I'm a radical centrist and you should be too

Radical centrism is the most redpilled political ideology because it takes the absolute best things from both the right and left

Prove me wrong
Protip: You can't

Other urls found in this thread:


> the absolute best things

like an utopia?

You said Protip. Opinion discarded.

bit late for shenaigans lad
just got yanks about

whats that big dark blob for in the left and middle one? is this sex drive?

Is this the new libertarianism?


>Equal heart and brain

When do people ever make a decision based off logic when even a small amount of emotion is involved?

>wanting to have your feels dictate what you do

anarcho monarchy is the most redpilled political ideology

In before someone post that terrible Centrist smuggie like the fucking bat signal just went off

*a utopia
The 'yoo' sound of first letter in 'utopia' means the first letter can be treated as a consonant as far as the "a/an" rule goes

TESL really paid off

how long is your contract?

...and when i think i can't get a good laugh on /pol anymore, somebody comes and invents radical centirism
i love you /pol, you always make me laugh

OK. gimme a quick run down of positions

Whats your top 5 issue policies?


>radical centrist

doesn't that contradict itself?

>invents radical centirism

makes sense

centrist =\= moderate

exactly, it does. also you got that from bmfbbwbp? that page is great

I don't like centrists. They don't have the balls to pick a fucking side and stand by it. It's an ideological cop out.

see here

Thanks Duerte.

by your pic being right wing still makes the most sense. only logic should be used when deciding policy, not feels

On holiday

or more like this


>implying centrism doesn't have its own list of established criteria
When will this retarded Sup Forums meme end?

>takes the absolute best things from both the right and left
well thats under the assumption that theres any good things to take from one side or the other. also "best" is subjective so you have to elaborate

Sorry. Anarcho Capitalism is the best ideology. Fuck Roads.

>tfw you can pump blood around your entire circulatory system at an extraordinary rate


people dont understand the centirsm just selects many policies from all across the spectrum based on what they think works best,

Great for governance.

Terrible at winning electoral support.

>Prove me wrong
>Protip: You can't

>TFW too smart to fall for the bait

Heil Hitler friend!


That doesn't look too hard but I'm reluctant. I feel like it's some kind of trick and I'll spend five minutes before I find out there's no actual way across.



I'm going to print it out and put it on the fridge so everyone can see.


According to pic...

You're manlets.

They also select different policies to different degrees. Automatically assuming that everything has to be black or white is a molotov cocktail of political disaster for any country.

Right wing people are left brained and have way larger reptilian complexes. How this gives them big brains is beyond me. They suck with economy. Big time zionists. Hate the golden rule. Focus on bullshit like STEM and hypocrisies. Being reverse SJWs. They have no heart and no brains either

There's multiple routes through it. I took a lower route, but it was a bit longer.


Centrists will be the first to be gassed.

Golden Rule is for the Untermensch.

This picture is not accurate, and is retarded.

The centrist is just fickle, and goes with the flow that day.

The left wing's highest virtue is equality. They wish to build society on this.

The right wing's highest virtue is freedom. They wish to build society on this.

What are the policies of a radical centrist?

radical (or moderate) centrism is intellectual cowardice, nothing else.

you can suck a fat one shlomo.

Is this what people do now. Just combine two political words and say it's their ideology.

fence sitting wankers

List those established criteria please.
Name some of those policies please.

>radical centrist
>not being a reactionary centrist
We live in an increasingly post-democracy era. Traditional authoritarianism is coming back to the future from the past. That means reaction, not radicalism, has the truth. Radicalism is dead. A reactionary traditional authoritarian power structure that adopts the best policies regardless of left- or right-wing labels is the only form of government fit for civilised man. Long live the king!



>only two dimensions

A centrist is always nothing but at the whims of extremes on both sides, and easily pulled toward whatever direction by just making your opinion twice as extreme and demanding no compromise.

Its a position that presumes nobody will take into account on how to push you in a certain direction.

What a huge leap in logic. Radical centrists, right in the middle, are more susceptible to swinging to either extreme of the political wing? Why? Because you say so?

Trump is literally a radical centrist.

´They are more easily moved toward whatever sides policies by just doubling down on your own extremes, forcing the political "centre" to shift toward your party line.

They will not become communists when they go full third worldist, but they will be forced to abbandon their previously held standards to re-reach the newly formed "centre", that is now just a little bit more left.

this is what radical centrism is.

Pan-nationalist demi-libertarian here ;^)

>tfw too intelligent to not be right-wing

>Centrists will change their opinion when I change my opinion


Well, define to me then what a centrist is?

As i see it, its a person that looks at what are the policies of both extremes at this moment, and chooses a comfy middle in it all not out of any intellectual evaluation, but just because its percisely in the centre.

If one side however sees this coming, and will go extra-far in their ideology just to force the centrist mass to go a bit more toward their own side, he has already archived more political progress than just advocating from his original position.
A centrist from 10 years ago would be a radical conservative today. To keep being a centrist and not become a conservative, you have to constantly re-allingn yourself to the shifting political windows of the nation.

I'd prefer to be the tallest person with the brain desu

You're assuming the centrist makes a conscious decision to be in the center instead of just describing where they are.

So, an unconcious centrist will somehow not fall prey to being pushed farther to one side by radicalization than a concious one?

