Redditors confirm their is no afterlife

The Afterlife is a sensitive subject whether their is life after death is life's biggest mysterious. According to a series of redditors who have had near death experiences. Life after death is like an eternal sleep with no God or hell. Swedish redditor r00tdude who died twice once through a motorcycle accident and the second through a drug overdose. During both times he saw no God and felt like a long sleep. Many redditors had similar experiences.
So there you go Sup Forums death is but eternal sleep with no God or Hell

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What about the same people who died and actually seen heaven and hell?

Enjoy the eternal slammer.

>died twice
>still alive to post about it on plebbit

really activates my almonds


The Heaven is for real kid recanted. Basically, he said what his parents expected him to say (or what he figured they expected), which wasn't the truth. He came out and said it was a lie in 2015.

>Bible literally says we all sleep until judgement day
>no God

Whatever you say, schlomo.

The only sane thing for a Christian to do is dismiss all near-death experiences, Christian, pagan, and atheist as neurological phenomena.

Anything else is mere superstition.

One of these stories was fabricated and was admitted by the supposed victim who said he lied and his book was pulled

>Scriptures say nothing of the sort, repeatedly show people cognizant while dead.

Heresy, heresy everywhere.

People's brains release a chemical that creates hallucinations when the body is close to death.
It's a way for the brain to basically decide that it's given up and trick itself into thinking that death is a good idea.
It's completely natural and can be explained without "muh jebus".

Uh huh. Sure.

Well yeah. The concept of an afterlife is silly because it lacks no proof. Same as the concept of a god.

>>Bible literally says we all sleep until judgement day
source on this pls

>Drug addict
>Unsafe driver
No wonder didn't go anywhere. Besides not all humans on this planet have souls anyway, some may appear to be human, even think they are but in reality they're not.

That's a different account the one the movie is based on still stands by his story

Lacks proof*

I believe we go to sleep after we die

On judgement day God will call those who are worthy of life back to life

So I'm not really surprised they might have entered death and fell into a state that felt like sleep or pre-birth

I swear /pop/ is so god damn autsitic

Its source is his ass, John goes to heaven and finds humans there, Paul [or Paul's friend] does the same, Jesus tells a story of both a Rich Man and Lazarus still cognizant, the scriptures say that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, etc, etc, etc, etc.

Now watch him arm himself with Scriptures he neither has read nor understands to try and prove his doctrine that was invented mere centuries ago.

He admitted his story was false. He admitted he didn't go to heaven. That undermines the whole thing.

Except one of these near death heaven encounters was a neurologist who said what he experience was no hallucination

Alex Malarkey later retracted his story, saying he made up his alleged visions. This contrasts with Colton Burpo of Heaven Is for Real, who stands by his visions. Your mixing the two up

So you get to decide what is and isn't a hallucination now? How is he supposed to know if it was or not? How can he prove that?

Which is why every year dozens of people of all faiths have them.

Near death experiences are NOT an argument Christians should be using, they are difficult to verify, pagans have them too [and they confirm THEIR beliefs], most of them blatantly contradict the Scriptures and each other.

Its a shit argument, and it makes us look stupid when people use it.

Sure, bud. It's not like we can just Google things such as the Bible and death being sleep, or anything similar, and see tons and tons of straight from the Bible sources for that statement. No siree, you're the genius here.

Dumb faggot.

>calls others autistic
Why be so mean to yourself and others?

>Jesus spoke in parables
>this one is definitely something that happened

You sound like a weak Christian with all that foaming at the mouth. Crack open a Bible once in awhile.

I implore you all to check this site out. I find it far more reliable than reddit (which is huge on athiesm... those neckbeard fucks.)



He didn't really "die" if he's able to post on rebbid. Just cause your heart stops doesn't mean you're dead.

>Prove afterlife doesn't exist
>Source is people who are still alive
>From reddit

Okay faggot. Whatever you say.

I've read the entire Scriptures multiple times, your doctrine is heretical. Christians who die are with the Lord while the body is dead, the dead do not sleep.

