Romania is the most white country in Europe at the moment

Romania is the most white country in Europe at the moment.
How does it feel being inferior to gypos?

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>83% Romanians
>whitest country

Why did Romanians allow their women to be bred by the gypsies? Or was the nation just founded by gypsies to begin with??

Yes it even has Romani in the name.

Romania superpower by 2030 thank God we're allies!

>You will never be Romanian
Why live

True story





Shut up, parroting morons!


Truth hurts, huh

Transylvania will never belong to Hungary, bozgor, calm down

youre so white mr romanian how can others become as white as you?

Only cause no one wants to emigrate to Romania.

Yeah, but Romania will always be a gipsy socialist shithole.

You know you can move here, right?
We're pretty welcoming to other whites.
Maybe a little less with Russians but that's just historical banter.

How did Romania become so shit if you are all white?

I do
>you will never see Romanian nature

Where would be a good place to move?


Generate a random number between 1-4

Seeing as the whole Europe is going to mudslime hell, a few gypsies don't phase us.

What are you talking about. We are very good at managing other people's money

You sounds like a muslim. Blaming others for your own shit.

We have high living standards, man, wtf u talking about.

Sti ca noi suntem teoretic 96.4% albi.There are whiter countries ou there and only 650k gypsys declared themselfs as gypsys in fear of discrimination.The real nuber us somwere at 2-3 mil so theoretically we are 82% white which is the worst in europe.But good news most gypsys are fucking off to steal in rich western countries kek....

Timisoara or Cluj are the most beautiful.
Both academic cities, lots of young people who've not been corrupted feminism and marxist poison, top tier bars and cafes, rich history and civilized, intelligent people that can make any conversation interesting. Romanians(aside from the dirt farmers in the villages) are good people, loyal to the fucking core if you make them your friends.

He doesn't want a job as the village rapist.

Do not trust this man.

>implying I'd ever want to leave best country

Thanks I will look into it
Is that some bad place?

>no fun allowed

Yes, Vaslui is basically the shithole of Romania.

Stop showing us pictures from Haghita and Covasna, dumb hungayretard.

We were pretty hot shit once. We used to get called "Little France", "Europe's Shield", "Those Guys that set up their Country at the Crossroads Between Everyone's Armies".

Then the war came, and we did the right thing and allied with the Nazis. Then the Russians came.... and in a sense, they never left.
They put a gun to the heads of some college students and told our king to sign up in alliance with Russia or the kids die.
Fucker gave in and signed it.
And so we were made to betray.
And the communism reduced us to the same mental level as the Chinese. Thankfully, we still had books and a bit of cunning so we're not all lost.

its funny that its world renown. i heared theres a lot of rapists there

>Is that some bad place?
You can go check it out I'd shove one of those rape-X condoms up my ass and made sure to keep all my money in the banking system if I were you.

They're pictures of the majority population in Romania.

Everywhere you go in Romania, you see people like this.

>A redpilled Romani actually shows what a massive fucking hellhole your (((country))) is
>Literally blame Hungarians

Keep blaming us while we just sit here and laugh our asses off as A FEMALE MUSLIM runs you into the ground.

There's some pretty fucked up shit that goes down there, that's for sure. Kinda like Stockholm without the architecture, police and social services.

There actually are. Same as shit tons of gypos. But, leaving that aside, there are some very nice cities in that country and normal people (by normal I reffer to non-gipsy) are actually surprisingly nice. And ofc the landscapes are amazing.

where the fuck do you get your news from, mentally disabled hun?

and he is either a troll ( good one ) or a fucking hungayrian stuck in the middle of Romania because of Trianon

t. Romanian at "work" in Spain

Man, you sure are butthurt about Romanians for some reason. Did some Vaslui rapist turn you into a "pretty lady" or something? Or some gypo stole your lunch money?

i like romania its great and you get to enjoy a high standard for a very cheap price

>you get to enjoy a high standard for a very cheap price
If you have money that is.
Unless you have a decent job, you don't get the full experience. Just the depressing one.
Also social services and welfare are basically a myth here; kinda like dragons, only even less chance existing.

Yeah, and Russia is the most white country in Asia.

He displays the behavior of the common szekely AKA bozgor (man without country). They are hungarians living in a very small region of Romania, left there by the Austro-Hugarians during the occupation of Transylvania. They basically hate Romania(because it's not Hungary) and they have nowhere to go, because nobody wants them, not even Hungary. They always complain they want money and independence, even thou our moronic state did everything to accommodate them. Should mention that this region of theirs is the poorest in Romania and filled with gypsies.

They'll get gassed along with the gypsies in the coming Great Race War.

Muslim prez

No, I'm just trying to show how Romania really is. I mean they recently voted a socialist party in power, because socialists will increase gibmedats.

So, you see, Romanias truly are a people of gypsies.

I didn't want to believe it at first, but you really are retarded.
Are you from Craiova or Ferentari?

No, I'm from Maramures, plai cu flori.

Romanian history is sad desu

Da-te ca-mi bag pula-n ma-ta

Stai sa-mi scot eu pula din ea. Ai rabdare

ce e ba cu imbulzeala asta?

