Bwahahaahah, I just looked up schizophrenia on wikipedia and its causes:

bwahahaahah, I just looked up schizophrenia on wikipedia and its causes:

>Possible environmental factors *include being raised in a city*, cannabis use, certain infections, parental age, and poor nutrition during pregnancy

It's almost comical how almost every bad thing in the world is a natural result of cause and effect. Our ancestors grew up in an environment that promoted these anti-spiritual qualities, and thus genetically some became predisposed to being disconnected to "reality". (What the Jewish psychoanalysts won't tell you is that "reality" is--in reality--actually spirituality. The brain is an organ developed specifically for connection to the spiritual world.

All of these mental conditions that arise in society DID NOT EXIST IN PRE-"CIVILIZED" societies. They are a direct result of generations upon generations of people growing up under spiritually stifling conditions.

Other urls found in this thread:

rev up those gas chambers

>What the Jewish psychoanalysts won't tell you is that "reality" is--in reality--actually spirituality. The brain is an organ developed specifically for connection to the spiritual world.
You really made me think for a moment there

>They are a direct result of generations upon generations of people growing up under spiritually stifling conditions.

Maybe that's why schizophrenia is so pronounced in Jewish families.

They didn't exist in pre-civilized societies because there was no scientific development in those societies. Science creates diseases and mental illnesses by curing lesser forms of them. The bacteria grows back stronger and manifests itself into something more deadly and serious.

Spritualism is a byproduct of schizophrenia

All the pieces are coming together, brilliant

Of course, it's why psychoactive drugs literally destroy parts of the brain when used extensively. They allow us to connect to certain aspects of the spiritual world through no effort of our own, and thus are very dangerous when used incorrectly.

>Of course, it's why psychoactive drugs literally destroy parts of the brain when used extensively. They allow us to connect to certain aspects of the spiritual world through no effort of our own, and thus are very dangerous when used incorrectly.
This is probably one of the truest things I've read on Sup Forums.

Schizophrenia probably existed without identification since the human brain developed to its current state 100,000-ish years ago.

There is, however a likely increase in cases. Not just through improved diagnoses but through factors described by OP and others in this thread, namely societal factors and excessive drug use.

>Shizophrenia not a disorder that has been documented since before christ

Ofc they existed, there were autists as well as kids with tourettte.
People thought they were possessed, they either get exorcised until they died or became outcasts that had to perform tasks as digging graves, removing dead animals from the streets or live as beggars/hobos to survive.


brb picking up kriya yoga


>humans should stay the same and not progress technologically because evolution cant keep up with us

It's da troof

How do you think we ended up where we are
Too late now, tho

i dont give a fuck that some unlucky bro is gonna have to deal with Schizophrenia if it means i get to live in a society with toilet paper, electricity, internet.
soz im just selfish like that

truly atheist von fedora here will explain this phenomenom to me:
In meditation I once saw a dark blond white girl chilling in a clear of a forest with some white wolves that were friendly; every time that I dream I am her, if I get attacked in the dream by somebody, I wake up feeling it, this includes bleeding.
Thankfully a fedora will explain to us rationally this phenomenon.

He will say that you are full of shit, because shitting each other is what we humans do best

Bump for interest

:Depression is a disease of civilization"

>linking huffingtonpost and thinking im going to click that


This isn't even related at all. Do you think schizophrenia is caused by bacteria? Should we have not invented penicillin and have millions die of the plaque again?

Its all chemistry man.

Medical science is still in its infancy. We dont know what causes a lot of mental illnesses we just know some of the effects.

by deciding to forgo all the lessons we've learned repeatedly and try to push high taxes and socialism/communism and accepting literally anyone into our country

Yeah i'm sure certain infections and poor nutrition during pregnancy didn't exist in pre-civilized societies


You dream/imagine, faggot. Its your brain producing a stream of images for you. Stop overdramatizing it, we got dreams too but we are not being faggot about them

Schizophrenia didn't "exist" in early societies, because when the villagers noticed one of their kin acting crazy and seeing shit that wasn't there, they bashed his head in with a rock. That, or call them a shaman or something.

>All of these mental conditions that arise in society DID NOT EXIST IN PRE-"CIVILIZED" societies.

Yes they did, they just didn't know what neurobiology was before civilization, so thought people were possessed by spirits that had to be beaten out of them or had been poisoned and had to throw up until they were better.