Why didn't the underdog win like in the movies, Sup Forums?

Why didn't the underdog win like in the movies, Sup Forums?

The underdog did win it could not have gone any better..


Has anyone got the uncropped version?

Is this an edit or satire? If not, I'm very curious how the artist sees reality if this is the election narrative they hold.

Interesting cartoon seeing how the msm wasn't a hurdle for HTC. It was always in the bag for her

Oh, I get it now. The hurdles represent all the dumb shit shortcuts they tried to pull. Not something that needed to be overcome.

But Jeb didn't win..

Are you even trying? Do you really believe what your fingers are typing? I feel pity for you.

>Trump was literally hurdled every step of the way

This very well could not be satire. I frequently saw people on the Hillary side complaining about the media being rigged against her.

This image is the wew to end all wews.

Someone made an edit where trump has had dozens of hurdles and Hillary has taken the SS woman card to drop her off close to the finish. It's a thousand times more accurate.

Anyone got it?

>the hurdles are against her
>mainstream media against her
How fucking deluded was the person that made this

I wonder what it would be like to be a leftist for a day. It must be awesome being so fucking disconnected from any sort of reality.

But Bernie didn't win

Still is too.

>new requirement to disavow some crackpot every week
>wins anyway
>has to explain how he deserves to win
They're still putting hurdles down on the track he's already finished running.

He did.

not sure why they think the MSM was against her

Nice shoop. Trump has the fat hildawg shadow. Cant fool me.

But he did, user. He won so much you're going to get tired of all the winning.

Their criticism is that the media was wall to wall trump all day every day for months.

They fail to recognize that the coverage was fake scandal after fake scandal after fake scandal all trying to defame him.

>a hurdle
what, was she running as a republican candidate? that should be on trumps side. then the DNC

>Expecting a cultist to be objective

But the underdog did win?

RNC shoudl be Bernie Bros.

I think the original didn't have words on the hurdles.

Found the original.

Trump's hurdles need to be broken as if he simply charged through them like a mad cunt who don't give a shit.

How braindead do you have to be to create something as utterly stupid as that pic


>Hillary gets Americans killed in Benghazi, leaks confidential emails, orders DNC to cause violence at Trump rallies.
>Patronized by media

>Trump says something mean
>Shamed by media 24/7

probably all those hard hitting questions like 'what did you think of the trump pussy video?" and 'why is trump such a nasty man?'

The mainstream media liked her, the system was helping her, and how the eyverloving fuck did the republican national convention hold her back? They're not even in the same party.
>in short, the underdog did win. He won by a good margin.


...Why is 'mainstream media' not a giant catapult?

>fucking leaf spreads bullshit conspiracy theories about HRC

The original was blank and someone filled in "Benghazi," "FBI Investigation," etc.

But he did, OP.

The chant of "Trump could never win" just kept having different things added to the end. Unwittingly, he was memed to the White House by those fools even as Kek was channeled here and elsewhere to bring the unheard of path to victory.

Not on this computer, god damn it. Closest I have is this

The media was "rigged" against her because they were too busy bashing Trump (free publicity) to talk very much about Clinton.

>there are people who actually believe this picture represents reality and that Hillary wasn't given every advantage.

The first hurdle Trump smashed right through as well. It was labelled Jeb!

We need a ben garrison watermark, stat.

Sanjay Gupta didn't win

I'm proud to see so many burger-shitposters, sure we aren't that high quality yet, but we're gonna get there. watch out aussies and leafs

Replace the pic with hurdles every inch on Trump size and get rid of Hillary's hurdle and have her pass out and get chucked in a van like a side of beef!

But Faith Spotted Eagle did not win.


you mean uncut? AJAJAAHAHA

Colin Powell didn't win though

>posts a picture that explains it perfectly
>still asks
Fucking goyim, I swear.

Yeah, be a good goyim and stop asking questions.