Rosner noted that the Obama Administration has already essentially begun rebuilding the nuclear program

>Rosner noted that the Obama Administration has already essentially begun rebuilding the nuclear program,
>making Trump’s promised expansion “a perfect example of Trump basically being clueless.”

>“He didn’t understand that we have a refurbishment program,” Rosner said. “He didn’t understand that, under Obama, that we’d rebuilt the entire production complex. So exactly what he would mean by ‘strengthening the nuclear program,’ it’s a bit of a mystery. I don’t know what he’s talking about. We’ve done it already.”

This is what happens when uneducated voters elect a man who doesn't do his fucking homework, we get a national embarrassment who succeeds only at making his supporters feel right while making everyone else terrified by his ignorance. It's honestly baffling how the American only had the choice between two criminals for president in the 2016 election, even though Obama wasn't great I would definitely four more years of him to spare us from the massive decline America is about to enter.

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Why is Sup Forums already right?


>Sup Forums

they'll never use them anyways. just milindustcomp siphoning money as always.

>when obamas first nuclear act was to kill the reliable replacement warhead

No, you libshits don't get to pretend you care about national security after that and refusing to update ICBMs until the republicans pushed it through

fuck off

Jesus fucking Christ, why are we always right?

you've almost got me there user nice try

>4 more years for obama

Kill yourself you fucking idiot

>icbms are useful tools in national security

wtf i love nukes now
t. liberal

global capitalism is in decline and if it weren't for his policy decisions in his first term it probably would have collapsed a lot sooner than it ultimately will under trump. you owe obama at least some semblance of appreciation for maintaining your comfortable industrial parasatism for at least an additional decade.

Why are they disusing our strategic nuclear arsenal in public? It is one thing for Trump to use hypothetical, it is another for them to try and shame trump by releasing details.

If we weren't we'd be left.

>implying they're not

Means he's going to put better people in charge. Anyone Obama put in charge is a political agent and cannot be trusted.

>2 posts by this ID
One of them was just a "?".
Why is Sup Forums full of idiots?

>implying thats not what I want

I hate democracy and I hate socialism

40 year old ICBMs with 40 year old warhead design and components become unreliable tools, despite the best efforts of our servicemen and civilian contractors to maintain and modernize them. The RRW , cancelled by Obama, would have been a major step forward.

NOBODY on Sup Forums wanted the government to drag out the collapse with their bailouts and QEinfinity. It would have been infinitely better for the companies to go bankrupt and let the free market fix it.

Instead we dragged out the collapse for 8 fucking years and it's still not done. Fuck you, nobody benefited in the last 8 years except the corrupt.

>>“He didn’t understand that we have a refurbishment program,” Rosner said. “He didn’t understand that, under Obama, that we’d rebuilt the entire production complex. So exactly what he would mean by ‘strengthening the nuclear program,’ it’s a bit of a mystery. I don’t know what he’s talking about. We’ve done it already.”

He is taking credit for obamas work

How can people be this dumb?

>not understanding the significance of -burg

Head on back to reddi.t and tell everyone about how you schooled us literal Hitlers

what do you like buddy

The problem with letting the banks utterly collapse would mean the others would have an infinitely stronger monopoly.

Upon this realization breaking up that monopoly afterwards would lead to economic ruin. Rockefellers Standard Oil breakup is a drop in the ocean compared to destroying a global hegemony stationed right on our own soil.

>Refurbishing antique missiles is kind of the same thing as working on new designs and technologies

No, it's actually a perfect example of how easy it was to brainwash clueless faggots like you and your friends, user.
You should be ashamed of yourselves for being such an easy target for the globalist media, but you won't feel that shame; you're too fucking stupid to even know how disgustingly shameful the current position you've gotten yourself into truly is.
So here's to hoping your stupidity doesn't get you killed, because you've likely been weaponized by your owners.



>would mean the others would have an infinitely stronger monopoly.
No, they were worried about the contagion spreading to all banks and ALL international banks collapsing. Only small, local banks would have remained. Which would have been a good thing for everyone except corrupt banksters and corrupt government fucks.

>Rockefellers Standard Oil breakup is a drop in the ocean compared to destroying a global hegemony stationed right on our own soil.
So? Fuck rich people. That's what we fucking wanted and it was thwarted by the fuckers in the government and the FED.

fuck off, everyone here was having a laugh about that exact thing, because it pretty much got zero media coverage when Obama expanded the nuclear capabilities greatly, and now Trump will get the blame for it. Fucking shill

>It would have been infinitely better for the companies to go bankrupt and let the free market fix it.

This is incorrect, as far as human quality of life is concerned. Collapse doesn't help the well-being of "the little guy," either. If you're suggesting that the free market can 'reset' and return to normal, then you don't understand the changing planet, overpopulation, food supply, energy economics, or natural resource rights and distribution.

The Depression in the 30's was the result of laisse faire economics. Increased regulation and government spending took us out of it. The 'free market,' as it were, is unstable and untrustworthy. Civilization, on the other hand, is entirely dependent on order and consistency.