Adica ai pula bagata in ma-ta?

who searches and saves these pics, you gotta be one autistic ass bozgor my man. Just end it tbqh.

>a few
>2 million

So that's the situation in Maramures then?
Look I get that the villages are shit. But once you set foot into a city it's all good and you know it.

It's always been fucking sad.
Shit like this has happened to is since Dacia.

But you know what? The blood that ran here more than 2000 years ago still runs here today, even if it is mixed with a little from elsewhere.
And that same blood will run here long after you or I are gone.

And that makes me feel good.

You are one dumb boz.. what else is new?

Bai pisatule, ia mai da-te in pula mea. Sa-mi bag pula in inima ta, sa-ti ramana pula blocata in suflet. Sa-ti inec tot arborele genealogic de la Adam si Eva incoace in sloboz. Vezi poate iti sare vreo aschie de pumn in ochi cand esti pe la vreo terasa, rapanosule. Plimba-mi-as pula prin gura ta ca prin labirintul minotaurului. Ce tot denigrezi tara ta, jegosule? Ai votat cu PSD, nu? Lua-te-as in pula ca pe frigarui mai muie. In loc sa lauzi tara, tu o faci de cacat. Si ce te freaca pe tine grija daca avem tigani in tara noastra? Da-i in mortii lor de ciori, tu ia si invata si repara tara in mortii tai de imputit.

They're just random pics from everyday life in Romania, really.


You seem upset.

Also, you have homosexual tendencies, lots of gay obsessions there.

Asa si ce ma, muie? Esti si homofob acum, retaradu' pulii mele. De cand e o injuratura sa faci pe cineva gay?
Sper sa te calce o caruta, retardatule.

Someone needs to fix up that house.

You know gipsies are lying at the census, they are the fastest breeding ethnic group in Romania. They are probably the majority group now.

Ma doare pe mine-n pula de bulangii. Uite, pentru ca esti gay, nici nu-ti mai dau replica. Mi-e cam scarba.

Ce replica sa dai tu ma cap de miel? Normal ca nu ai ce sa spui daca tu esti atat de rapanos incat ai un folder cu tigani. Pai da ce pula mea. Mars afara din tara noastra jegosule daca nu iti place asa de mult. Nu au murit atatia eroi ca sa faci tu tara de cacat pe un chinese origami imageboard. Du-te dracu' altundeva si ramai acolo.


Asa o sa si fac. Btw, sunt de origine austriac, asa ca n-am nimic in comun cu tara asta de rahat, in care niste stramosi de-ai mei au venit cu administratia habsburgica.

Abia astept sa plec de tot din curul Europei, cum i se mai spune Rromaniei.

Sa ramaneti voi cu plagiatorii, socialistii si "romanii" vostri. Si cu sereistii care va conduc.

acu pe bune te-a futut in cur un preot?
de unde atata ura?

Asa, foarte bine. Pleaca, du-te unde vrea pula ta, numai pleaca dracu' de la noi din tara cu tot cu austriecii tai. Suntem descendetii romanilor si ai dacilor. Ne doare pe noi, romanii, la pula de voi si de administratia curului. O sa ne descurcam cum ne-am descurcat si noi. Te plangi de ce mai precis? De faptul ca ai invatamant gratis si bun? De faptul ca ai sistem medical gratis si bun? De faptul ca presedintele nostru e briliant? POT SA JUR ca ai votat cu PSD-ul doar asa ca sa faci oleaca de caterinca austriaca.

Pleaca mai repede austriac imputit.
Toti romanii.




Gypsies were literally quarantined then and now. Then they were slaves and now they are isolated by walls. Because they were slaves, a lot of them were raped, hence why they are around 30-40% Indian and the rest Euro. In Western Europe, Gypsies were fucked into complete assimilation, which will eventually happen to those from Eastern Europe too.

Care ura, sunt foarte calm. Vad ca voi va agitati, ca nu puteti baga placa cu Romania din poveste, ca niste comunisti. Romania aia cu panselute la intersectii.

Sunteti descendentii lui cacat. In doua mii de ani n-a mai ramas nimic din ce-o fi scurs niste "romani" din toate colturile imperiului in pizdele locale. V-ati amestecat cu bulgari, slavi, albanezi, tatari, turci, greci, tigani.

De aia n-ati avut nicio ierarhie militaro-politica pana in secolul 13-14, cand au descalecat Basarabii, care nici macar nu erau "romani". A trebuit sa vina altii, niste migratori, ca sa incepeti si voi sa va organizati in principate.

>bia astept sa plec de tot din curul Europei, cum i se mai spune Rromaniei.
Crede-ne, si noi abea asteptam sa te vedem plecat. Daca continui sa ne futi meciu mai bine iti vezi de treaba altundeva.
Ne vedem cand te intorci cu capu aplecat din paradusil tau vestic, ori bagat in depresie de prostia strainilor ori batut de negri ori cu copiii violati de arabi.

