
Is this movie the ultimate redpill about the future of humanity?

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It's happening right now.

>the future

we're already there

No but only because it doesn't mention race

It's a documentary about post-Trump America



It's the past.
>mexicans everywhere
>nigger president, economy in ruins
>comes a smart man(Trump) with a hooker wife(his wife)
>everything is good

No because of this
If we ever got to the point where we were so stupid we couldn't handle our own affairs some very helpful refugees would come to boost our economy and iq and totally not completely displace us :^)

Idiocracy is a good movie. Thinking that Idiocracy has any deep meaning, however, is terrible. Its moral is literally "Don't be stupid". People who cite Idiocracy are people who think that there is no such thing as reasonable disagreement; only stupidity. In other words: Airheaded liberals and heliumheaded valley girls.

>the future
M.Judge cleverly set the film in the future but he was really describing the late 90's

Can we do anything to reverse it or are we totally fucked?

I've been waiting for this to come up. The movie seems stupid the first time you watch it, just because they hit you over the head with satire. Mike Judge is a genius, and this film is more relevant than ever.

>more relevant than ever.
it was so relevant that it was original only released in 10 theaters

It has plenty of "deep meaning." Perhaps it was over your head. Mike Judge requires film literacy that most people haven't acquired. I suggest you take some classes on the French New Wave to understand the 'language' of film.

the only difference is that instead of logical observations being dismissed as "fag talk", its "bigotry" and "hate"

basically we're in Idiocracy but the normies think we're in the future of Demolition Man

Meanwhile a lisping faggot like yourself doesn't want children and lets Jamal fuck his wife

Yeah, under "Mike Judge's Untitled Project.
>you so smart user

No, it's a leftist under-achiever's wet-dream.

It is a red-pill in that the main character Joe is meant to represent the audience, the feeling of being surrounded by people that are so obviously retarded, they are 'in' on the joke. The future America is depicted as so retarded that it would please no one. Most people think its a joke to lampoon the commercialisation and dumbing down of society, and on one level it is.

The real joke is that people who purport to be in the know/get it/whatever, don't do anything to prevent the future, they cause it through their idiotic self-soothing that they are better than the trashy masses who disdain the plebs who like reality tv, fast-food, etc, all the while allowing it slowly happen.

In a way, it captures the way the Democrats feel about everyday Americans. The Democrats think they are above it all, that the red-neck imbeciles who populate fly-over country are ruining the country when in fact, these self-proclaimed geniuses are the ones who have been holding the reigns in politics and media. It's their fault - Idiocracy is the future their actions results in.

You are the 'Average Joe' character in Judge's film. You could have stopped this but you didn't. Mike Judge is calling the audience retarded because their smugness that they are better than it all and faith that society doesn't need civil participation to shape its future results in the Idiocracy future. It's a sort of take on the Edmund Burke quote: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

you ok mohammed?

mommy didn't pick up curry crisps at the lolly stop?

> depicts society that has no regulations and corporations have taken over everything and ruined the environment



in this case the requirement is that smart people should have more babies/smart people should be the only one to have babies while retards get sterilized


>getting married
Made me laugh Ahmed.

You make it sound like it's bad. :3

Trigger warning: from cracked and they shit on your god emeror

Cuckery aside, he actually makes a good point. Seems like a utopia the more I think about it.

Ye except the part where there's a tiny ruling class of jews living on an space station above them who keep the goyim as cattle. Also people are too white, everybody will be brown.

>depicts a future in which low-IQ, inbreeding Whites take over the world due to their high fertility rates
>yet non-Whites are the ones with the lowest IQs
>yet non-Whites are the ones who inbreed the most
>yet non-Whites have the highest fertilities

It was more of a commentary on the present time.

The movie's funny but a stupid society can't sustain stupid people forever, not even to the point you can see in the movie.

The other thing I dislike about this movie is that it caters to the average fag to feel more intelligent than other people.

Just looking at the imdb comment page of this film can't give perpetual nausea. And I'm not even talking about all the left fags whining idiocracy at Trump's victory.

It's now a documentary.

>this film is more relevant than ever.

Same with Team America World Police. Shit blew me away watching it for the first time ever 2 years ago

why is that dude's voice so feminine?

And? You hate the poorly educated?

Shitty Hollywood movies aren't red pills.
They are garbage

Little jewish background music playing makes me ill. Cracked is brawndo


Apparently the writer and director are lefty cucks who hate Trump. Which is ironic because the movie is a perfect illustration of the dysgenic effects of having government provide for everyone.

>>that pic

the left have lacked self-awareness for a long time

We elected Trump.