>and chooses a comfy middle in it all not out of any intellectual evaluation

I think you're one of these "Centrists don't have strong convictions" memers and to answer how I define a centrist, I like to think Centrists simply look at every single political or moral issue and critically think it over until they come to a decision. You actually have to have a conversation with a centrist to ascertain their opinion on any given topic, instead of just know their opinion based on which colour party they support.

>you have to constantly re-allingn yourself to the shifting political windows of the nation.

Are you saying Liberals and Conservatives don't have to do this?

>A centrist from 10 years ago would be a radical conservative today

Completely baseless. A Centrist before 9/11 who wasn't aware of the problem of Islam might suddenly come to hold conservative views on Islam after the event, but that's only logical, it has nothing to do with the political spectrum itself.

Radical Centrism will rise. Centrism is the perfect ideology. Anyone not supporting Centrism is an extremists. All extremists will be purged.

Well of course the eternal jew/anglo is radical centrist. He has everything to lose because he's the establishment.

We will be radical centrist after we complete Holy Roman Empire 2.0 (w/ russia) At which time you will be radical right.

>Centrists simply look at every single political or moral issue and critically think it over until they come to a decision.
Holy fuck you must be stuck in some odd asshole if you think only centrists do this.

>You actually have to have a conversation with a centrist to ascertain their opinion on any given topic, instead of just know their opinion based on which colour party they support.

I could say the same with right and left wing members themselves. You have to have a conversation with an actual right or left winger to know the details of their conviction. Party affiliation does little else but give a rallying flag to gather around.

A centrist seems more like an independent voter that just sneers at parties and tries to go their own way.

>Are you saying Liberals and Conservatives don't have to do this?
The pont was, centrists in most cases will just try to pick whatever option is best in the middle to appease both sides, and that can be easily abused to force the issue toward ones goals.

If the debate is framed between soft-left and soft-right position, then the centrist will automatically gravitate toward whatever is the middle option.

If the debate is framed between hard-left, soft-right, or reverse, the centrist will gravitate their opinion into a soft-left/right narrative, dependent on which side dared to radicalize first to force the hand.

Call yourself independent, or undecided. A centrist is a pointless word that if it was truly applied, would make you nothing but a tool to be used.

>socdems are radical
fucking lol

>If the debate is framed between soft-left and soft-right position, then the centrist will automatically gravitate toward whatever is the middle option.

Wrong. They will gravitate toward the solution that is correct.

Then why dont they call themselves just rightwingers?

Radical Centrism: The preferred stance of a threatened establishment.


Being centrist doesn't mean you take middle ground on all issues though. To some degree most people centrists because they are pro some things on left, pro some things in the right. Against some in left, against some in the right.

Ookay, now define what a radical centrist is?

Is it someone who is radically sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right on certain issues they might be bothered enough to be interested in?

OP is correct, radical militant alt-centrism is the only way towards utopia

you should really start work out, because tiny heart will have a stroke any minute

Centrism is just fence sitting so as to not piss anyone off and make the most friends. You'll let everyone walk all over you just so you can say you agree with them.

gee, you just described a human being
you know, instead of a pure political ideology

Its not the most redpilled because it is still statism.

This, all radicals must be purged. The far-right and far-left are destroying this country and must be removed. Centrists will defend our nation and keep the peace.

I am right-wing according to that pic. If you can't carry your own weight then get crushed by it, not my fucking job to carry your lazy fat arse through life on tax payer funded hand outs and gibs.

culture is too left. white people are actually in an extinction scenario if current trends continue. radical right is the only option if you care about your people and history

I can't tell if this is serious or not.

I love how low IQ fools always need to make things more complicated than they are because they feel complexity equals higher value, and therefore must mean a higher truth. In business I deal with fucktards like this all the time. Part of my job is turning the complex into the simple. I encounter two types of individuals after providing simplified end results. A) Ecstatic B) Angry Why such an extreme reactionary spectrum? Low IQ vs High IQ.

Low IQ people will ignore the simplified answer, because subconsciously they believe simple equals low value.

Anyways, the answer has been provided.

Radical Centrism: The preferred stance of a threatened establishment.

War will have 2 sides if you do not pock one you are a pussy.

> 1 Post by this ID


so fascism?

Look around you and see the divide racial politics has left in our country. The government is unable to operate at even the most basic level. Centrism will remove partisanship and tribalism. Order will prevail.


>ideological deviance

Centrism is stagnation and will prolong the agony of this rotting cesspit. Tribalism isn't something that is fixed, it's something that is suppressed. The current Liberal Order cannot suppress it now, what makes you think prolonging the Liberal Order will?

The rise of the Fake Centrist is the new mask of the obstructionist Left.

Quite the opposite, the goal of Centrism is to remove obstacles to action. Racialists fighting other racialists clogs the arteries of government.

There would be no racialist within the nation if the Liberal Order didn't force feed multiculturalism which has no historical reference of success in 5,000 years. The Liberal Order wants to remove the very thing it creates? You're an idiot as is the Liberal Order... which is why it fucking burns as I type.

where are the balls, maan?
you forgot the balls.

so classical liberalism with more (and thus corruptable) concentration of power. meh.

Took me a minute. Didn't think it'd be real.