
New /draftourdaughters/ twitter campaign


CNN Reporter: "We Don't Need White People Leading The Democratic Party"

The DNC doesn't need them whites ruining the party, and the people of twitter deserve to know.

Other urls found in this thread:




Doesn't even need prodding. The Democrats are doing it by themselves.


These are very good, OP image is bad.

not fast enough

Trump needs a big senate win in 2018 to be able to cuck the RINOs

Divide and conquer. I like it.
Where were you when Sup Forums became the jews?

This can do even more damage than #draftourdaughters

Fuck Hillarympf and fuck white democrats.

These are good.

You guys are doing gods work.


That's a pretty neet comic, friend.

Use the one where Hillary is miring Trump

Also, use the one where she shakes hands with KKK

Popped up from a drawfag thread :)


I'm down. Let's get this trending.

>We don't need whitey!
The only reason Democrats get elected is because of whites. If whites were driven away, these niggers and other minorities not only wouldn't have enough votes, they wouldn't have the money/resources/infrastructure and institution support to win elections.

They're only allowed to participate in politics because of whitey. They're only allowed to stay in this country because of whitey. They seem to forget that key truth, especially the negro variety. Maybe they should be allowed to, so when crushing defeat comes to them, it will demoralize many of them. Those who get uppity will get reminded of their place. With force.


Gotta beat em at their own game

So wait, did Sup Forums start this slogan and retarded democrats picked it up as something serious and are using it?

Checked and praise KEK. This has massive potential, and already has it's own momentum.

This shit is ripe for exploitation. If we can help push white hate into the mainstream Democrat party platform we might have a real shot of awakening a white identity here in America.

They didn't pick it up yet, we have to meme it into existance

I am very much in support of this

Look at the accounts tweeting it. They will see it's a false flag from miles away.

Time to movilize all meme divisions.

Nice digits.

Not sure it's a good idea to have the image begin with "[Hillary] failed us", though. Leftists have a tendency of either lashing out or shutting down whenever you criticise one of their idols, even if you're a leftist yourself. It'd probably be best to target the Democratic Party directly for its supposed "lack of POC".

These two are good. Not sure if the similarities to Draft Our Daughters would give it away, though.

Get moving boys if we keep push the democrats toward the cliff they will gleefully jump off!

bump I am using it on facebook as we speak pisses off white women so much

This is good. We learned from the Jew and now we can beat them with their own weapons

We need a hashtag


Did you even try to read?


come on, burger... you should know this by now.


Any sane inclusive white person should upvote this.

Every white man had a white mother. They are the most privileged group in the world, coddled and propped up, and worshiped. They claim to be "vilified" even when they are millionaires in gold palaces. FUCK ALL WHITE PEOPLE


This is perfect. You even have real quotes you can use.

> In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him. I think it’s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves. And then, in that very moment when I love them.... I destroy them.
Is this the level trumps on? He hates the jews so much he loves them and let them into his family so he could destroy them.

gave it a shot, because why the fuck not.

There is a hierarchy in the alt-right. Those at the top don't believe in the core beliefs of the alt-right (with some exceptions) and know how to deliberately misconstrue facts in order to change public opinion. Like for example, black crime rates (which I will explain soon) are proportionately higher as reported by the FBI, but that is not the full story. Not all districts report ethnicity to the FBI, and the ones that do tend to be large cities with a disproportionate black population. Those at the very top agree with liberals, but deliberately twist facts to suit their agenda.

So why do they attempt to stir up racial animosity, you ask? Some do it to sell books or get Google AdSense revenue, others to cultivate a rabid fanbase, and yet others because they are bored/want to watch it all "burn down".

The folks at the very top then spread these half-truths in the form of propaganda to the next level: the alt-righters smart enough to understand math and statistics, but not smart enough to see the whole truth. For example, they take this as a fact: There are only two genders, because there are only two possible pairs of chromosomes: XX and XY. They would take it as fact, not knowing there are other combinations like Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY), Turner Syndrome (X), Triple X Sydrome (XXX) or Double Y Syndrome (XYY). (This also works with the genital argument, there are hermaphrodites and people with penile agenesis. Also androgens and estrogen levels are on a bell curve, not discrete, etc.). (The gender argument is stupid anyway, but it is a good example of ignorance.) These guys fully believe in the cause, and therefore speak with great charisma and emotion.

>genetics analysis
Retard who wrote it doesn't know that genetical anomalies isn't other genders. They are mutations are incredibly rare and they that make lives of people who have them miserable. Those sick people have no relations to the current "many genders" complains whatsoever.
And yet this retard dares to talk down to people. What an absolute imbecile.

