Stupid question... why name it "Enola Gay"?

Stupid question... why name it "Enola Gay"?

Other urls found in this thread:

cuz ur gay


it's the name of the pilots mum

Because you're a dumb flip and we should've nuked Manila instead


As in we I mean the Allied powers of which Canada was a member. So yes, we.

Typical fucking leaf still leeching off of murica.

>fucking leaf you listen here now it was American physicists and mathematicians who split the atom therefore leading to the creation of the atomic bomb. Does Canada even have a nuke lol day of the rake WHEN

Typical fucking leaf same fagging as if it was original meme - Welcome to 2010

Because it's a name taken from an 80's song

>it was American physicists and mathematicians who split the atom
Ernest Rutherford wasn't American

lay off m8 it's the only good song they did

Well actually, southern neighbour, most of the uranium used to create Little Boy and Fat Man was actually mined in Canada. Also, many of the scientists involved in the creation of the atomic bomb weren't even American. I think a certain Albert Einstein would have particular reservations with your absurd assertions!

Nukes were part of the (((Gay Agenda))).



>fuck you America number 1 we could annex all your sorry asses in a WEEK we just don't want to because of our moral imperative

Well, my American friend, I think you ought to read a book to be quite frank!

>why would I need a book all I need is Jesus guns and burgers

Many say that knowledge is the water of life. Knowledge is what makes our civilization so great. Before you commit further travesties against our glorious western civilization, read a piece of literature.

gay used to mean happy, and the pilots name was "Enola"


That's WRONG.

Fun fact, when Ernest Rutherford discovered his model of the atom, he did so in Canada. Really makes you think!

The captain named it after his mother.

Gay meant jolly back in the 40s you mental midget. Type Americana.

>leaf makes a fool of himself

What a fucking mommas boy. I wonder how momma felt about her name being the hallmark of the death of hundreds of thousands of japs


Or am I missing some new meme?

The only one making a fool of himself here is YOU nigger. No you takes you le 50% mystery meat burgers seriously on here. We tolerate you because you are so multitudinous in number. But boy are we every ready to ACT.

That's like Belgium saying we should have finished off the soviets

Your country is a meme. I said it once and I'll say it again. We should nuke the Phillipines and it's Godforsaken inhabitants to the bottom of Marianas trench.

idk i think someone wants to nuke you probably canada ask fpbp he's responsible.

they knew what they wanted to spread on japs
but mistyped the first word, off by one letter

Belgium is a very important country retard.

We should have nuked Hong Kong right after we nuked Manila. Fuck you gook I will NOT tolerate you boiling dogs alive you APES

>my first ever FPBP

Wow thanks guys! :D

>most of the uranium used to create Little Boy and Fat Man was actually mined in Canada

I thought it came from Belgian Kongo.

Hahaha no look up "Uranium City Saskatchewan" mongol

>Uranium City Saskatchewan
There was so much uranium that the radiation poisoning made ever third word that people uttered to come out as nonsense?


See You fucking faggot I'm so ooooooo fu king tired of people shit talking Canadians on this board it makes me want to rip my eyes out

Bet you are the top sniper of JTF2


I sure would be hot damn

is mother proud of little boy today?

Moral imperatives are degenerate, fuck off leaf

It's too bad hindsight is 2020 and Japs+Hitler did nothing wrong.


This is literally the truth, no more, no less.

Yeah w.e you jolly faggot

Kek wills it

Before gay there was Enola Gay.

Its cuz of this song

enola didn't used to mean what it means today