The asshole/pussy/dick monologue in Team America is god tier

>being this bluepilled


The corporations become a de facto government and everyone's needs are provided for so they dont riot. Sort of like the floating fat people in that Disney robot movie. Thats our reality now. Imagine if food stamps were suddenly cut off, most major metro areas would be burned to the ground.

>everyone is so stupid, except me of course
>the reason I don't get laid is because I'm too smart

No really whats your excuse? You guys are fucking faggot losers

>Which is ironic because the movie is a perfect illustration of the dysgenic effects of having government provide for everyone.

You obviously never saw the movie if you think this is what it shows

it really is. What I like about it is the line "Some times dicks fuck too hard and that's what pussies are for". Liberals need to understand this because this is why people are dicks some times and you only need to bitch about it when you legitimately are being fucked too hard.

Yes! Democraps consider themselves highly educated, vastly superior, and far more knowledgeable then average Americans who do hard labor for a living and dont live in NYC,LA, or Miami, which is how they knew they were going to win the election.

Also, more trump supporter pics please.

>implying banning shitskin immigration, cutting taxes and cutting welfare doesnt reverse the dysgenic trend

>Trump was Camacho the whole time

>no deeper meaning
>meanwhile whites struggle to breed at replacement rates and nigger farms are subsidized and breed outrageously fast because they dont have any concept of quality of life

>Professional Wrestling personality as Prez
>Americans requiring personal ID numbers
>Fast food vending machines
>Law degrees from Costco
>Handjobs from Starbucks

Were almost there. Id give the law degrees from Costco thing another 15-20 years, and handjobs from starbucks another 5-10 (Hopefully the whole starbucks/handjobs thing is on the top of Mr. Trumps to do list)

I have a different interpretation than most. I realize its supposed to be a snarky movie about le dumb amerigans xDDD



But it shows the exact opposite of what you described. It has nothing to do with government handouts and everything to do with deregulation and letting corporations rape everything to the point that people are named after products. Your interpretation isn't just different, it's wrong.

Go away I'm bate'n

You sound like a dysgenic yourself. One of the first scenes is how no one takes their health seriously because government subsidized robots take care of all health issues.

He won't even ban shitskin immigration, just illegal one. But to answer you, no it won't. White birth rates are lower than non-whites birth rates and none of Trump's policies suggests he will improve that.

Trump is a bandaid but it won't heal the wound nor get rid of the infection.

dare you put fucking toilet water on them plants.. they need ELECTROLYTES AND SHIET


Check em

If this sort of thing happened for real, the world would be nothing but thick as shit turnip farmers.

Smart people get money, fuck attractive stupid people. Even a small amount of mixing between groups like this prevents this sort of thing.

Welcome to Sup Forums. Now get out.

I just changed my color settings to make everyone look mulatto.

>much better

I think you just turned the page on your word-of-the-day calendar and now you can't stop using "dysgenic". Go watch the movie and try again.

Lmao I used dysgenic because you used it. You have nothing and you can't argue the point I made. In the future, just don't respond because anyone reading you now realizes you're a fool.

Please show me where I used it where I wasn't quoting you.

Also, nice trying to say I don't have a point as an excuse for you not having an answer to what I wrote. Your interpretation is wrong and you know it and now you're trying to save face. Too bad it won't work, you're wrong, you know it and you can't deal with it.

Idiocracy already happened idiot.... Black president,. Getting called out by south carolina rep, exactly what happened to Obama,. AND getting replaced by a white NON politician for prez... It's Already happened

Congratulations on your first post Ivan, may i suggest removing Putin's Genitalia Art from your wall next time so it wont influence your shitposting.

There, in reply to tACMEFBy you quoted

>perfect illustration of the dysgenic effects

I called you a dysgenic for not being intelligent enough to understanding the movie.

You still haven't responded to my explanation of the opening scene of the movie. You have no argument and are only digging yourself deeper into a hole.

if you are smart breed user,breed

> you used it
> quoting someone else

wow... terrible

Yes, that's one way you can "use" a word- to quote it.

Are you actually going to ever respond to the opening scene or will you admit you have no argument?

No, that's not me using it, I'm quoting someone to disprove their argument. You're wrong but you continue to dig deeper because you have no idea what you're talking about.

Also, where is this scene you're talking about? I just watched the intro on youtube and didn't see anything referencing this. Produce what you're talking about.

Otherwise, yeah, I stick by my original statement. Movie is showing what happens when corporations take over and fuck shit up and it takes government to fix it when the smart military guy eventually has to show everyone how they've been screwed by for-profit corps.

Idiocracy is a great movie for idiots who think they're smart.

As such, I didn't like it because I know I'm fucking retarded.



>being this jelly

if you wouldnt hit that hot slut youre a gay cuck

Essentially this

wow. this.

If you think about it, they managed to bring us a huge step back, not the other way around.

