The collapse at Stalingrad

How the hell did such a disaster happen to the overall greater/more prepared/better equipped mighty wehrmacht? How did they lose this vital battle to the inferior slavs?

Explain this to me Sup Forums and none of that but muh italian and muh romanian divisions not holding the line shit.

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Because it was a stupid move.Hitler was an inept delusional fool. It takes more than better gear to take beat another army, especially on they're home turf. wtf do u think has been happening in the midleast all these years.

You see,it is very simple David....

Hilter was occupying nearly the entire armed Russian force by moving into Stalingrad. They sent in one of their most ingenious generals to break the germans out, can't remember his name. he fought to withing 1 mile of the city and the trapped forces were supposed to break out and meet him halfway but they never did. There is a conspiracy throery the the general in command of the stalingrad forces made a secret deal with russians.

KEK, so the MVP was vodka?


secret deal with the Russians? Never heard of that anywhere. which general was this?

is it that hard to believe that the odds were stacked against them to begin with? Do you really have to cry "conspiracy" just because hungry tired and under supplied krauts weren't able to break through a bunch of pissed off reds? Is it really that hard to believe that Ivan put up a good fight?

>better equipped mighty Wehrmacht

Clearly you know nothing of the battle.
The flanks of Stalingrad were held by poorly equipped Romanian and Italians troops.
Russian Stavka saw this weakness and exploited it by smashing tank armies through them then encircling the Germans inside Stalingrad.

German generals saw this weakness and warned Hitler the possibility of the encirclement before it happened but the warning feel on deaf ears.

When the encirclement was complete Hitler order a formation of a kampgruppe to attack and try to reconnect with the encircled troops BUT FORBID the encircled troops to make a break out attempt(6th army). The rescue attempt came close but eventually ground to a halt.

Hitler then ordered the trapped 6th army to hold out until spring, saying he could supply it by air until then,(false hope). The German 6th army eventually surrendered in February 1943.

Hungarians, Italians, Romanians, Croatians and Slovakian were involved in the battles around and in Stalingrad.

I would personally blame Hitler for the disaster at Stalingrad

even if by some stupid chance you're right, op's question was "how did they lose", That general went to break them out, for a tactical withdrawal , implying a lose at Stalingrad

The pissed off reds suffered ridiculous amounts of losses during the opening months of Barbarossa. They lacked air-superiority, and equipment. I don't think it's as simple as they, "put up a good fight" I think catastrophic military strategic mistakes were made on the higher ups side of the germans for such a failure to happen.

I heard it in a youtube video posted by a south african that used to have a channel called History Reviewed Channel. It just got shoah'd a few days ago. So I don't think i'll be able to find the source anytime soon. He made clear that it was just his personal opinion because escape was possible. he now operates a channel called

No it's not hard to believe its just important to get the facts straight when we know critical events in history get memory holed or altered.

it was them vs the world

2 Rom army nearly 100k each

>How did they lose this vital battle to the inferior slavs?
Take it from who studied the battle, it all boils down to this: not enough flamethrowers to deal with the hunkered enemy.

Just like a western superpower loosing to armed farmers

Stalingrad could of been taken in the weeks before the foot battle happened but the Germans instead paused and gave the Soviets ample time to build up a solid defense.

This. Hitler's strategic direction also contributed to the situation in the first place. Specifically the prioritization of capturing territory/objectives (Donets basin, Caucasus oilfields, Stalingrad) over destroying Soviet armies.

>>how did such a disaster happen?
Stalin didn't give two shits about men, so he used any man/woman he could, even boys, as opposed to hitler, who loved his nationality, and only used mature teenagers, i.e. 18 year olds.

The mistake was invading the soviet union in self defense after losing the battle of britain.
What the fuck he was thinking?

>muh supply lines

Strategically, invading Russia in the winter while you're also fighting a second front in France is a stupid idea. Also Hitler didn't have enough bombers and wasn't willing to use gas.

