How do we stop republicans from stealing another election?

How do we stop republicans from stealing another election?

I don't think the middle class can take another 4 years of neglect.

Keep calling them all racist, sexist, xenophobes. That seemed to work well in 2016.


Until then, embrace the fail.

You forgot islamophobic!

Stop putting corrupted murderers as head of your party.

We don't, because everything worked out thanks to the electoral colleges.

Cry about it! If we let the democrats take control this country will just continue to get worse and worse.

With Trump we can count on a better economy, more jobs, no more AFA/Obamacare, and hopefully a balanced budget.

Thank god Trump seems to be listening to Rand Paul.

Move out of california/new york to a rustbelt state, except then you'd probably start voting republican

The cultural marxism didn't work in 2016 only because you were too subtle with it. You need to come right out and call an intifada against White America.

Not many people actually believe in the Dems outside of high crime rate cities.

Also most of America is against Spirit Cooking Globalists.

>supporting the middle class

user I. ...

We're not a pure democracy. You posting this meme is only proof you're actually severely uneducated.

>I don't think the middle class can take another 4 years of neglect.

You're talking about the Obama Administration, right?

>I don't think the middle class can take another 4 years of neglect.
It has survived a century of perpetual economic instability and debt slavery perpetrated by the Democrat criminal Woodrow Wilson and his puppet masters. What makes you think it won't survive 4 years without criminal leftist subhumans stealing from it and enslaving it?

New party.

People are content playing ios vs android, amd vs nvidio, democrat vs republican.

Truth is, when it comes to the political parties we have, the options fucking blow.

On the left, you've got the party of big money and lies and war. On the right, you've got the party of religion and lies and war. Nobody gives a shit about you unless you're Martin Shkreli (hi martin).

Bernouts and trump voters, let's get together and make a new party to make politics great again. Fuck these guys at the top.

Move from California to whatever state Trump won by ~1%

>I don't think the middle class can take another 4 years of neglect.


They didnt stole it, the rules where clear, popular vote means jack shit if you dont win the electoral vote, personally i believe that electoral system worked for a purpose in the 1700s and is kinda obsolete by now, but dems cant bitch about it after the election took place with clear rules known to all parties involved, dont like it take it to your legislators and push for reform, in the meantime enjoy your president

impliment compulsary ID when voting

There is a hierarchy in the alt-right. Those at the top don't believe in the core beliefs of the alt-right (with some exceptions) and know how to deliberately misconstrue facts in order to change public opinion. Like for example, black crime rates (which I will explain soon) are proportionately higher as reported by the FBI, but that is not the full story. Not all districts report ethnicity to the FBI, and the ones that do tend to be large cities with a disproportionate black population. Those at the very top agree with liberals, but deliberately twist facts to suit their agenda.

So why do they attempt to stir up racial animosity, you ask? Some do it to sell books or get Google AdSense revenue, others to cultivate a rabid fanbase, and yet others because they are bored/want to watch it all "burn down".

The folks at the very top then spread these half-truths in the form of propaganda to the next level: the alt-righters smart enough to understand math and statistics, but not smart enough to see the whole truth. For example, they take this as a fact: There are only two genders, because there are only two possible pairs of chromosomes: XX and XY. They would take it as fact, not knowing there are other combinations like Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY), Turner Syndrome (X), Triple X Sydrome (XXX) or Double Y Syndrome (XYY). (This also works with the genital argument, there are hermaphrodites and people with penile agenesis. Also androgens and estrogen levels are on a bell curve, not discrete, etc.). (The gender argument is stupid anyway, but it is a good example of ignorance.) These guys fully believe in the cause, and therefore speak with great charisma and emotion.

IMHO -wat is moar importante is : How the fuk is the World going to help us kek (R-Earth) off all the other planets?!

Top-tier work, Schlomo. Keep the subversive lies and sophistry coming.

This must be pasta, a poorly written one too.

>I don't think the middle class can take another 4 years of neglect.

that's why Hill lost