Women are getting chased and raped on the streets, nobody is allowed to say shit because it could be "political incorrect", working social systems crash because of "muh ebul capitalism" and lazy millenial bastards.

Thanks globalists and liberals!

Hey guys remember when Portugal was an actual country not a discount Spain?

Spot on kiwi.

I'm high as shit and that fucked with my head

You're quoting a word, AKA using a word to further your argument. Case closed; you've lost.

>I just watched the intro on youtube and didn't see anything referencing this.
So you admit you haven't seen the movie? Right after the MC is awoken from his cryosleep, he is sent to the hospital. The hospital workers are revealed to be idiots, contrary to what you would expect of doctors. Instead, a machine diagnoses and cures the patients with a government issued ID for free. This advances the plot as it is revealed as the MC does not have a government ID and needs to take a government IQ test, where it is revealed he is the smartest man on the planet.

This is government sponsored eugenics. Everyone is slobs because the government solves all health problems with their version of universal healthcare. Yes, corporatism is also shown to contribute to eugenics, but the relation is symbiotic. Government welfare allows people to consume corporate media/goods which in turn makes them dumber.

>it takes government to fix it
Also wrong. The government figures are also shown to be also unintelligent and prone to corporatism. What ultimately fixes the problem (crops not growing due to using gatorade instead of water) is religion- The MC claims to have spoken to the plants who told him what to do, in an allegory to how Moses spoke to the burning bush which gave him the ten commandments.

You're quoting a word, AKA using a word to further your argument. Case closed; you've lost.

Quoting is not the same as using. I never used it in my argument. Your point is lost and you're just going to keep trying, but you'll need to face it at some point. Maybe your dad never told you how to deal with losing, but you lost.

> So you admit you haven't seen the movie?

Poor reading comprehension too. I've seen the movie and I just rewatched what I could find on youtube, and it didn't mention you part. Produce it so I can review, since it's your evidence that your argument is right.

> This is government sponsored eugenics.

Yeah, about that... again, the movie shows how they allowed the corporations to take over, so it shows how deregulation and unlimited corporate power has ruined society.

> Also wrong. The government figures are also shown to be also unintelligent and prone to corporatism

Yeah, because government was removed from regulating what corporation could do and everyone receives corporate brainwashing via tv.

> What ultimately fixes the problem (crops not growing due to using gatorade instead of water) is religion-

HAHAHAHAHAH... holy shit, what a great laugh.

>Mike Judge

like most other genius men he is libertarian. no, libertarian is not leftist

poorly educated = workers keeping the country running
well educated = professors, psychiatrists and politicians, careers based on leeching on the working class

It must be close to the truth since the (((studio))) jewed the shit out of it and tried to bury the release.

the concept is good but the execution sucks. only has a couple of funny moments

Hospital Robot

Doctor realizes MC doesn't have a welfare number

>they allowed the corporations to take over
They allowed deregulation because they were literally too stupid to understand why you need regulations.
The most famous scene in the movie is the government officials quoting a corporate slogan as justification for their policies. And you're claiming >it takes government to fix it

Lmfao you're a fucking joke. The movie was literally too deep for you. I stand by calling you a dysgenic.

Goddamn I've just been following along and you are a dense mother fucker.

It's real

>This article briefly describes Lynn’s view on what makes modern populations rise and fall. It then provides
a demographic analysis of what happens to modern sub-fertile high-IQ Western populations when
Internal Relaxation of Darwinian Selection (IRDS) combines with External Relaxation (ERDS, in the form
of super-fertile low-IQ non-Western immigration) into Double Relaxation of Darwinian Selection (DRDS).
The genotypic IQ decline will ruin the economic and social infrastructure needed for quality education,
welfare, democracy and civilization. DRDS is currently unopposed politically, so existing fertility differentials
may eventually lead to Western submission or civil resistance.

>Hospital Robot

Shows nothing about it being run by the government. Based on the voice at the beginning, sounds like a business

> Doctor scene
Again, nothing saying "government did this". So your point is moot

> They allowed deregulation because they were literally too stupid to understand why you need regulations.

Because they were brainwashed by corporate propaganda via tv as regulations were stripped away. This is really easy to understand, I'm not sure why you're not picking it up.

> And you're claiming >it takes government to fix it

Yes, because the future "government" (which is all corporate brainwashed idiots) is saved by a guy from the 2005 military (ie a government official). Ergo, government fixes what the corporations fucked up. Again, easy to follow.

> Lmfao you're a fucking joke. The movie was literally too deep for you. I stand by calling you a dysgenic.

Again, digging that hole. You've been burned so bad and all you can do is squirm back to already disproven points. Sounds like someone needs some nap time.

Not an argument

>4-8 years of twitter shitposting from the POTUS
I can't wait