Sup Forums Be honest, as a gay guy and for most gay guys in general

Are you a failure to society? It seems to be there isnt anything worse than being decided you no longer continue your line...

>tfw tall white skinny submissive gay....

If you label yourself this way, then people are only going to want to hate you, or bend you over a bar and fuck you.

That's what I don't get about gays. They label themselves by their sexuality, the most boring thing about them, to the exclusion of everything else.

I don't buy the libertarian argument of "as long as they're not hurting anybody"

By being gay, you are hurting society.

So "failure" isn't the right word. "Disease" is more like it.

Not really publically labeling self when you're just bitching how you are

> *tips fedora*

You're just another drop of water eroding the moral fabric of this country.

Whatever. You work and pay taxes? Good enough

(((principled conservative))) detected

kissless virgin jap detected

I know. It's permissible here because it relates to what you're talking about.'s permeated society, hasn't it? You're gay before your ANYTHING else. That's the problem. People can't just magically tell you're gay unless you inform them, and for all intents and purposes most will just see you as a citizen, so.. is right.

You'll never have kids or continue your line, but plenty of people don't get that chance these days.

If your a gay man, hard work ethic, non degenerate, can't tell your gay until it comes up that's perfectly fine in this world but if your a faggot wearing BDSM gear and a dildo on your head crawling around time square on a leash with your slave master your a piece of human garbage and need to kys

You're so much of a loser you had to resort to kissing other MEN

fucking lmao

hey at least i get to kiss someone.

He's trying to help you, why don't you stop acting like a fucking asshole to people that are giving you valuable advice?

If you're having problems in you interpersonal relationships, this thread displays it.

>why are you eating shit?
>a-at least I'm eating something! hungry yet??

In fact, you were born this way. God knew you from the womb. You have a duty and a purpose. You will never complete the commission of Our Illustrious Founder until you are made strong. I make weak things strong. I make faggots fascist because a bundle of sticks burns but a bundle of rods containing an axe with the blade projecting, it bruises. Peace by vengeance brings the end.

what advice did he give though? lmao.

I'm bi and don't want children but have decided to pursue only a life with a woman who will give life to my child. I understand my attractions are perversions, and prefer to live according to God as it makes me feel fulfilled.

Stop being a faggot.

I think I understood maybe three words of that, friend.

>bundle of rods, containing an axe, blade projecting

What a stupid weapon. At least the sticks keep people warm.

Dindus in Africa eat dirt to numb their starvation

desu, i tried to but it only lead to attempted suicide

Less self pity, post ass

Faggot here and it always kind of puzzled me. I'm strictly monogamous, not a bugchaser, a pedo, a tranny or some diaper furry retard and I'm right wing about pretty much everything except my for my faggotry.

What I know from my personal observation is that 99% of gays deserve to be tossed to the ovens, they're completely demented, histrionic, promiscuous liberal drama queens, drug users and insane people. Shame I'd probably end up getting gassed with them if non-faggot right wingers have their way, but such is life.