Tuthankamon (son of Akhenaton, Amenhotep IV) didn't catch fire by himself

Tuthankamon (son of Akhenaton, Amenhotep IV) didn't catch fire by himself.
Locking him up in 3 sarcophages was for the purpose of making the oils catch fire.
The malediction of pharaoh is a HOAX.

Are you the frog who asserts that Soros is Mengele?

I still have your thread open from yesterday. Now what are you actually talking about

Yep. YS, born 24 of november 1991 in PERPIGNAN.
If anything happens to me Soros is rekt.
But i'm pretty comfy as i am not suicidal.


The guy who led the expedition to the tomb

His middle name was molyneux

what lies behind nefertiti's tumb?
what's at the center of the cube?

how did this thread turn into mummies?

note for later: did Vincent dad had Kuru disease?



Please explain in detail what you are going on about. It's interesting.

my ssd encryption pass is d932a3555427da9a19c54f36d6

my login is "pm" without quotes
my password is caca09012011@

Please explain. I have no idea what youar on about, but I am curious.

nice flag, user

Are you going to get suicided from a knife in the back mate? I'm worried.

how the fuk are we supposed to use this, if we don't know who you are?

thanks man

why is this hexagon present on the north pole of jupiter?
I too have questions. I answer to them by reading books and surfing the internet.
do the same.

forgot pic

It's ont the north pole of Saturn, friend. Seems like a perpetual storm caught up by the gas giant's gravity, who exhibits traits of a "brown star", a.k.a. a decayed sun.

Saturn was called the Black Sun by some antique mythos,, and could have been a previous star stripped of its power by the current Sun, ala Chronos and Zeus.

is there winds on saturn? how do they move?

Saturn is just a gas ball maintained in a spherical shape by the Sun's orbit. Jupiter is also a gas giant, and has a hurricane eye as well.

The rings are made up of ice particles, and the planet itself is so huge its own gravitational pull is enough to maintain them in a perfect circular shape.

Nothing is solid on Saturn, only moving gas, the planet is a litteral storm into orbit.

oh ok.
why the hexagon shape?

shutdown HAARP now.

We'll never know for sure until we get a bunch of satellites out there, but there's a very simple theory :

Bee hives ? Hexagons.

Snow flakes ? Hexagons.

Most crystals ? Hexagons.

To put it simply, the hexagon is the default "storage shape" of Nature. Hexagons offer the biggest possibility of stackable volumes, thus moving winds, gas and ice particles pushed to the north pole of the planet where they can't get any further would take on an evergrowing hexagon shape.

wrong. we know it is caused by the winds movement in the north pole of this planet.

on Earth, Foehn wind carries dichlore on the plains.

I literally just mentioned moving winds in my previous reply. Thoe winds push the particles that Saturn is made up of, and since those can't leave the north pole hurricane, they stack into a hexagon shape.

you know just like german SS gazing jewish people during the wars.

I'm starting to think you might be 12 or an ayy lmao.

not replying to you when mentionning the SS kek
but Meng...Soros should know better.

What's the deal about this ?

mengele love(d) gazes. but what he loved most was to drug children and put stuff in their anal cavity.