Si cand te intorci la noi, o sa-ti ceri scuze. Si noi o sa fim buni ca fratii, o sa te iertam, si o sa-ti fim prieteni si o sa-ti dam o bataie sora cu moartea pentru cat de prost ai fost.

t. Van der Bellen

>foarte calm
>are un folder special cu ''rumani gypos''
esti plin de ura si ai putza mica

Bai da tu ai citit cartile de istorie alea de la voi din Austria. De unde pula mea le scoti, coiosu'? Cine dracu' sa amestescat cu bulgari, tatari, etc? Sa moara ce am pe casa daca am vazut eu asa ceva in Romania. Auzi, austriacule, ia mai du-te tu spre pula mea. Du-te in rapanul ala de tara la tine acolo, in Austria. Pun pariu ca te asteapta aia cu bratele deschise.
Romania e una din cele mai bogate tari in cultura si faptul ca am fost colonizati si au venit altii peste noi nu ne-a schimbat cu nimic rapansoule. Tu nu vezi ca noi tot romana vorbim, tot din latini ne tragem, pula bleaga care esti. Pai daca era dupa voi mai austrieci rapanosi, nu faceam nimic noi romanii. Ia cand te duci in Austria sa ne trimiti doctorii si forta de munca inapoi, retardu' pulii mele. Sa vedem cu ce mai ramane rapanul tau de tara dupa aia. Auzi la el, ne tragem din cacat. Baga-ti-ai pula, prost mai esti. Suntem mai albi ca olandezii, fraiere.

Nu, doar ma distreaza cand vad romulanii pe site cum se agita sa nu cumva sa se strice "imaginea" adica povestea aia falsa despre Romania.

Dupa cum vorbesti, esti cel mai alb de pe planeta.

>austrieci rapanosi
'Ai de capul tau, noi eram imperiu cand voi n-aveati nici agricultura.

Nu se agita nimeni aici mai, cap de pula. Noua romanilor nu ne place cand un boschetar ca tine ne face tara de cacat. Am vizitat o gramada de tari pana acum, inclusiv Austria si nu se compara cu Romania, poti sa spui tu ce vrei. Nu are nimeni, absolut nimeni, ce avem noi la noi in tara. De la oameni, pana la frumusetile naturii. Noi v-am primit mereu pe voi strainii cu bratele deschise, ca doar na, noi suntem romani. Suntem un popor pasnic si amabil. Voi, strainii, mereu trebuie sa ne stricati treaba. Du-va in pula mea.

That shit got shot down by our president almost instantly. Thank God for Saxons.

Ce imperiu aveati mai voi, capete de pula ce sunteti? Auzi la el, nu aveam agricultura. Ia cauta mai pula bleaga sa vezi cat de vechi e poporul nostru. Sa vezi ca nici macar istoricii nu stiu cat de vechi suntem noi, atat de vechi. Da un search pe Google inainte sa mananci cacat. Mergi acolo la tine, langa Bratislava si stai linistit. Ti-am mai spus eu tie, nu au murit atatia eroi in lupta pentru austrieci rapanosi ca tine. Macar de erai un austriac misto, dar mai esti si muist. D-aia nici Germania nu va place.

Au pus si ei ban cu ban sa ia una la comun. Nu-i judeca.

De aia esti tu in Olanda, ca e prea frumos in RO. :))

Bai pula eu sunt aici ca asa vrea pula mea. Asta nu inseamna ca urasc Romania. Am vrut sa raman in Romania dar universitatea la care sunt eu aici, le distruge pe alea din Romania. Si pot sa pun pariu ca sunt mai alb ca tine, rapanosule. Spre deosebire de tine, eu nu sunt corcit. Sunt roman din romani, fraiere. De la noi de la tara, de la pascut, de acolo ma trag eu.

Cred ca stiu mai multa istorie a Romaniei decat tine. Romania n-a fost tara agrara pana la Cuza, care i-a improprietarit pe tarani. Erati crescatori de capre, 'tu-v-an saracie sa va fut. Practic un fel de beduini care stateau ascunsi prin munti cand veneau turcii.

Pana si ungurii aveau mai multa mandrie ca voi.


Ce gluma buna :))

Vai de pula ta cu istoria ta din carti de colorat. Pleaca mai repede acasa si nu ne mai strica noua combinatiile. Poti sa faci shitposting pe Sup Forums cu tigani cat vrei tu. Ideea de baza e ca tot un austriac rapanos esti si sa-mi bag pula in imperiul austro-ungar, ala de cacat. Si sa-ti iau si Mozart-ul in pula, fraierica geamantan care esti. Astea sunt singurele voastre argumente cand e vorba de cultura d-aia ti le-am spus eu inainte. Ia si viziteaza Romania sa vezi ce splendoare de tara si dupa comenteaza.

De aia vin bogatii vostri la schi in Austria, si cand au probleme de sanatate la Viena. Pentru ca e Austria asa de rahat cum visezi tu. :))

N-ai cu cine. Du-te ca e frumos in Austria. Dar sa nu te intorci fraiere, promite.

>make thread about Hungary
>first romanian post is bozgoring

>make thread about romania
>romanians start bozgoring before any Hungarian posts

Holy fuck you gyps are butthurt