What also really strikes me as stupid is the total failure, throughout the war, of Germany to coordinate with Japan. From what I understand, Zhukov and his Siberian troops were tasked with fighting the Japs, who later decided that Hitler was unlikely to attack Russia and targeted European possessions in South East Asia and the Pacific instead. So, when Japan signed an armistice with Russia and attacked America, it left Stalin free to deploy all his forces on one front, and Zhukov himself was essential in counterattacking at Stalingrad.

Why exchange technology like submarines and fighter jets, but fail to coordinate strategically? It feels like the Axis could have won if Japan continued fighting in the north, instead of closing a Russian front and bringing the US into the war, just as Churchill wanted.

and what was the last battle won or lost by the swiss over the last century. Go ahead i'll wait

"""""American Education"""""

France was long defeated before he invaded Russia

it was our fault, the Romanian army was left to the defense of the flanks insufficiently armed and it collapsed, learn some history americucks

How they Germans could of won:
>Destroy the Anglos at Dunkirk
>invaded Britain and Ireland
>give them full control of the Atlantic
>Send their armies to Africa
>invade Egypt
>secure the oil fields in Iraq
>proceeded to invade all of the middle east.
>get all the oil they need
>proceed to build up supplies and men to invade Russia
Not fighting on multiple fronts makes things alot easier on supplies and man power.

Anglos started the war. They would betray Htler the first chance they get.

first post jew post

>overall greater/more prepared/better equipped mighty wehrmacht

Wehraboos are fucking hilarious.


Disgusting this is what we should of done to every russian pow

The conspiracy theory was spread by Gehlen. Paulus did nothing that couldn't be attributed to his innate timidity as a commander, something which his staff and the army general staff had noticed.

Hitler had no intention of invading britain. Also he had no intention of conquering the world. He instead hoped against all odds that the aryian world would come to it's senses and join him in building the 1000 year Riech. Obviously that was a mistake.

Kill yourself. Burn in hell for that vomit you just spat. Piece of fucking shit.

underestimating a formidable foe had something to do with it

Personally I believe he was a british puppet with the purpose to drain france and russia while demolishing germany therefore restabilishing balance of power.


Because Germans are Niggers and got beaten by white people

>restabilishing balance of power
>britain lost its empire due to hitler
>russia and usa emerged as the only 2 world superpowers
>british puppet

This potato nigger thinks invading Britain is like some easy stroll through Belgium topkek

Because the slavs had no issue with burning down half their countryside and murdering their own people.
Soviets spent the entire war running away.

You can really see why Russians have such a complex about not criticising any Soviet war crimes when you read how brutal the Eastern Front was.

Slavs are the real master race.

Big brutes.

Because Hitler poured all his resources and manpower into one little city, he buried his army at Stalingrad. An army that was meant to be mobile lost all its advantages in the type of fighting in Stalingrad. First they bombed the city to shit, creating a fucking mess, then they stayed there until winter without proper equipment, then they fucking stayed there and let the soviets encircle them.

Hitler was a brilliant politician and orator, not so much so a commander.

Japan's entry into the war was a move to seize resources, primarily metals and oil (the same reason the Germans plunged toward the Caucasus). Japan probably wouldn't have lasted long had they not seized Indonesia and the rest. They decided early on that among other things, capturing Siberian resources and the difficulty of bringing them to use was too difficult. They just weren't really a great ally for the Axis -- their aim was to subdue China. All o the rest of this -- the embargo, eventually Pearl Harbor itself -- grew out of their failure to bring the Chinese down.

>more prepared/better equipped mighty wehrmacht?
In the winter, when you have -30 C in the battle for Moscow?LOOOOL
Yeah, i know, Stalingrad battle have not so cold weather temperature, but anyway, still cold enough.

Multiple factors contributed to the staleness and eventual failure at Stalingrad.

-Poorly equipped Romanian/Magyar/Others armies guarding the flanks. Those guys stood no chance against the armored assault of the soviets.

-Hitler's mistakes in strategy, altough this is debatable.

