Anybody else here closet right leaning?

I'm not ashamed of my viewpoints, but given the area I live in, I just know that the majority of people here would shun me if they knew my political views. So I tend to keep quiet whenever politics comes up.

Is anybody else this way?

Nope. When I moved to my current town i made some friends at a gym i joined. They are all liberals , which you can't escape in Ontario, and I spew my right wing beliefs all the time. They argue with me but it's not like I'll ever change or be persuaded by liberal drivel.

As for my family, I just leave my PC wallpaper up as a swastika.

I guess keeping politics private is your right, but if you lie and pretend to be liberal in order to be liked by people youre a faggot.


You can't publicly cop to being a nationalist or you'd be out of a job.

Not closet right leaning. Proper commie same as you. No God. Not community. Only efficiency. As a species.

I'm thinking about just shutting my mouth until I move somewhere. I live in a very liberal county in a very liberal state. Everyone gives me shit for having my views. It would be fine if they would actually listen, but it's just bullshit and lies.

>Make statement to family
>Mom makes a claim
>Grandparents call me conspiracy theorist
>Go home to check the claim
>Mom was wrong

Same with friends. I'm just sick of having to prove my points to these people.

It can be hard in situations like that.

For a long time I was the only one in my different social groups with right wing views. I started spending a lot of time here, and I would save memes and send them to my friends. After awhile some took interest as well as talking about right wing view points in person. Now, one of my groups of friends is completely "Hitler did nothing wrong". It's nice.

I generally keep my views to myself, but on specific issues I'll tell people how I feel depending on who I'm talking to. Unless you're gifted with extreme charisma, you can't convince people fully of an argument purely by talking to them. People hold their views because of their experiences in life and things they've learnt over time. You can't redpill someone in a single evening it takes months even years. If you try you'll just get them upset and bitter, no-one likes to be beaten in an argument and only a few people have the decency to accept defeat honorably and consider other people's ways of thinking. Most people will just curse you behind your back and turn the people around you against you by calling you names and lying. I once got called a Nazi in the middle of a pub for trying to argue we don't need the NHS.


We make New York look like Birmingham.

Yes. I go to a medium sized university in Northwest Washington state

I'm Russian and sometimes I actually have to do this as well. But it's not "Putin-blood-Emperor-Dictator will hang you for not bowing down to him" it's the opposite. Many people (even the redneck-like ones) here hate not only our government and President but the country itself. Being a patriot in Russia is regarded as a foolish thing to do. Sad.

Why is that?

Yo same, I'm in western BC and I'd be a complete pariah if people knew

Well, I guess it's due to the kinda weak inner policy of our Government and the President. And many people are also Western-fags who think that EU or USA are the best places in the world while Russia is a dump.

I do not know much about Russia I am afraid

After all, you are my enemy, according to the media

My mom would be severely disappointed in me if she found out I was a Trump supporter. I pretend to be a Bernie-cuck out of mercy for her. Sometimes I drop very subtle redpills, such as the fact that the DNC e-mails were objective evidence of election rigging and quid pro quo; but nothing related to white nationalism and the like

And you are mine, mate. And at the same time all the media is like obsessed with western culture (music, films etc.). Your Royal wedding was broadcasted by our main TV channel in 2011 (it was 2011, am I right?).
And of course we know more about you than you know about us.

People know my beliefs, most of my friends either don't care or the ones that do are bluepilled beyond belief. Managed to convince some of them, though they mostly don't seem to care, or persevere in their belief that we have to be more understanding towards others

If somebody asks I'll tell them what I think. Can't exactly say I'm a race or gender realist unless I know the person well though. Also I'm a libertarian and leftists seem not to care as much compared to me being a fascist or center right conservative.

Probably because they correlate nationalism to the government which is fucking retarded.

God no, I live in the great state of Alabama, where being a liberal makes you an outcast. Hell, even the two Muslims out here actually voted Trump.

Our royalty is our biggest cultural export, watch when the Queen dies soon, her funeral will be the biggest TV event of the year I promise. The whole of the UK will shut down, it will be a massive diplomatic event.

I thought that Putin was popular in Russia, but you know more than I do. If war between us happens in the future, remember not every Brit wants Russian blood on their hands friend.

I thought the Russian government was popular in Russia. Putin has made Russia into a powerful rival of the West at least.

i dont want to get beaten up or disowned by my family and friends
so yes

I was afraid of that, but my co-workers are more racist than I am, not to mention they are elitist and classist as well.

Putin seems to have a strong foreign policy but a weak internal one, as I've already mentioned.

No doubt, he is a key political figure here, along with Dm. Medvedev, but his popularity is not always a good one.

BTW who do you think is going to be the next monarch, Charles or Kate's husband, gosh, I forgot his name.

Make no mistake, there is literally no reason why Russia should be in the G8 since it can hardly be counted as an industrialized nor is it an economic powerhouse. It just leeches onto its foregone days of the Cold War

Yes but only for the sake of future refutation.

What I mean by this is how I nod and agree with what they say without paying attention but make them think about where they are getting it from. Its hard to explain without an example

>Hey user, did you hear about the chicago accident?
>Yea poor guy, shame that it happened.
>Whats worse is how this affects the black community
>Oh really? Where did you hear that?
>On the BUZZFEED tab of Snapchat

This is where I get them most of the time
>You get your news from Snapchat? and Buzzfeed? Why not an actual source?
>Well..I mean..I dont really know what to say user. Where do you go?

I've only encountered one guy who fully believed that Buzzfeed was credible and reputable.

I do because being seen as a neo-nazi around politically brainwashed famlily and friends would be a problem.
>Discretely redpilling people though

King Charles III

After Charles it King William V then it's King George VII.

I feel sorry for countries which lack royal families, you think it's horrid to have a King but having a President is the same thing in my eyes, you will always be ruled over by some rich person in a big house. Royals are better to have because they are above politics and are more honest people, they don't have to put on a false persona. Prince Harry called someone a paki on camera and got away with it. A president could never do that. That being said, the royal family aren't really involved in politics anymore because Prime Ministers have taken the responsibility of running the country from them.

Yep, I pretend to be a centrist, no point getting fucked over career wise because of my political beliefs.

I strongly agree with you. I want monarchy and aristocracy to be restored - in my country and in others. Amen.

Out of interest how do most Russians view the events of the October revolution and the abdication of the czar in 1917? Do you get taught about it at school?

I studied Russia from 1905-1953 at school, learning about all the kulaks and five year plans. It's the main reason I'm not a communist lol. The first world war fucked your country hard.

Not closet at all. I am quite successful and am self employed and get a lot of respect from everyone I know and they listen to what I have to say. I can engage with strangers and usually get them talking no problem. I find I can put my ideas to them in such a way that it doesn't piss them off and make them shut down. That or I put something to them from their perspective and use an example and they get my perspective then. A couple times I've red pilled natives for kicks just to see if I could do it. I had a millennial native and the chiefs brother of the local tribe close to me go full 14/88 on immigration and preservation of western culture from talking with them in the last year. The other whites I talk to usually don't think about politics and the world and so when I bring up subjects or conversation goes there I have no problem explaining to them my views and how it threatens us and our culture in a way that gets in their heads and breaks their conditioning. It may not be a big thing but a crack in their beliefs is the start