Working ones are actually the most useful

Unequivocal fact: a nuclear exchange is not helpful to the well-being of the masses.


>the masses
hello /leftypol/. why can't you speak like normal people.

>Want to launch a nuclear missile? You'll need a floppy disk.

>That's according to a new report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), which found that the Pentagon was still using 1970s-era computing systems that require "eight-inch floppy disks."

Maybe it was time for a shake-up

Anarchism? Just curious. I think anarchism is a great model in small agrarian populations.

Obviously cities, banking, and industry are unsustainable, and the idea of sustainability is a joke given the scope and complexity of our planet's current predicament. But as far as keeping people happy under the current paradigm, I really don't understand people's problem with socialism.



Okay: obviously cities are population centers and, by definition, make up the foundation of civilization. How does a nuclear exchange positively affect a society, given that maximum loss of human life is the only rational objective of commanders engaged in mutual destruction?

Additional Funfact:
A strong nuclear arsenal is the best detereent against nuclear warfare as a whole, and thus in turn benefits the wellbeing of """"the masses"""" most.

>civilization is unsustainable
only because you cunt are constantly trying to make it collapse. I'd like to see all you faggots get the brazen bull

the nuke is literally the best thing that happened to japan

>Collapse doesn't help the well-being of "the little guy," either.

Actually it would have because all that debt would have been renegotiated and possibly absolved as banks holding the loans would have gone bankrupt.

>The Depression in the 30's was the result of laisse faire economics. Increased regulation and government spending took us out of it.
Now that's entirely wrong you Keynesian. The government regulation and spending took a simple stock market collapse and dragged it out for years until WW2 actually ended it.

>You just don't understand!
>The government fixed the great depression, not WWII!!!!!
People that so readily kowtow to their masters are pathetic. The 'free market' has dragged more people out of poverty and boosted production far more than any government regulation could ever dream of.

Trump will do it better, faster, and under budget. Onigger probably just signed a form during a golf session to get congress off his back.

Feinberg was a Trump hater since 2015 and even though she was proven spectacularly wrong in 2016, she keeps going.

You realize you're arguing for us, objectively, right? The best deterrent to a nuclear exchange is a nuclear arsenal. Having a weak, outdated arsenal means the enemy might be able to nuke you with impunity.

Preparation is the only defense, period.

Yeah you're right WW2 wasn't run by the government. In fact, most economic sectors weren't even dedicated to the war effort. Additionally, women entered the labor force making tanks and bombs and bullets because that's what American households needed at the time.

>Increased regulation and government spending took us out of it.

Yeah, burning crops and killing livestock and not selling the meat sure helped!

We'd all be speaking Russian right now without them

Nuclear weapons don't exist. They're a damn hoax.

>Author's picture is some shitty selfie in a grungy bar

Just putting her race aside and the inanity of the article, is that really acceptable for journalism these days? A photo of her at her desk would take 10 seconds, and is 10000x more professional. At all the jobs I've had, if I wanted to put a photo up on my work email or other accounts, it needed to be me with a neutral background and I was the only one allowed to be in the photo. And you know who would see those photos? Nobody. Nobody but my boss and some other employees.

I mean her photo is obviously cropped. You can see her leaning her head over because she is either taking this photo with a potential mate or group of friends. It's also washed out, so it was taken in the dark with a shitty cellphone. I could go on for hours about how unacceptable it is, but I'll spare you all my autism.

Meanwhile, the current administration forces intelligence agencies to publish a speculative paper on Russian election interference resulting in loss of credibility and international embarrassment.

Anti-missile defense systems are the more logical investment. Star Wars always sounded like a great idea. Thinking offensively isn't conducive to civility

WWII left the US as a superpower in a world that had just seen its economic center torn apart. Pretending like WWII wasn't what got the US out of the Great Depression is willfully ignorant at best. Government had a decade to fix the Great Depression and they couldn't do it. Then all of the sudden their chief economic competitors largely ceased to exist. They got lucky in with WWII from that standpoint.


Animal agriculture is an example of capitalistic waste. 10 times as expensive as normal food while Americans regularly go hungry. Your argument begins and ends with anti-regulation sentiment, which isn't wrong, just misplaced.

>I could go on for hours about how unacceptable it is, but I'll spare you all my autism.

Your ideas are interesting to me and I would like to sign up to your newsletter.

>citation needed

Gee I wonder why Obama would be building up a nuclear arsenal while he is poking Iran and Russia.

>Government had a decade to fix the Great Depression and they couldn't do it
FDR and the Democrats made Depression great on purpose


>Anti-missile defense systems are the more logical investment. Star Wars always sounded like a great idea. Thinking offensively isn't conducive to civility

Lrn2gametheory. Those actually destabilize the MAD inflection point. If Star Wars had actually been real it would have triggered a pre-emptive strike by the USSR (if they could even have afforded it by that point: they were already collapsing).

keynsian economics at its finest. and after all the diminishing returns from innovation have become too expensive to pursue, how will people be employed? Breaking windows and hiring people to fix them. If you think this system will continue indefinitely, i hope you remember your opinions when people start eating each other.