-Stalingrad couldn't be taken in due time, at one point the german army had control of 90% of the city, and only a small force of soviets remained in a corner, but the germans couldn't out them in time so reinforcements from over the Volga arrived, this came either a few days before or after the 6th Army was encircled by the soviets.

-The weather itself that put a harsh condition on the supply lines

-USA lended massive amounts of equipment, materials and vehicles to the soviet war effort (Huge contribution factor on the outcome of the whole war)


look at the skulls.

>Because it was a stupid move.Hitler was an inept delusional fool.

hitler did it on purpose.

Truth hurts, Mihai. Sooner you reconcile yourself to it, the better.

Fuck out of here nigger. Stop with your revisionist shit. It was a list of factors and poor decisions, everyone from that day onward agreed to that and yet you come here and spill out bullshit. What are you, some diaspora bozgor? GTFO.

so much bullshit in this thread.
There are so many factors to this question

1) german offensive started too late and the main momentum was stopped by winter. This was due to Mussolini attacking Greece earlier in 1941 and fucking up things. Germans had to mop it up and this halted the invasion by 5 weeks

2)even if it started arlier, barbarossa would have probably failed anyway. German high command estimated that Russians could muster another 120 divisions over their current standing army, while the real number was around 800.
Germany didnt produce enough of anything. Not enough tanks, not enough planes. They were focused on making overly quality stuff, while lacking the numbers. look at plane production here By the time Germans managed to catch up with at least one of the great powers (and they fought against 3) it was too late. also listen to Hitler speaking with Mannerheim. Adolf himself was shocked with the size of Soviet army

3) the invasion was seriously underestimated in general even if you consider basic things like logistics. You see Germans and Soviets used different train track width, so germans had to either rebuild all tracks or build new train cars. But they believed they will capture enough trains along the way. That was just huge underestimation

4)During war, Soviet kept another army at Jap borders. But soviet agent, Richard Sorge, find out Japs wont attack, so Stalin transferred million men to the west and this was the final blow for the Wehrmacht.

Germans lost because they were the inferior ones.
Yeah,pretty shocking to conclude that someone who started the fight and lost it is inferior,I know.

Hitler admitted it 72 years ago.Keep up with the times,loser.

hey it wasn't only romania, hungary and italy were equally inept on the flanks

Considering the Germans were in command of everything it was obviously their fault. Yes the flanks were poorly armed but the Germans knew they were poorly armed and didn't fulfill their request for supplies or put a better armed German division there.

I know it's cool for wehraboos to blame us for the failure at Stalingrad but Germany organized everything and Hitler was a poor military strategist.

The reds lost millions in 1941 partly becuase Satlin forbid retreat; the generals were his creatures and did not allow retreat and armies were encircled. In 1942 retreats were allowed and germans overextended themselves. and the reds fought like SoBs, too. Alan Clarks Barbarossa is still worth a read, tho written back on the 60s

France was defeated 1940, germany invaded soviet in june.

They split the army attacking into that direction into too many smaller splinters and it opened up their flank to a massive tank assault.

Stalingrad was lost outside of stalingrad. Germany really should have just surrounded the city and cut it off attacking the reinforcing elements. instead of plowing straight into the city.

>calls others bullshit
>dosen't list everything and go full autism


They weren't inept,they where underarmed.Records say some of them literally got crushed alive under the armored assault.They did not desert they all died.

>They did not desert they all died.

No, altough many probably died, they ran at the sight of the soviet counter-offensive, they ran, to stalingrad, and east, they just ran.

Unfortunately. Even more, because of all the other problems (numbers, Japan not attacking on east, the weather, the russian reinforcement that got in the city on time etc etc etc) it still wouldn't matter. If Italy didn't fuck up with Greece, Japan should have attacked in the East, AND the if the flanks wouldn't have been steamrolled by a fucking mechanical army, history would have been different. BUT THAT FUCKING FAT PIECE OF SHIT BLAMES ONLY MY COUNTRY. FUCK YOU AMERICAN, IT'S ONLY YOUR FUCKING FAULT FOR THE MESS THE WORLD IS IN TODAY.