Saying "Nuh uh its metaphorical" is not an argument. Even if Jesus was speaking in a parable-

>King Saul spoke to Samuel's ghost
>John of Patmos saw numerous human beings in heaven
>Paul says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord

I could go on. You're doctrine a shit.

Really activates your DMT.

There've been several near-death experiences where people have stated that their level of conciousness is ultra-real - greater than when they're going about their day-to-day life.

It's not like a fuzzy dream or hallucination, they feel alert and wide-awake...


If your heart stops, you are clinically dead.


the kid's name was Alex Malarkey

I'm speechless


Well, thank fucking god. Just what I wanted.

this faggot spammer has several of these low-tier religious bait threads up. remember sage goes in options field

I'm a Christian and even I know that's made up


> Alex Malarkey
> Malarkey

>Redditors confirm that their shitty thread is saged and hidden

That's even stupider because Burpo was never dead. Maybe he had a dream, but he certainly didn't see heaven and he is no evidence for the existence of heaven.

Dr. Alexander's story is riddled with holes that he (as a neurosurgeon) should know better. He's making up the story to get money from christians because they'll buy this stupid shit.

You still haven't put forth any actual evidence.

yet you can live again? are they resurected?

They aren't literally dead, even if they have no brain activity.

Pure conjecture on his part, it seems.

Carl really does give off a vibe that he was a confused person who didn't have a solid understanding of religion, just like many other people who are alive today.

If gets, there is an after-life.

>No Paradise
>Sleep forever
pick one

His heart stopped twice for both two minutes each. He had been a devout Atheist but still hoped for an afterlife but saw nothing.


> science discovers more planets and bigger universe
> only proving how unique earth really is
> continue on science my good friend

>saw no God and felt like a long sleep
But this is exactly what is described. I even talked with a man that said he saw exactly this and it only affirmed his belief more because it fit 100% with what he read.

He also described a feeling of love and peace.

Anyone that has the vision of heaven or hell is either lying and doesn't know what they are talking about, or is having hallucinations as their brain dies.

>God operates on the basis of "clinically"
>Implying an omnipotent being doesn't know you're going to live
>Live and go to post on Reddit

Atheists truly are moronic creatures. Thank God we won't have to deal with you subhumans in heaven.


You dont dream the second you fall asleep

It sometimes takes a long time


>devout atheist
so atheism is a religion.

also get some reading comprehension, I said it doesn't matter if his heart stopped, he didn't actually die or he wouldn't be around to post on r/fedora


The "nothing happens after you die" is a jewish meme. Reincarnation happens. Jesus said it, Buddha said it, Hitler said it, and a whole bunch of kids who member their past lives say it. Energy can't be destroyed only changed niggers.

No heartbeat doesn't equate dead. I'll only believe someone if their brain stopped ceasing for at least an hour

I believe we live in a matrix or simulated world / mandela effects / parralel universes over this stupid I saw nothing but I'm still alive athiest meme

It's called DMT, you should try it sometime. It's a natural and very common molecule the body releases into itself during birth, death, and extreme injury.

The Spirit Molecule, look it up on YT.


Don't even worry about it just keep being ungodly degenerates.

Wouldn't want any of those soon-to-be heffers.

>Energy can't be destroyed only changed niggers.
Nobody's saying energy is destroyed. They're saying the energy that was your neurons firing, blood flowing, and air exchange in your lungs becomes heat which then escapes through the back of your corpse into the cooling slab and into the ambient air.

> applying the law of conservation of energy to life after death
Now that's what I call pseudo-science desu.

When you die, your "energy" - i.e. energy you obtained from performing daily bodily functions like eating, sleeping, getting sunlight, etc DOES change form. It goes into the Earth when you decay you retard. Your "soul" doesn't carry "energy" that gets transmuted into another living creature.

why do atheists hate dogs?

So heaven is sleep WOAH this the Christian afterlife

Seriously. If you don't die, then you're not dead. Pretty simple elementary level biology really.

