Trumptards faces when he didn't drain the swamp

>Trumptards faces when he didn't drain the swamp

How's that swampy drainy working for you?

Day of the drain is coming

>Day of the drain is coming

Congress just made it so they can attach to any bill a revision of any federal employee's salary, allowing them to set their salary to $1 and effectively fire them.

Swamp's draining soon.











Trump is a good goy. The Kike penis will be mighty fine in his obese cheesy ass.





>climate change denier at EPA
Half the EPA doesn't buy your bullshit on it, you faggot.
t. have friends who worked for them.


>Half the EPA doesn't buy your bullshit on it,

I knew I saved this just for posts like this.

How does that Exxon Mobile cock from big daddy Trump taste like shill?


>he'll never recover after the Wisconsin primaries


>he's super popular!




So what have any of these people even done that makes them so bad?

Because the Clintons literally killed people to cover up their rapes and embezzlements.


>So what have any of these people even done that makes them so bad?

Well we can start with Betsy DeVos:


I work at a water utility and almost all of our environmental scientists agree that the models used to assess the problem of CO2 are fundamentally flawed, and it's been widely known since 2011, but they don't fix them because no one will provide grant money for updated models.


Still better than the alternative.


He ain't President yet.


Cabinets are the most important thing for a president to have, especially one who spends all day ON FUCKING TWITTER worrying about dumb shit.





Learn to read a calendar, you fucking idiot. Come back AFTER HE'S FUCKING PRESIDENT. Do your globalist handlers not realize how retarded this is, or are they so desperate they just don't care?




If politifact is your end-all, be-all source, you'll probably never wake up.

Also, your response didn't address what I said. NASA's satellite data proved in 2011 that CO2 leeches out of the atmosphere proportionate to it's concentration therein. All of the computer models are based on assumption that CO2 does not leech out of the atmosphere.



>end-all, be-all source

Why would I use only ONE SOURCE for something? I'm not a trumptard who takes anything of face value without fact checking off the internet.


You are obviously retarded if you can't address the central point of my argument, which is backed up by NASA's satellite data.

She sounds totally based to me.

What's wrong with being rich? What's wrong with funding religious schools? What's wrong with being privately tutored?

Leftism is a mental illness. You are so wrapped up in your own ass that you see anyone you disagree with as a big evil boogeymonster.



>hahaha your candidate is just as corrupt as ours you idiots

How does donating to religious schools hurt anyone?

Also, public schools are garbage. I would just shut them all down if I could. My wife and I are going to homeschool our kids.


>Why don't people who make 100k and under save over 200k in taxes??

>How does donating to religious schools hurt anyone?
>How does taking PUBLIC MONEY and giving them to PRIVATE and CHARTER religious schools hurt anyone outside of the PUBLIC SCHOOL kids, along with the kids brainwashed in the Christcult?



>"My double voting and illegal's votes didn't get counted"

>46 posts by this ID
>there are 60 posts in this thread



Jeez man, stop tipping your fedora so hard, you're causing earthquakes.

All education should be privatized, with government subsidies. The public school system is nothing more than an indoctrination center that caters to the slowest students, and passes people along who can barely read, just to keep the wheels turning on a broken system.


>All education should be privatized,

And bring back slavery
And monarchism
And feudalism

>"I got more yards in this football game about scoring touchdowns and scored no touchdowns"
>"I had better playcalling overall, I deserve to win"


False equivalence fallacy.

Dunno why I'm bothering arguing with a leftypol raider.


>False equivalence fallacy.

How so? Everything you are advocating for is policies of the 1800s, aka reactionary. You want to take us back in time, not forward. So let's just turn the clock back on EVERYTHING


>Trump could literally say this over twitter
>"Our source is an """Aide"""""
Trying really hard there aren't you?
She didn't win


You're right we should only trust infowhores and kikebart.

Appeal to novelty fallacy.


and it will be the best administration of all time, and you will go on being a buttblasted nigger times over 9000

Appeal to kike economics.

>implying anyone on here supports jewish capitalism

Ad hominem

>and it will be the best administration of all time,

Yes because appointing the people who deregulated and crashed wallstreet will help regulate wallstreet!


>Tell you that Trump could say it himself if it were true and he acknowledges it.
You're not convincing anyone, you're literally just spilling down some confirmation bias, that's the problem with the left, you don't try to CONVINCE anybody, you literally try to laugh everyone down and circlejerk and wonder why nobody takes you seriously, or why you lost the U.S. and the U.K.
Get a grip faggot.



wow what a completely believable story that has obviously nothing to do with him running!


>no source

sure thing shill.. now kindly fuck off.






>X claims Trump
You lost the 2 most powerful countries in the world and you still think your spewing works.
Can't wait for France to join the fold.
