This is what we muslims invented and pol still hates us?

This is what we muslims invented and pol still hates us?

Islam was created around 600AD, well after all of these things were created

You stole everything from the Greeks, Persians and any other civilization you raped and pillaged.
You are nothing but inbred goatfuckers and I hope Putin and Trump drop a fat nuke on all of the Middle East.

where all invented in iraq?

muslims invented irrigation? that's retarded

sumer =/= iraq

but nice try

the muslim world has contributed many things to the advancement of technology don't listen to the dumb trolls

even still, get your shit together

Conquer, rape, and terrorize everyone around you. Be muslim or die. hurr hurr muslims created this...

You sand niggers can't even pump your own oil. You contract asians and westerners to run the infrastructure b/c you're shitskin brains aren't capable. Not even one world class university in the entire middle east...

Beat me to it. And zero came from India.

nigger please

>Gilgamesh was a Muslim

haha alri rasheed but you still have to go back

>Muslims invented those things
LOL.... No, no they really didn't but keep up the laughs, the WE WUZ crowd is entertaining.

and arabic numerals aren't actually arabic

Islam brought things to the region, like civilization and basic banking systems with rules against usury. Made up hadiths and surahs afterwords made by al-Bukari or al-Muslim were interpretations.

Personally, I think Shiism is a lot better than Sunnism and have a great deal of respect for the achievements they have made (despite when stormfags claim muh greece did it). In terms of civilization, I think that the Arabs/Muslims brought us great works, but needs to be changed to fit modern times. Sharia and governing by a book was dropped by Europe, and does not belong in European nations.

To claim 'inbred bedoiun' is a joke and a travesty to history; a reimagined stormfag universe where Europeans created everything.. despite the advancements made in medicine, astronomy, algebra, and the translation of ancient greek and roman texts which allowed for Western civilization to progress.

I've got nothing wrong with the average, educated and Syrians. They want the best for their nation. The youth is not much different from us. They just need to stay in their nations; however, it is partly the West's fault given their actions since the Balfour declaration and the Sykes-Picot agreement. Secularism should be embraced, or something that's not hardline, wahabbi sunnism. The U.S. should stop funded the Saudis and Qataris, and stop meddling with Iran and Syria.

tfw only good unis are American University of Beruit/Cairo

>translation of ancient greek and roman texts which allowed for Western civilization to progress.
This is a myth and dishonest. What do you think Byzantium did? you know the first thing the Sultan wanted after Constantinople fell? To get a Greek to draw him a map of the known world.

you swallow the bullshit entirely.

(won't expect a response unless whatever retard you copypasted this from still on leddit).

i HATE shit like this but maybe because i'm autistic. People conflate geographic space and fucking ethnic groups so much it makes me sperg out disproportionate to the offense.

Iraqis now are for the most part Arabs. Arabs displaced the Assyrians, Persians and Sumerians who lived there before.

It's like with Egypt. Arabs have physically removed most of the ethnic Egyptians from the history books (copts are barely holding on). Arab Gips are not the descendants of those who built the pyramids or Alexandria.

Arabs destroyed the Carthago-Romans in North Africa and now its a shithole. They have done a pretty good job in displacing the Caananites in Lebanon too and replacing Phoenician decency with Arab squalor and infighting.

Fuck this gay earth.

Not much of it is muslim inventions.

Wrong; Mesopotamia and Sumer each fell about 3000 years before Islam was founded.

Muslims weren't even around when half that stuff was invented you fucking half wit.

The middle eastern people have done fuck all since the advent of Islam except conquering and enslaving others.

The rise of the stupid and barbaric Arabs was the end of anything good in North Africa and Mesopotamia.


completely false, faggot

>Arab goat fuckers conquer their way up the levant displacing ethnic groups
get back into your peninsula monkeys

You do realize that the Arabs that occupy Iraq are not the Indigenous people of that land right? That everything on your list was invented before Islam even existed right? Just how fucking ignorant are you?

Pre-Islam stuff, and not surprising as Islam is the cultural equivalent of rabies.

>this is what muslims invented before islam ever was created

yeah some of that is greek, persian and indian origin.

> The Wheel
Bitch please, wheel was invented by Slovenians

None of these things were muslim inventions.

>we muslims
>invented irrigation
>invented the wheel
>invented Sumeria
>we wiz kangz n sheeeit!

At least half of those things are a few millennia before Islam. There is also a good chance, that like in Europe, many of the intellectuals were secretly not from the national religion. I.e. many may have been Zoroastrians or pagans.

This post, however, reeks of an attitude bathed in falsehoods that many people have. This is epitomized by WE WUZ KANGZ. This is when the people of some group claim credit for the actions of some individual in that group for only the reason that that person came from their group, when in fact, it had nothing to do with them and only with the single individual who made the single idea, invention, etc. Everyone else had nothing to do with it.

Rid yourself of your tendency to make this blatant fallacy, claiming credit for something that you didn't do because WE WUZ or something else like that, and you'll have taken the first step on the journey towards truth.

This is true for most of these inventions. However, Algebra was invented by Al Khwarizmi who lived in the 9th century and Al Khwarizmi is where we derive the phrase Algorithm. However, this association with the name should not be confused with invention of the algorithm. Aristotle's logic, at least a thousand years before Islam, is an example of an algorithm. We have only one of those things that can be attributed to a (only one) Muslim. Arabic numerals are only a property of a language. This was prior to Islam.

>Imperial College
>Durham Uni

When arabs conquered these regions they married im them. The average syrian,lebanese,and iraqi wouldnt be different than the ones that lived in the region 4000 years ago. Hell we have many customes that are different from the gulf and our arabic is not 100% the same like the one used in the old times.