Agree with rus man. This burger sounds like he sucked one too many tranny cocks.


I'm still upset this one never took off, though, senpai

>And yet this retard dares to talk down to people. What an absolute imbecile
holy irony, baitman

>checked and bumped

We can be a wonderful catalyst

This are too cute

We've been the Jew for a while

You know what they say about heroes, abysses, and monsters

KEK approves this campaign

We're taking the existing opinion of black democrats, and making it a meme so white democrats split

Kek demands we go through with this! This plan pleases him!

>thinking dems are smart
>thinking BLACK dems wont immediately jump on this

AIPAC needs to be BLACKED as well

Reads too white

"en masse" they will not understand

"They shoot our kids and dont care"
"Its time we stop caring about them"

or something like that

We have become the juden thinktank

>Reads too white

Well, i am flattered.

I'll fix it, give me a second.

That's what we've been for basically the past year.

I was thinking right after the election we could've stung even harder by pushing #BlameWhiteWomen on twitter but I didn't make a thread for it.

I was going to say the same thing like 5 min ago but then decided, fuck it, niggers will eat it up anyways.

Then they'll run around saying "en masse" as the new buzzword to try and sound smart


you should edit this one to say "the Democratic Party", saying the "Democrat" party gives you away, using Democrat instead of Democratic when it's grammatically called for is a Republican pejorative, they never refer to themselves that way

I got meme tingles from these.

How about

"They lazed about while WE did all the hard work. Now, the worst thing ever has happened. It's time to tell them 'Your Fired'" #nowhitedemocrats


No problems
Just the majority of American niggers would immediately drop it seeing a word they didnt recognize
Were fishing for the lowest common denominator here

All y'all need to think like you have a 67 IQ
shiiiiet nigger no one talk like dat

"They Got Money and Privilege"
"We Got Soul"

I am former alt-right. During my time spent fighting for their side, we deliberately got Democrats to fight with each other. For example, turning gays against Muslims, turning white blue-collar workers against pro-amnesty Dems, etc.

Beware of hashtags such as #NoWhiteDemocrats and #DNCBlackout.

> Tfw creating controlled opposition


The dems are fucked


The Florida airport shooter voted for Hillary, and was one of the key operatives of Pizzagate.

How's this?

This picture is fake, the real one has them riding a bear.


This shit is beautiful, boys. Glad we're finally listening to based Yuri, using propaganda judo to amplify the momentum of organic, cancerous social movements.

>"Russian hackers" is a red herring, the real enemy they are grasping at straws to name is us


Has this been addressed by anyone yet? It would be delicious as fuck to see some white girl try to call it out and then get roasted.

this one was particularly satisfying to make



I could totally see white liberals reading this and nodding in agreement. Kek, these are great.

Spread this shit on twitter


>Where were you when Sup Forums became the jews?

Surfing Sup Forums

This is funny but you realize white libs are still gonna keep libbing right?

that's part of the point


They then spread their hatred (repackaged as "love for our White race") to the lower levels. These are meme creators, ordinary citizens, and people looking for a family or an inner group to belong to. These lower level people are the bulk of the alt-right, and they are very creative and crafty. They utilize the "American strategy", basically each person fighting liberalism in their own unique way, without a central command (cut off one head and from its place grows two/many small brains as opposed to an inflexible central head). These people are able to believe in complete fiction and turn it into their reality. (Example: you could tell them that Zyklon B was used for delousing in concentration camps and they would then infer from that fact that it couldn't possibly have also been used to kill human beings (which is exactly what happened, Nazis used it to kill both lice and man, Holocaust denial seems convincing to them but can be debunked if you take a closer look), etc.)

>(which is exactly what happened, Nazis used it to kill both lice and man, Holocaust denial seems convincing to them but can be debunked if you take a closer look)
what did he mean by this?

American college student. Can confirm.

>know thy enemy as thous knowest thyself and thou shalt not fear the result of a thousand battles

t. sun tzu

I have been advocating this for ages.

To beat the Jew one has to become a Jew.

Much better


>(which is exactly what happened, Nazis used it to kill both lice and man, Holocaust denial seems convincing to them but can be debunked if you take a closer look)

Praise KEK

it dont even matter you can make and deploy newer edited ones in the span of 5 minutes and it will create the illusion of memetic mutation and encourage further discussion

If we play this right the Democrats themselves will use it. Even the whites will say it'll be better.

So Continue friends

What do you mean? A liberal voter will continue voting democrat regardless of brown people liking them or not. They'll just continue on with their self-hating behavior.

The 7s say this is a divine idea