My brother is an EMT. The Dr. pronounces you dead when you have no brain activity, not when your heart stops. These guys didn't die.

go away fags

((reddit)) its after midnight gtfo faggot

Unfortunately the idea of this is a problem because how many souls would the universe realistically have? We obviously aren't the only planet with life on it and even if we were, there have been reports of people saying that they lived as animals.

So you have a planet with some billions of animals on it and constantly rising with some species obviously dying out, but we do generally have a surpluss that is only going to get bigger.

Where are all these souls coming from if they can't be created or destroyed?

life after death, or the universe being a simulation, can't be proven or disproven.

if heaven/simulation is proven, this might be the only structure of the universe that is self-sustaining, and thus doesn't strictly prove an outside influence

if heaven/simulation is disproven, that proof might be part of the divine plan/simulation

What if there is an afterlife, it's just that if you get revived after a NDE you can't take your memories of it back with you when you wake up alive again?



Your heart can be revived if it stops beating. What's a defibrillator?

the DMT hypothesis is bullshit, it comes from (((Rick Strassman))) who figured that since DMT is a naturally produced chemical in your body that can make you hallucinate that it must be the cause of near death experiences, even though there is no evidence that DMT is secreted near death/at death. Find me one piece of credible evidence that says so.

You live your life over and over again, never being aware of it. You can only experience life for your genetic code and recognition number.

I've talked to people that have had experiences. They seem genuine, who gives a fuck what someone on reddit says about anything? Especially a swede

I've died before, the cliches are true and then some. Posted about it before and got banned.

Best advice I can give: make a little short memory movie ~10 min, so as your dying you have some things to think about instead of just winging it. Pleasantries, highlight reel, the good and the bad.

Brace yourself, hell of a ride, I feel bad thinking of all the old people hopping on the roller coaster.

Last important thing you will do.

Humans are immortal because of their beliefs.

HA x 10 to the millionth power

> made up his story
> name is literally Malarkey

Exactly. We have no evidence of such things, so obsessing over them in life is demonstrably silly.

So much time and human lives wasted on this crap.

Pretty sure the simulation theory can be disproven... or at least put on incredibly unstable ground.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics (processes occur to maximize entropy increase) is related to the microstates of a system.

If the universe were being simulated, the amount of memory required to conduct it would be approaching infinity.

>I've died before
and yet here you are posting, what's it like in the next life?

You know what the problem with Sup Forums is these days?

Everyone is obsessed with death.

> Find me one piece of credible evidence that says so
I would also like this.

Then why are you still here?

What if god flashes you with a flashy thing from men in black when you get brought back to life?

>fedoras 0
>theists 1

Aye. A simple Nord like me just wants to drink some mead.

>energy isn't destroyed therefore reincarnation
This meme needs to stop. Energy is a system's capacity for work. When work is done, energy is consumed and is no longer exploitable. It's still there, you just can't use it. Read about a little thing called entropy.

Oh shit dood

STOP. why is anybody posting in this thread? Just stop. Go back to redit if you want to shitpost about redit. At the very least fuck off to Sup Forums

This. Superstitious "psychics" and fucking /x/ all attribute "energy" as something inherent to life and a person's "soul"

Don't get me wrong, I would love for there to be an afterlife (because I'm afraid of pure nothingness to be honest) but as an aspiring physicist this shit pisses me off.

Heaven is nice, comfy and prime vibes. Even smells like Heaven. Great lighting. Top notch advanced quintessence gated community.

Hell: custom fitted for filtering, designed to equate and seat in understanding of effects of degeneracy and voluntary wrongdoing. Layered.

God is more human than we are

R00tdude has stated he Plans to live life to his fullest and if he saw God he would believe in him

You can't disprove the simulation theory that way, since every physical effect you see could be stated to be simulated.

Possibly the best disproval is the contention of 'Reason for Simulation':
There is not an eminent reason anyone would simulate a universe entirely.
Humans run simulations to better understand the universe around them for the purpose of survival.
Yet if you already have sufficient information to simulate a universe, what is the point to the runner to do so?

The theory lacks the component that explains why the simulation exists, as opposed to real earth simulations.

>lol my conscious is sandwiched between two infinite nothings

Atheists are fucking retarded.