Whats your opinion on soviet union?


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fucking gommies DDDDDDDD:

Jewish terror

1% elite hackers, 99% krokodil-addicted vodka-infused degenerates living in squalor



cyka blyat

A pinnacle of Russia.

They put you in jail for selling anything for profit.

Political House of Horror.

But the government sold oil to the west. Why didnt they put themselves in jail. Oh yeah, the whole country was a giant fucking prison.

He never said that. Only source he ever said that was some dude who claims he said that to him.
In any case his writings go against that statement.

Bullet sponge. Beating bag that made the Germans tired then the US swooped in and grabbed what they could.

Any Russian defending soviet union is a huge cuck.

Literally turned one of the most powerful countries on earth into a former shell of itself.

Based. Wish they would still be around to balance the american degeneracy.


Not really, because USSR was more powerful than Russian Empire, economically or militarily.
Still awful though.

I mean, I can only speak from Polish perspective, but back then urban planning was top notch, every house had an easy access to schools, hospitals, shops etc, roads were planned in a way to prevent gridlocks. It's a shame that all this coherency was thrown out as soon as soviet union fell, now our cities are like an unsustainable cancer growth.

>implying the soviet union isnt directly responsible for worldwide degeneracy

do you even know?

Must come back.

The streets are still named after terrorists.

Its was a shitshow. So not that much different from the Russian Federation.

They crushed artistic freedom

1917 was a wasted opportunity, russia could have transitioned to a proper democracy of some sort, instead they get stuck with communist filth

the history of russia is a history of suffering

Soviet Union was socially highly conservative and there is literally zero proof that KGB tried to subvert the West in the way Bezmenov spoke of.
Bezmenov, a virtually nobody, is no source compared to Mitrokhin.
Bezmenov is like Rezun, a defector trying to sell fantastic stories about Soviet Union.
>le tanks could run on wheels because they planned to invade Germany


to gulag capitalist scum.


Yeah Russia is a shithole, soon will be collapsed

The world is controlled by forces beyond visible human sight. It is, in fact, a matrix. You are in it.

>tfw neither of those girls will ever be your gf and are actually real fucking old if not dead

Russia was one of the least advanced nations in Europe. And the Soviet Union became a superpower within 10-20 years.

because it is.
even trump won't make russia great again

stay hiv'd ivan

Russian Empire was a great power nonetheless.

The world needed a strong counter-balance to the excesses of the United States and to check Asia. Gorbachev needed more time to fix it and turn it into a more powerful version of the EU.

and it fell in another 40, because system wasn't sustainable after maybe 20

abroad ivan pls.

Militaristic clusterfuck with outdated technology and few smart and productive people.

Blame the Germans.....

They transported and supported Lenin as they knew an uprising under his leadership would knock Russia out of World War One.

Lenin was paid for and given support by the German foreign spy apparatus.

Oke, plunger

Lenin's embalmed corpse is in a ziggurat next to the Kremlin. When will this Satanic monument be destroyed?

that is current russia

It's a complicated issue that requires book length discussion, not shitty one line memes on a Botswanian child sex trafficking forum.

It's maintained by commies so who cares.

>outdated technology
You do realise the Soviet Union was behind many advancements in science?

Shit idea, shit execution.
Better dead than red

lel. mong-nigger.

Yes but I just disagreed in part.

i know

fucking ludendorff

you do realise that the soviet union completely fucked up the Spanish Civil War and inadvertently helped Franco to win? oh of course you dont, communists are retards who dont know anything at all, otherwise they wouldnt be communists

System as whole was terribly inefficient. Yeah they made breakthroughs in some areas, but they lagged behind in many others. For example computers.

>serious discussion
with your "muh gommies" attitude it's impossible.
plus you're probably some proxy ivan so it will be like throwing shit against the wall.


even korolev with his rocketry was left behind in maybe 5 years or so.

gommie apologists btfo

>blame the Austrians

Pshek, sorry for hurting u

>another buttblasted pidor.

>hurrr if you disagree with my retarded opinions you're a proxy Ivan

And you're a retarded Poleshit who should stay away from these threads because you offer nothing but cringy screeching coming from your national inferiority complex.

>inadvertently helped Franco to win
>by providing military help to Republic

nice meme, anarcho-scum

>someone have different opinion
>You're retarded

Fuck you and your echo chamber you fucking retarded commie-dick sucking faggot.

Tried to fight capitalistic 'Murica, barely reached second round before throwing the towel.

poland stronk

How about reading my posts faggot, I'm not a communist or USSR apologist. Only one desiring echo-chamber is you, hoping to turn thread into shitflinging where we discuss how Russians are Mongols and most evil people ever and bawwwww.

it was really good, as long as you liked gulags and starvation

>fund stalinist faction
>stalinist faction purges other factions
>republican side fights amongst itself
>franco wins

well done soviet union, truly a top tier performance

>le anyone that gives credit were credit is due is gommunist

Clean my toilets and bring me a Polka to stuck my cock.

p.s. - I had a Polish gf for 3 years, got some great sex, but the bitch was crazy, so I had to get rid of her. Still filled her with a nice anglo-cock.

i don't give a fuck about who is stronkest.
i know russia fell 100 years ago
nigger please.
go to uni or something if you want your academic discussion on why soviet union failed.

jesus. most people here are below 20, so probably you.
how come you people can know anything about that time period? moreso talking about it from perspective of people untouched by it?

fuck you all

last time i was in bongland your sister was cheaper than those romanian whores, so just to let you know. she cleaned my toilet if you catch my drift.

