Pick one

>If a muslim or black is born in Europe he is not an European.

>If a white, caucasian person is born in the third world he is a nigger.

which one it is Sup Forums are you or aren't you defined by where you were born?

Sup Forums BTFO again

what if i was born on a plane over international waters

If you come here, live in a ghetto with your fellow sandniggers and never even try to integrate then you have basically imported a piece of your shitskin country into germany.
If you then pump out babies in your ghetto and raise them the same way you live, it doesn't suddendly make them european/german.

Jus Sanguinis is the proper way to pass citizenship.

US fucked everything up with Jus Soli

A Muslim can never be European, but a black man can.

>European is not a race, muslim is not a race
Just fuck off already, you stupid nigger.

Those with European blood are European. And by European blood I mean they can draw their ancestry from white peoples of Europe, to a high enough degree of purity that their skin is still white. The shitskin does not have European blood, or if he does it is spoiled (which is made obvious by his dark skin). The white person born in the third world has pure European blood, because if his family had undergone racemixing since they left Europe his skin would not be white today.

>implying Europeans aren't shit tier

My skin is white. I am not European.

How does your faggy theory hold up now?

I did say that europeans are not a race, didn't I? you're a burger of mysterious origin, so what?

prove you are white then, favela monkey

You are defined by your individual accomplishments


>race is just skin color

t. retard

I've been in a garage for 15 years so I'm a car.

No. You are what your genetics are you fucking niggers.

only white people believe in individualism

Hey how long until a Jew is King Nigger of Brasil--its nice to see how Jewy their internet is.

Don't you have to go get your fingers machette'd off by another nigger?

My point stands.

not even a little

Both collectivism and individualism are correct to an extent. After all the collective is the result of numerous individuals shaping their community and race over time.

The point is just too subtle for you.

>If a white, caucasian person is born in the third world he is a nigger.

No one says this because it obviously isn't true so we can easily say that only the first option is correct.

The individual's worth is still based on his personal accomplishments, not his race, Thomas Sowell is more valuable than Ted Bundy.

This desu. When people call third worlders (on Sup Forums) niggers they're just trying to bamboozle us. Which works, as seen by you creating this thread.

You're a planosexual.

fpbp mi amigo ario

>9gag watermark
this is how you put the redpills into the kool-aid- most excellent!

What? Someone white born in America is white, while someone black born in Europe is black. These don't conflict.

but there are more black serial killers per capita than white serial killers per capita

statistics matter far more than single outliers. On average blacks are dumb and violent, there's no way around that fact

I agree with that, but that doesn't change the fact the person's individual worth is based on his personal accomplishments, a great man isn't great because he is white, he is great because he accomplished something. Europeans obviously have a great rate of accomplishment, but that doesn't mean European person has an automatic pass to some self-entitled sense of greatness, it's earned, not given.

>If a white, caucasian person is born in the third world he is a nigger.

I don't mind the 9% or so of those South African niggers

Underrated. Carry on.

>>If a white, caucasian person is born in the third world he is a nigger.


"It is no nation we inhabit, but a language. Make no mistake; our native tongue is our true fatherland."

Couldn't you argue that it's about the families heritage

You're ultimately defined by your ethnicity.
So no, you aren't defined by where you were born, but by your genetic makeup.

Stay cucked, Canute.

Here's the thing. At the individual level, none of this matters. If you are a genius, I don't care what race you are, I consider you of high value.

As large groups, it does matter, because although there is variation within each group, the averages of the groups are different.

What the left does, unfortunately, is declare (without a shred of proof) that these differences are due to nothing more than racism. Since whites have the highest averages, they must therefore be the most racist. They then end up punishing average and below average whites, simply for having white skin and being apart of this group.

For the most part, all the "racism" on this site is just a reaction to this.

Whites who are born into poor families, and often are in the same situation as blacks, don't see any of this "white privilege" that they supposedly have, yet are demonized by the left as though anything they worked hard for just magically came to them through their skin.

The left wish to enforce a sick form of communism, where each racial group is the same on average (they don't give a shit about people starving on the street, as long as the racial percentages all add up).

Then, finally, we have dipshits like you coming on here asking stupid questions like this, to people who otherwise wouldn't give a fuck if it wasn't for leftists pushing this shit in the first place.

Does that answer your question?