So what do you think his secret plan to defeat ISIS is? You know...

So what do you think his secret plan to defeat ISIS is? You know, the one that not even the best generals could think of.

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Stop sending them money and weapons

It's not that he has a plan, it is that he is able to see the whole thing from an entirely different perspective. Bussiness people are often very efficient, flexible and creative. Unlike people who've been stuck in the same job for 40 years.

anyone got that pic of the map where instead of the middle east it is all ocean from the massive amount of ordinance we use to glass them

he said a plan

>bomb the shit out of them
>specifically the oil fields
>move in soldiers and cordon off burning oil fields
>claim oil wells for USA

1) Hire Mattis
2) Hire a bunch of other generals and admirals
3) Do what they say
4) ???
5) Profit.

All womyn fighting force with totally bulletproof suitsthat are covered in bacon I imagine.

Wow what a novel and well-thought out idea. CTR BTFO XD

Trump obviously created ISIS so he could become president.

He'll just call them off after his inauguration.

>5D chess

Fuck off Libtard shill. CrookedHillary lost.

Deal with it.


>Triggered Nigger Syndrome

You're the one that's bringing up Hillary.

I'm asking what Trump's plan is. So far it doesn't seem like a very good one, if one at all.

not have obama or bush in office who are actually in charge of them

"Hey come join ISIS". "No thanks, I have a job now"

Right now the USA is in a bit of an awkward position when it comes to Syria, due to their stance on Assad.
If they damage ISIS too much, there's a chance the SAA might just swoop in and take over. If they don't do anything at all, there's a chance ISIS might grow too strong and absorb all the "moderate" factions.
If Trump wants to improve relations with Russia, that means forming some sort of agreement on how to deal with Syria.

>So what do you think his secret plan to defeat ISIS is?

Try to actually fucking kill them, something Obama never did.


Nuke Raqqa

Pull the plug on the operation.

>how to deal with Syria
The plan all along is to take it over.


Kill them.

Russia and Assad.


Force Russians to start a full-scale ground operation. EZ

>/thread -ing your own post

Air drop pigs from C-130's.
The Muslims will be covered in pigs and have no recourse other than to sodoku.

>bomb Mecca
>identify muslim countries willing to go to war over that
>bomb them
>retake Constantinople
>behead Erdoğan in front of Hagia Sophia

I'd be down to collaborate with the Russians, believe it or not most American servicemen have mad respect for the Russian military

>So what do you think his secret plan to defeat ISIS is?
When he gets in office, he is going to stop funding them


Have them all assume room temperature.

give up the task to putin



Bitte halt Hans i can only get so erect

This, but maybe send a few final bombs

> quads says KeK wills it

Unleash Mattis.

Strategic bombing around the clock, armored divisions spearhead for oil fields and infantry run cleanup.

Without financial backing ISIS is in trouble

Employing private militarie companies to take care of the problem once and for all and not having to change anything else that the United States military is doing. Something the generals obviously wouldn't do or want to do.

Quads make it true

Kek wills it

Russian/American invasion? Show the world we can work together.

Defund them

yes he does

Stop funding it

That's so crazy it just might work!

>his secret plan to defeat ISIS

flanking them with a surprise Rohirrim charge

Step 0
>Cucks BTFO
Step 1
>Saudi BTFO
Step 2
>State Department BTFO
Step 3


Digits confirm

I hate this concept of "a plan" as some mythical fucking single winning chess move. Its fucking retarded. I'm not even sure how well he'll do, and I know fuck all about startegy, but I know things arent always as simple as aztec zerg rush.

Total annihilation,no surviors

>put armor on him
>large machine gun in right hand
>RPG in the left

I would proudly ride this beast on any field of battle

ayy lmao