My Russian neighbor said it was okay, everyone was guaranteed an job and an apartment so society was lower stress as a whole, said buying consumer goods in the larger cities was possible but expensive prior to the stagnation and breadlines of the 80s.

I think it'd be cool if the Soviet Union came back as a counterweight to globalist neoliberalism where everybody ends up poor except for a transnational elite desu, unfettered international capitalism is obviously not a good thing

Not in my country pls

>everyone was guaranteed an job
and you have to do it despite of you attitude towards it
unemployement was penalised
and there was no sallaries more than often
more upcoming

By reading.

Cилa в eдинcтвe, тoвapищ. Boт кoмy ты, хoхoл, ceйчac нyжeн? Дa никoмy ты нe нyжeн.

*Cough* don't criticize anything or you will be sent away to a psychiatric prison.

yeah. that paper thin walls were awesome.
or when gommies took owners houses and move other people inside.
yeah fun fucking tastic 2/??


>society was lower stress as a whole
yeaaah... with al those bugs and political police
>buying consumer goods in the larger cities was possible but expensive prior to the stagnation and breadlines of the 80s.

and if the police cought you with it yougo straight to jail.
barter trade was real. in fucking XX century!


How many poles live in commie blocks now that are no longer even guaranteed and neither is work?

Really makes you think.

A мoг oн быть и нe хoхлoм. A coвeтcким гpaждaнинoм. И вce пидopы нa зaпaдe тpяcлиcь бы oт eгo пoявлeния. :D

>I think it'd be cool if the Soviet Union came back as a counterweight to globalist neoliberalism where everybody ends up poor except for a transnational elite desu, unfettered international capitalism is obviously not a good thing
you should die asap.

moreso china's way is something far more interesting than that fucking failure of a system.
fucking gommies

You have never met russian dissidents, most of them should be in psychiatric prison

we have less than 10% unemployement

since about 10 years all commieblocks are modernised. at least in big cities

> И вce пидopы нa зaпaдe тpяcлиcь бы oт eгo пoявлeния.
Aгa, eщё бы oднoгo пидopaca хoхлa y влacти pyccкиe бы нe пepeжили. Хyй c ним Пyтин, нo eщё oднoгo Хpyщa или Гopбaчa?He eбaл их pты, Eльцин тoт eщё пидopac тoжe.
Coвoк нe былo чyдecным paйcким мecтoм, нo нe был и гoвнoм ты eгo идeaлизиpyeшь, a идeaлoв нe бывaeт.

>t. v putin

No proof of Yuri´s words at all. Just as there are no proofs that the Protocols were based on reality.

NO PROOFS of globalist jewish interests. No proofs that the Frankfurt School was a subversive agency. Cultural Marxism is a CONSPIRACY THEORY t. Wikipedia & Snopes.

No proof you have a soul you shilling ultrafaggot kys and then kys again in hell.

Nah, but it is true

He is right btw, soviet dissidents and russo lib cucks are two different things.

Cилa в eдинcтвe.
A нaши """пapтнёpы""" иcпoльзyют, и ycпeшнo, cтapyю кaк миp тaктикy: paздeляй и влacтвyй.
И имeют ceйчac нac кaк хoтят.
A хoхлы этo вooбщe жaлкoe зpeлищe. Иcпoльзoвaнный пpeзepвaтив.

Putin is best.

>Cилa в eдинcтвe
Хyинcтвe, ты блядь кaк pyccких в cpeднeй aзии eбли зaбыл?C тaкими бpaтyшкaми вpaги нe нyжны.

Don't get so mad at me because you have no idea how world works.
Bezmenov was no one in KGB. Mitrokhin was chief archivist of PGU.

CCCP is schizophrenia and dehumanization.

can agree taht your disidends are now some leftist batshit creazy niggers, but you know...

A monstrosity. A horrible place to live, a horrible place for people.

But, I've got to give credit to the Russians for turning farmland and wooden huts to a world power

Yes, i agree, many of them were innocent, like Letov, but nah, soviet psychiatry was pretty good,

Speak English, motherfuckers

pure disaster for whole eastern europe?

>being this dumb commiegoy
We WERE united before the commies! It's exactly commies, who divided us in different nationalities and substates.
Even fucking Galicians called themselves Rusyns or simply Ruskiy, same with the language(pic related). When people say that it's all dialects of the same language, that's exactly what it is. German language also has lots of different dialects, BUT IT'S STILL A FUCKING GERMAN LANGUAGE! But after the commies came - nope, they are suddenly Ukrainians!
And dissolution of USSR was a logical conclusion, because the only purpose of it was to test socialism and disintegrate Russian state and Russian people.
So just fucking kill yourself commie scum.

Duped by jews on the promise of equality and unattainable utopia.

>But after the commies came - nope, they are suddenly Ukrainians!

Khokhol derzhava and Khokhol PR were before bolsheviks came there

Russians were cloning people waaay before western science started to dig into that topic. Then communists came...

>egalitarian democratic government