's a country that also happens to be crawling with tech workers, usually unskilled ones but the odd skilled one.

There's really nothing remarkable to note here.

>I think we can agreed that's the worst religion by far.

Of course. Immigrants were the ones rich (richer people are more intelligent) and intelligent (intelligent to want more and realize you're living in a shithole) enough to get away.

could it be the same with blacks?

Not true. They eat plenty of lentils etc. good sources of protein - in fact it's a lot better than meat. They also eat a lot of veggies (they have very plant based diets) so they get all the vitamins. I can guarantee that they have a lot less cancer, heart disease, stroke etc. (after you control for all the relevant variables including age) because I have looked at the data myself.

The average Indian have a lot better diet than the average burger - diet is not the problem, the problem is low IQ because... bad DNA.

Ahh, Aussies and their shitposting.

I mean they pick and choose the best Indians so there's a very small % of Indians and they all do good but there's a lot of whites who don't (the south), so not really

The invented short spears in 1800 so no

Not to mention Indian cronyism. It is widely recognized (probably not officially though) that Indians when given the opportunity preferentially hire other Indians.

It's not bad DNA it's simple maths we have more people with genius level iq than there are people in burgerland but that true for the number of lower iq people too


>call up helpline
>indian guy answers
>he's called stewart
>holds my pc for ransom
>shows me how to OOP tho

Literally master race.

Yeah, no doubt they pick and choose the best. But still, that's the reality in America is it not? The reality is that Indians in America are doing better and have lower crime rates than white people in America, regardless of what is happening in India.

So does that mean it makes sense to give preferential treatment to Indians over whites? Should they be preferred by employers? Should they be preferred as neighbours? Should they be preferred by your daughter?

Your post only proves my point. Do you know what a bell curve looks like panjeet?

i know! I know!

Doubtful in western countries.

I doubt you have actually looked at the data
>The intake of micronutrients in daily diet is far from satisfactory and largely less than 50% RDA is consumed by over 70% of Indian population

By comparison in the US roughly 1/3 people will have a micronutrient deficiency, and it is typically for Vitamin D. Not 70% of the population getting

That's a stupid question

>what are averages

Go on

Why? Aren't those the metrics used to determine that white people are superior to black people?

You know, I have always had really bad interview experiences with asians. I get to the point where I expect that if I am interviewed by an asian (incl. indian), that it will not go well. I do think that the Chinese tech workers in the US, and Indians, have a secret pact or at the very least a bias toward hiring their own people.

I've also seen asians that I work with cling together. It's weird and cult-like.

>tfw reginald tippington left me a virus

We're not smart or successful. Maybe 1 percent of the population worldwide is intelligent. We are the ugliest men on the planet aside from abos. No woman will ever want us. Our country is a giant shithole.

Iq is not affected by diet with exception of famine and india has it worse than portions of subsharan africa. Vegetarianism is also another suppressing influence.
But their genetics aren't uniform becuase of the castes marrying within lines and the literate bloodlines don't mix with illiterates.

You know. I'd love to have Indians in the same position that Jews take now.

I'd be totally ok with that, because they're not a race of sociopaths.

Like your gaped asshole?

Bits and Indians have more in common than you might think, for instance skin color.

>regression to the mean

Their culture is based on the mentality of "succeed or literally starve"

Most American students cannot compete with their work ethic as they have never felt like their lives truly depended on their studies.

In the US, no matter how poor you are, we know we can get food stamps, welfare etc and we will never have to worry about actually dying from our lack of financial success.

In India this is not the case. Even second generation immigrants have this drilled into their heads, either become a doctor or an engineer or you will essentially be disowned by your family.

This is reflective of immense poverty of India. Average IQ is like 85 there, and the vast majority of their 1 billion+ population are working menial jobs for 200 rupees a day.

When you have a nation as large and as poor as India this is bound to happen. Some of the most successful and hard working people on earth, and yes many of them move west in search of a better home.

First off

>lower crime rates
That's because they're a very small minority
>should they get preferential treatment over whites

Absolutely not you absolute Cuck

Why do Indians shake their heads like retards when they are confused?

Nah we do have historical achievements. I think we only won like 2 Olympic medal (not a single gold) even though we have over 1 billion people.

*Ok, I'll go for it* But they shake their heads all the time.

Yes, but your weak mind is extending these rules beyond endurance. No one should have to compete with the entire fucking globe.

Moreover, you purposefully disreard tradition and regression to the mean.

We have a small mental chat with vishu on how to proceed

Still ugly and usually still smelly. My family is pretty well off but its not enough to net me a woman.

If you got a billion or so of any race user, a few are going to wind up extremely successful.

Incorrect. Multiple micronutrient deficiencies at different developmental stages can have permanent deleterious effects on intelligence.

No they aren't but yes indian isn't a race.

There are some good looking indians tho
I think your biggest problem is immigrants who don't bathr