Would you rather live as a rich man in somalia

Would you rather live as a rich man in somalia

or a poor man in a shitty place in detroit

You can't move out for 20 years

I hate that comic.

Somalia is a failed Socialist state ffs

>Love muslims?
>Love niggers?
>Hate white people?
>Its better in somalia!

Rich man living in somalia is literally what western elites want.

They want the western world to look like brazil.

What's the difference?

Not only this, its filled with niggers.

Animals are not competent enough to understand objective moral integrity. Whites and (the best of) Chinks seem to be the only ones.

Detroit is basically somalia anyway, so I'd rather have money.

Did they forget he's supposed to be racist too?

desu the problem with Somalia is that they read too much Ayn Rand

The difference is the state of Michigan takes close to a third of my income.


>wanting less taxes and government intrusion and blobbing means you want anarchy
Leftists truly are mentally ill. Either you live in their statist shithole and like it, or YOU are the threat to freedom. How the fuck do you fuck up your brain this much to call black white, and vice versa?

Of course I fucked up the quote.

Poor man in Detroit. I can get a 5 dollar buss ticket to not Detroit, get a job, and become a decent off guy who doesn't live in somalia.

I agree with all those things but I hate niggers too.
Give me a white country like that and I'll move tomorrow.

There should be a version of this comic for BLM.

>Hate cops?
>Hate white people?
>Think the entire USA has racist structures to keep blacks from succeeding?

It's better in Liberia!

It also has multiple governments, statists are so stupid they can can't get their analogies right.


Rich man in Somalia.

Hire a military force to protect me, live in luxury isolated for 20 years than leave.

How is this even a question?

Poor in Detroit all day. At least I won't be a target.

Coup staged in 3 months. You're burned alive with bogs dancing around your charred corpse.

Good choice

Thats 2 months and 29 days longer than youd last in Detroit while living in poverty.

>invite the coup stagers to a royal piss up

repeat every 3 months

Wtf l love somalia now

This. Somalia's beaches are some of the best in the world. With $20 you could probably by 10 miles of prime beachfront property and live like a feudal lord.

Wtf l actually kinda like somalia now

Genuinely might do this

>Because I want a smaller government I must want no government
Fucking liberals it's either one extreme or another with them

As for your question OP I would rather be in Detroit. If I'm gonna be surrounded by niggers in a shitty hellhole they might as well speak the same language

its better in NH

>or live in Paris
honestly where's the difference mohammed?