Democratic decline

How did the Democrats lose rural America so quickly? The last time a Clinton was on the ballot, they pulled voters from urban, suburban, and rural areas. Now only urbanites and blacks vote for them. How did the party destroy their base so quickly between the two Clinton's turns on the ballot?

The dems never had rural America. You just had an anomaly of scandi-American cucks in the midwest voting for Obama because they are altruistic defects.

Shifts in economic policy, mainly on trade. These areas value protectionism and subsidy, but not the full retardation of neoliberalism

This election was different.

Democrats basically scored 100% in cities and Republicans basically scored 100% in rural and suburban areas.

bill clinton was 1996

and he did fine in rural america

and the answer is dems race baiting, NAFTA, and anti-gun platform

Obama didn't run in 1996.

>go around the country on a tour telling poor rural whites that they're privileged and racist
>oh, pls vote for me btw

Gee I wonder why.

Whether they know it or not, whites outside of the cities are beginning to vote tribally.

she was fucking filthy corrupt and people were realizing this

Look at this dumb nigger

Clinton had an antigun platform and even passed an assault rifle ban in 1994

1996 was a midterm election.

Conservatives weren't so fucking right wing back then. Bipartisanism was still happening. People hadn't yet been radicalized and sensationalized by massively biased Internet media sites such as Sup Forums. Then we in turn elect more extreme candidates, who take ever harder-line stances. You see this shit on both sides.

Your DNA must cry itself to sleep.

can we have a civil war of urban vs rural america

identity politics are far more prominent

No, there isn't a large enough people willing to kill other Americans to actually have a war. People talk about it but they are just overhyping the sensationalism on the news and internet.

It wouldn't be fair anyway, in those terms. The rural area's have most of the trained soldiers/marksmen, manual laborers, hunters, and general life-off-the-land types. They are also scattered across the largest amount of area. City folk don't have the knowledge (generally) or the balls (generally). They are also densely packed, easy targets, and rely totally on rural area's for food.


The Democrats used to be the party of FDR. The legacy of the New Deal and its perceived benefits for the working class gave them the backing of large swathes of white America for decades with no real interruption.

That party no longer exists. The focus and direction of the Democratic party is dictated by coastal elites who hate the working class and white people in general, seeing them as an obstacle to the creation of the brown, matriarchal utopia they dream of. The constant anti-white racism coming out of the entire left wing, from the moderates to the Marxists, is doing a great job of alienating what remains the largest voting bloc in the country.

Rural folks can see straight through the bs politically correct rhetoric to realize that the dems are the party of the elites and that they actually hate America

Polarization and extremism are what you get when you artificially diversify your society. Rather than being issues-based, politics becomes identity-based.

Hillary has no charisma.

>"We don't need the white vote to win!"
>"muh demographic shift!"

>*gets no white votes and loses*
>"muh racism!"

They've alienated whites and have pretty much become the party for minorities. Everyone sees that now. Plus all the SJW bullshit that people can't stand.

I'm calling underage on this one, any odyssey old enough to remember the Bush presidency can remember that the Republicans were the rich neoconservative evangelical party for active seniors until Trump shook everything up

Most people from my podunk hometown used to say "I can't afford to be a Republican" because their whole platform was raise taxes and wage forever wars

Their whole party has done a 180 after 2 landslide defeats with limp dick neocons like McCain and Mittens, they realized they were out of touch and went back to their roots of promoting personal liberties and responsibility, while the Democrats are quintupling down on their dead end divide and conquer politics

All because of politically correct faggotry. It is forced (and advertised) so much that most had enough of it, they are just scared to say it loud. PC as ideology is mostly right but when served in balanced amounts, not like current pc hysteria.

never again

not really, think its more cuz Hilary really sucked.

more and more people are realizing that democrat leaders are a bunch of soulless liars

A thousand times this.

And there are two factions of the coastal elite left: the Jewish Left and Gentile Left. The Jews are motivated by ethnic hatred and a pathological need to remake society to make it more palatable to them. But they aren't necessarily the biggest problem.

The Gentile Left are new version of the landed gentry of old. Their gated communities and downtown apartments are the Lords manor. When they use words like "redneck" or "teabagger" its a euphemism for peasant. Virtue-signalling is a form of class snobbery. It shows that they they are morally superior to their lower class kin. Like the old Southern aristocracy they are perfectly content to have a whole lower class of brown people serving them. They are the eternal SWPL.

A hatred of white people and a of the wrong type of white people is what motivates them. And they have all the power to pursue those interests.

Simple. Rural heartland Americans realized Democrats always side with the niggers

Obama lied about literally everything but nobody can blame Obama because that would be racist the entire party became hated.


*Republicans fillibustered everything

Most obstructive congress in recent history and yet the sentiment is that the GOP sold out still.

for good reason his ideas was/is shit

fucking this, anglo mass exodus