It always irritates me to no end when the landmass is depicted as white and the ocean is shown in darker colours. Why?


I fucking hate amis

He said "fighting a second front IN France" you fuckin blithering sheep rapist

I got cancer when I saw that map.

Americans do it like that,I guess.

He trusted Italians and Romanians to protect his flanks where the corridor was thinnest, with his largest army at the very end of a 1,500 mile supply line.

Refused to listen to Halder. Replaced Halder with Zeitzler, to whom he also did not listen.

Listened to Goering, who didn't know what the fuck he was talking about.

Pretty much the Clinton campaign - what mistakes *didn't* they make.

> more prepared/better equipped
Memes kill.

> superior race
> got recked
> got invaded by the Soviets for another 40 years
> currently serve to American masters and have foreign military on their territory
> became cucks to muslims
> are currently enjoying bottom butt sex with refugees
> daughters merry sandniggers

It's nice to be a superhuman, isn't it?

the german army was overrated and got cocky, it was pretty much the italian army with better tech, even Rommel is an overrated general.

France was beaten due to internal politics and suddenly hurr durr we're the best

>history would have been different
So, many thanks to Italy, Japan and Romania, that we are not living now in "Man in the High Castle" TV Series.

Japan was already fucked anyway, they were overextended in China, would have had a communist uprising on their hands if the KMT surrendered and got annihilated by the Russians on the eastern front of the Soviet union.

How the germans should have won:
>unite all aryans
>make the reds bend the knee with sheer economic power
>spill into the rest of the world, civilizing it into nice natsoc countries

world peace

Japan got wrecked fighting Russia in Mongolia 4 years prior, they weren't gonna risk that again. They knew they were absolutely no match for Russkies on land.

you forget not wasting a retarded amount of manpower and resources building the penis compensation that was the Bismark and the other one that never got names because it was never finished iirc. He should have given his admirals the 300 u-boats they requested when they asked for them. he could have won the war in the Atlantic through sheer brute force with that many u-boats and essentially taken America out of the equation for most of the conflict, giving him ample time to stabilize in Europe. Instead the u-boat wolf-packs were severely overstretched and gave the Americans plenty of opportunity to develop counter measures and win the Atlantic. Instead he essentially wasted everyone's time on a pointless project that got sunk about two month or so after it launched without actually achieving anything.

That and leaving the kike-killing until after the war rather than devoting resources towards it. or just finding much cheaper ways of exterminating them.

>wouldn't have been steamrolled by a fucking mechanical army, history would have been different.
And if russians wouldve been armed with halberds and pikes instead of tanks and guns, and if army of aliens wouldve protected german flanks, history would totaly be different. But the aliens didnt arrive.

riiiiiiiiight. so it's our fault that your country is one of the biggest burdens to the EU essentially it's welfare state, third world shithole.

In other words: the mexico of europe, lel.

You defend a fucking foreign point against a mechanical army in the middle of a polar winter with only your rifle. You fucked up the future of half of a continent alongside your own flesh and blood. Fuck outta here russian, instead of siding with the ones that wanted freedom you went along and kissed the ass of that bulldog puppet Mosquehill. Millions died on both sides and for what? For the shit we have today? How's that working out for ya?

Ghengis, they did that. Still didn't stop the russkies from raping their way to Berlin.

If they waited a couple years for Italy to solidify their army and supported a national-socialist friendly uprising in France, something that was actually pretty likely, it would have allowed them to go into the east with the support of the west.

Starting the war in 1939 was their mistake, and attacking France rather than allying it was the other.

All the way around the globe until they reached Berlin I presume.

You must be a jew.

Hutler was brilliant and had nothing to do with the loss. His order to not retreat from the city at any cost had nothing to do with the whole army getting encircled. It was the Jews. 88!

He was a tall blonde muscular aryan ubermensch like Goebbels and Himmler.

