Patton Oswalt is a faggot

If a sad drip has a living wife, what do you call a smaller one that doesn't?

Other urls found in this thread:

a widowed droplet

Make fun of his dead wife some more

>hahaha, what does this faggot think he can do, change his opinion or something? He cant do that! Stupid Drumpf!

Patton Oswalt is so stupid his wife died.


So, does this fat manlet do any movies or does he just whine about TRUMP on twitter 24/7?

Wish granted!

>I like this actresses work where she plays pretend for an extravagant living, she's very good at playing pretend

>oh, the person herself doesn't like me and expressed as much during a televised award ceremony that's rude, oh well fuck her I guess

>somebody thinks it's hilarious that I liked her work as a make believe person but don't like how she acted as herself outside her work (even though she was still playing pretend)

>I am btfo'd forever


his wife is dead

hes having abreakdown and needs help

hes shitposting to pass the time that would have been quality time with his wife if she hadnt croaked

>Makes fun of him because his wife is dead
>Yet can't even get a girl to look at them

Wtf happened to this website? Sup Forums is just filled with a bunch of self-loathing losers that project their insecurities about themselves on other people.

He doesn't like rolling in mud and eating slop by himself.

He used to have a wife to love and cuddle him.
Now his life is so empty he has to fill it with politics. H-ha...loser.


is there any possibillity oswalt is involved in pizzagate? i mean it isnt normal to get so triggered all the time. all the other "stars" made a statement once or twice, but this pathetic fuck seems to have nothing else to do than being triggered by trump

Brothers, I say unto you:
he who insults Trump insults kek,
for Trump is his chosen instrument,
and he who insults kek must pay,
for kek does not suffer injustice long.

You're full of shit. Girls look at me all the time. In disgust, but it still counts cuz

A fucking loser.
"Drip, Drip, Drip..."

Fucking christ that is fucking BRUUUUTAL

He most likely had some part in killing his wife, at the very least. I feel bad for his daughter desu.

Patt, get off here man. Go take up an instrument, or go hiking or something. You need a fresh start in life.

>his wife solved murder mysteries and unsolved crimes
>suddenly dies under mysterious circumstances

>Sup Forums is just filled with a bunch of self-loathing losers that project their insecurities about themselves on other people.
>"lol these anons can't even get a girl to look at them"
The only one projecting here is you.

Because Trump can't lash out like a newborn every time somebody says something bad about him. In one week's time he is going to have his finger on the nuclear triangle and he's tweeting about fucking Meryl Streep and award shows and other stupid bullshit? Every time Trump gets butthurt about whatever the liberal of the week spouted it shows weakness.


>Say you like an actress
>A year later she talks shit about you
>Insult her back

woah, just woah

>"his" "wife" wouldn't even take his name


>bottom bitch

How homophobic I'm literally shaking

>He most likely had some part in killing his wife
what makes you think that? (i have absolutey no clue how his wife died or anything about that pathetic fuck at all except for his king of queens roll)


>2016 presidential race parody porn

>Bernie Sanders portrayed as a cuckold husband in all of them

Wtf is a drip drop

his personal sickness poisoned his wife

and now all he can do is be engulfed by his own personal failings, being coddled all the while

I miss the days when I thought Patton Oswalt just acted like a cuck on TV.

>I have to put words in Trump's mouth to keep up the illusion

t. Sup Forums

It's actually misogynistic

Which would actually be a compliment now that I think about it

She overdosed on benzos. So at rhe very least he was complicit.


Jokes on you, I'm gay

I don't find Patton funny at all. Even with these retarded tweets of his, he's more obnoxious than witty or clever. How is this guy famous again?

poor man is completely insane

guess his wife wasn't the only thing he lost

oh shit


This guy truly has gone insane hasn't he?

I mean right now he's just using Trump as an inner punching bag. Accusing him on everything that he finds fault in himself after the death of his wife.


New fave meme, right here.

She's in a better place. Looking at her husband, that could be Detoit. She chose death for the permanency factor.


>thinks he 5d chessed trump into bringing flowers to the debate
no wonder his wife died

This hack isn't even funny in his actual comedy work. I tried watching one of his stand up specials on Kikeflix and about ⅓ of the way in he started virtue signalling on stage about his LGBT support. I rated it one star out of five!

hahaha hes still president tho

>she's a fine person
>acts like an entitled oblivious cunt


How would you reply, Sup Forums?

His wife probably died from having to look at his ugly, fat self everyday

So I guess that hate is the same towards will smith? Denzel Washington? Julia Robert's? And literally anyone even in the B movie category?

ah ok. could have easily be him forcefeeding her more of that stuff or something

All these """celebrities""" have just resorted to shitting on Trump in order to make their dead careers twitch a little bit more.
What has Oswalt done in the past 5 years? Cameo for P&R? Stand-up comedy?

Kek can suck my fat hairy balls. Trump is ok though.

>thinking the president can launch nukes or declare war whenever he wants


I thought you had to be well-known to do a cameo?

Cue patton oswalt's wife is dead dump.

>doubles mark keks anger


Hey friend did you know Patton Oswalt wife is dead? She died from the BBC. Too much apperantly

the way he grabs her by the back of the neck. he's trying to control her. it shows how subconsciously he fears her leaving him, how he knows she could do so much better. he also realizes his being shorter makes him not worthy. he had to kill her to "keep" her.

All the men hit on me too bb. They want that 8 inch

Absolutely savage

Just looked him up on IMDB, he's been doing voice acting for kids and Adult Swim cartoons as well as side roles in TV shows.
Hymiewood is shit.

He also smokes alot of weed

Bottom bitch means the head bitch for some reason.

This fucking little weasel faggot killed his wife by being a shitty husband and getting her hooked on a million pharma Jew products.

His "career" peaked at Ratatouille

I'd say it peaked during his run on king of queens.

He has to battle this everytime, or they'll smell weakness and it'll actually make the liberal attacks worse. Punching them back is the only option.

>say good thing about Streep

>say bad thing about Streep

It's a lose-lose situation for Trump.

Agreed. It's the last time he'll have a leading part again.

His namesake would slap him silly.

General Georgie looks a lot like Trump, now that I think of it.

Lets think something about his dead wife. Come on, brainstorm.

where did you get this information from?

why is the rat from Ratatouille talking about politics

Yeah he can. That attack was pathetic and full of lies.

The time for being a so called bigger man is over. The left are abusive and they should be abused back.

>I rated it one star out of five!


Reminder: Patton's wife was researching a serial killer who lives in the same area as them

She died within a week of receiving a compelling lead

These two facts aren't coincidence.

Patton Oswalt killed his wife.

oh vey if Salma Hayek called me a faggot you bet I would call her tits overrated

haha oswalt should of kept his fat mouth shut!
Words can kill

Trump went after her acting skills tho. In that tweet all he says she was a fine person.

You don't control me faggot.

>implying he could overpower anyone

Patton Oswalt's wife killed herself when she realized she married a half-pint manchild.

Quit giving this leprechaun attention, the sooner you do the sooner he wraps his lips around a .38 and ceases to exist

A fat miserable sack of shit with anal leakage.

Trump DID obliterate her with this insult though.

Hope Patton's doing OK. I think he needs to heal. Stop with this shit. He's a faggot tho.

What do Patton Oswalt and Lena Dunham have in common?

it wasn't really that mysterious

she killed herself with an overdose of xanax because she was married to patton oswalt

case closed

>global capital of autism
>has the king autist in its capitol

you can't make this shit up