MAD was never a doctrine or anything anyone planned for though.


Nuclear war in 2017.

Kek wills it.

I'm on your side you idiot.

a president brings his own people with him? I'm shocked!

>weak, outdated arsenal

the missiles we have now are more than sufficient to ensure complete and utter destruction of this world 10x over

we have 18 active ohio class submarines and each of those carries 24 trident missiles, and each of THOSE missiles has multiple MIRV warheads

the only thing in our inventory that can be classified as somewhat dated are our minuteman ICBMs but

>when SLBMs exist


He's not even president yet. Fuck off

WWII isn't the main reason the US left the Great Depression. It was merely a factor. What really did it was us leaving the gold standard which allowed our currency to deflate and thus drive the money supply. Take an Economics class you cuck. Stop spouting mainstream bullshit ideas that are wrong.

Well, based on this quote, I don't see a problem. You can strengthen a rebuilt program, so it sounds like Rosner doesn't understand basic english.

Jesus, liberals will eat up even the most retarded shit you can imagine.

also, nobody's arguing ww2 didn't get us out of the depression. however, being that ww2 is a 'war,' it was ultimately government policy that supported the manufacturing center. how do you think government contracting works, anyway? I'm not the willfully ignorant one here.

Fascist actually

Anarchy is terrible and leads to warlords

>and under budget.
hmm no
Trump is known for going over budget and that wall is coming from the taxpayers dollars

goodbye middle class

>He's not even president and he's already a failure


Yeah, that's why I said it was an inflection point. It happened naturally and we don't really know how to do better or move past it, so the next best thing is to maintain it. That means having roughly equal nuclear capabilities, unstoppable second strike, and no way to intercept all missiles to prevent assured destruction.

Trump is the warmonger
you'll see, if it wasn't already evident by the way he talks about his desire to commit war crimes

>people thought mexico was going to pay for it upfront, with a check or something
>not realizing it was going to be tariffs from the start

Don't worry, it'll happen pretty quickly. Also the government could start seizing remittances, or taxing them heavily.

It's right actually, when previous market collapse, it was decided that free market would be established. It was also said that after this, america was safe from any crisis from now on. 2 years later the market collapse...

"Donald Trump said Friday night that he would shoot Iranian vessels "out of the water" if they bother American ships."
seems like Obama was levelheaded and updated our nuclear arsenal, Trump is the warmonger who will send us into more wars, like Bush.

>Don't worry, it'll happen pretty quickly.
>people thought mexico was going to pay for it upfront
Yes, that's what Trump's supporters thought and that's what he told them.
>it'll happen pretty quickly.
no it won't

>trump says we need to strengthen nuclear program

What fucking timeline do we live in?

>The Depression in the 30's was the result of laisse faire economics.
how in the actual fuck can you be this dumb
how the fuck

Correct, just take a look at libya.

This was debunked almost immediately

do you know how bank reserve ratios, the FDIC, and debt bubbles work? because if you did, you wouldn't vote the way you do.

>and that's what he told them.
No it's not. And you don't get to say what supporters thought when you're trying to concern troll.

>no it won't
Actually it will. Mexico got nearly $25B in remittances in 2015. The wall is estimated to cost $15-25B. And that's BEFORE bringing tariffs into the equation.

Tell me more about how I vote.

Maybe you should read a book, like a history book, about what actually happened leading up to the Black Friday and the Depression.

Easy win for Trump. Hillary would have alienated her voters if she had tried to platform on the Obamas administrations improvement of the nuclear program.

whatever, fuck this incompetent nigger

>Guy who gets fired talks shit about the guy who fired him.
>Tries to make it sound like his work was critical to his place of employment.

This is news,huh?

I don't think you understand: MAD was never even considered by anyone, despite how unpalatable it is to think about now a days, there's always been an acceptable level of casualties. The entire basis of MAD is that any level of casualties is unacceptable and that massive retaliation is the only way that nuclear warfare can be fought - which is absurd on its face. Both the US and USSR thought of nuclear war as another stage of escalation to the point that the standard high usage estimate of an all out nuclear exchange would last weeks with only 70% of warheads being used by the second week with less than 50% of strategic warheads having been expended. MAD is such an oversimplification of nuclear strategy that it's easy to see why the media clung so desperately to it and still spews it to this day.

In addition the real purpose of an ABM system isn't that it'll shoot down everything, like people like to act, all it needs to do is add uncertainty into the equation. By simply decreasing a MIRV bus' ability to strike all of its targets with a high chance of success, you now need to double up the warhead count per target, meaning that fewer targets can be attacked with a limited number of warheads. Thus making an adversary prioritize what NEEDS to be destroyed over what would be nice to be rekt..

Fuck off he's got a SWO pin. He can't be that incompetent or he'd be some kind of aviator.

Yes and? Unless we maintain MAD, a nuclear exchange becomes more likely.