It was the Jews. They did it.

Goering was right when he said he could supply the encircled troops via air. He was a Germanic genius of war backstabbed by kikes.

It was all the Jews. Too bad Hitler didn't genocide them, they deserved it.

>trusting vampires

Lmao hitler dumb af!

So, you think that Hitler was better? Hah, fucking nazi cocksucker.

Fuck outta here communist filth. I stand with the side that wanted to prevent the communism that ruined half of Europe, the deaths of all because of both world wars, and the shit that is going down today. It just happened Hitler was the most recent one. It could have been Garfield. I don't give a shit.

That's what the Dutch did though. Boldly sail up the thames shooting up everything they could up to london.

> prevent communism
> with socialism
Gyppo pls.

This. The Germans did this shit TWICE and lost the war because of it. For whatever reason they let their arrogance get in the way. They could have wiped out the British force at dunkirk and taken the isles and if they had crossed the vulga when they should have it would have been over.

Millions died because you gypsy fucks followed Hitler into Russia. You should have been slowly and brutally wiped off the face of the earth along with Finns Hungarians and everyone else who followed Hitler. That would have been the adequate response from the USSR. But instead of turning your shitholes into irradiated rape dungeons they left your countries untouched because Stalin was obsessed with taking the high ground in front of everyone at the expense of Soviets. Should have just lined up everyone who set foot in Russia have them eat a grenade while their family watched

Basically the Germans went against an enemy that was poorer equipped, and who had been tactically retreating to stretch the German supply system. When Germany lost their equipment based superiority, due to anglo-american bombings, they were outguned and outmanned.
Hitler then tried to bog down the soviets in Stalingrad, because lets face it if the 6th had broken out, the german army would have been pushed back to Berlin by late 1943 early 1944. But in the end, even if Hitler had gotten the oilfields in baku, he would still have lost because of manpower bleed, poor intelligence service and navy/air disasters.

Are you triggered fatty? Watch out, after that rant you would need to dial 911.

>Fuck outta here communist filth
>still think that russians have communism

Why would I be, I'm not a syphilis ridden gypsy fuck with no past and no future.

no you literally got rekt, like you spent an enormous amount of resources on the impressive fortification known as the magniot line, you just failed to complete it that's all.

I can sense that vein of yours pulsating. It is not healthy negro. Please seek medical help.

>letting romanians guard your flanks
>letting paulus lead an army of nearly 1million men
>not getting winter coats for your soldiers
>not pushing from inside the pocket to help break out
>not shooting mussolini for his stupid greek ambitions


Kiddies think that the Germans just waltzed up to Stalingrad with their dicks out. Not so.

The operation Case Blue, the plan to take Baku and the Soviet oil supply (and later included Stalingrad), was chosen because it was unexpected by the enemy. The Soviets assumed the next attack would be towards Moscow again, or even Leningrad, so they put few defenses in the South.

Germans got real lucky because the Soviets launched a big attack from the South right into the Germans who were concentrating for their own offensive, and the Soviets were totally mauled.

With the would-be defenders of the Southern Soviet flank ground to dust, the Germans met little resistance blasting through, but still couldn't take the oil fields intact. Furthermore every mile they advanced, their supply lines (that were already stretched 150%) became even worse. By the time the Germans get to Stalingrad, every German supply truck has to have half of its load be gas for itself to get to the front and back.

Germans had to fight tooth and nail to even get to the damn city, despite the fact that they had already taken out most of the Soviets in the area due to their botched offensive.

The German army categorically avoided fighting city battles because they were costly in terms of manpower and supply, and their tanks would be made useless. By going into the city, the Germans threw away all their advantages and the Soviets lost all their weaknesses.

Germans were fucked the moment they decided to take the city by going INTO it.

Germany was leading an aggression war which needs much more resources and well maintained supply as opposed to a defensive war. It's just expensive and doesn't go well on the long run. Anyone who has read Clausewitz or other entry level war literature knows this