Daily Reminder that Southern Europeans--e.g. Sicilians--have 89 av IQ

Proof: Study by Richard Lynn. citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

(In this study, Lynn notes that the 102 IQ figure for Italy--which he previously ascertained, and is listed on Wikipedia--is inaccurate, because it under-sampled the low IQ south.)

They are much closer IQ-wise to black Americans than Aryans; and they're lower than Mesitzos. No wonder they're impoverished!

Given that these people are physically/genetically distinguishable from northern Euros, and as incapable of forming a first world society as Arabs and Latinos, the question is why we consider them white at all.

I acknowledge that they must have been brilliant at one point. But like the Egyptians and Arabs, they were destroyed by miscegenation.

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Who gives a fuck retard, how about you actually go make a fucking difference instead of talking about the intelligence of wops when you're probably as dumb as a fucking nigger yourself.

Obviously has nothing to do with the fact that North Africans are flooding into Southern Italy.

Also the fact that western Europeans average IQ are steadily decreasing by 2 points and in some nations 'France' 4 points a year due to low skilled immigration.

IQ is a jew invention

>Richard Lynn
lmao, this guy has very little academic credibility after all the shit he has done in the past, you can easily just google it
and PISA estimation is especially shit
going with it the IQ of south Italy has changed in relation to the north due to different performances during the years, which goes to show how much does the supposed "admixture" has to do with it

PISA estimated is retarded and why I hate people citing Lynn as an authority on national/racial IQ. China, for instance, was recently caught to only let its top school districts participate in the PISA, and even then, only the top classes with months of test prep.

another fart by the amerishart

North Africans have been flooding into Southern Italy ever since Islam. Southern Italians are literally Muslim rapebabbies. South waps are underdeveloped, stupid and poor, really makes you think

it really is just a cheap way to try and do things since actually gathering IQ data the old way is much more expensive, and given how poorly scientific the field psychology is, it's no wonder they publish this stuff

fairly sure even south Italy has been much more developed than Finland for most of recorded history bar the last century or maybe two, sounds like you are making lots of shit up Genghis

shut the fuck up, anyone in the deep red is bro tier

>fairly sure even south Italy has been much more developed than Finland for most of recorded history bar the last century or maybe two
well duh, we literally haven't had the population amount or density for muh empires. But now that we do Finland is a developed and prosperous country, whereas southern Italy is on the level of a 3rd world shithole (they get subsidies from northern Italy which keeps them afloat)


Those dumb low iq sicilians niggers still managed to rule USA via the 5 families KeK; unlike jews, niggers, irish or chinks

>well duh, we literally haven't had the popul-
stopped reading, you are not allowed to use environmental explanations

that's not an argument

The only attacks on his credibility I see is from the 'race is a social construct,' crowd.

ironically Italian Americans and Greek Americans earn more than any single Germanic/Scandinavian American population

it definitely is, you only put forward poor racial based explanations like any illiterate fag on Sup Forums, don't expect me to take your environmental explanations seriously

So do Indian, Egyptian, and Nigerian Americans. It's called a brain drain, nigger.

>brain drain
>poor 19th century southern farmers from the lowest castes were 'brain drain'
compared to you they probably were to be fair

>the explanation has to be only one thing, it cannot be a combination of things, becuz muh mudslime brain does not understaaaannd

>the explanation has to be only one thing
that's literally you or any Sup Forumstard who is ready to make all sorts of environment based excuses to justify scandinavia like any liberal does with africa, but very ready to jump to the strictest racial conclusions when it comes to anyone else
I guess you don't like the same treatment.

I could also play the environment card for the south and the mediterranean area in general.

Africans don't do well anywhere, regardless of environment. But hey man if you can make Sicily great again go for it

Wow, lower than Ireland. That is impressively stupid.

anyway the saami guy has a point, the north literally feeds the south

I don't doubt IQ has a racial component even at the sub-racial level, but you are gonna have to be more convincing and go beyond the old 'muh moors' half-assed ""explanation"" constantly thrown around here, especially when those same supposed mixed Sicilians do better* than the germuhnic mustard rice in another environment(the US)

*better going by the pleb tier measure of economic output

Alfa Romeo

My family used to have one of these when I was a kid. Nice cars senpai.

Go away nigger

keep trying kike


Yes they are really dumb but i doubt it has anything to do with admixture

>Anglo Nordicist snob #1776 tries to make another claim for Nordiscism by claiming Julius Evola's people have low IQs
Genetically, we've been the same for 2000 years, and kill refugees for fun today, while your people accept them with open arms as they rape your women.

>Daily Reminder that Southern Europeans--e.g. Sicilians--have 89 av IQ

A purer measurement of iq gives a different story. Sicilians score the same or better than North Italians on the Raven's Progressive Matrix test.


The difference in pisa scores is purely based on differences in education and not inherent intellect.

Do you consider Egyptians--with an average IQ of 83--to be intelligent, because they once had a great civ? The fact is that populations can deteriorate intellectually over relatively short periods of time. IT's happening now in the West

You said they are dark because of miscegenation, even though it's already been proven wrong. The claim of stupidity still doesn't apply, because Lynn was WRONG about his claims. Arabs are dumb because of inbreeding, and it's a wonder their iqs aren't even lower from it. Don't backpedal to "I didn't mean it THAT way when I said you were a bunch of stupid mongrels"; you acted like a typical LARPy nordicist snob, and the people who know their history called you out.

Maybe I'm wrong about the miscegenation thing--though I regard this as no way proven by the sources--but somehow, they've deteriorated intellectually. Look at the societies they've built. They would be borderline third worlders if not for Northern Italy.

IQ tests should be judged by their ability to predict real world outcomes. Your test fails in this regard because it does not account for the massive economic/cultural gap between north and south in Italy.

It's more related to a difference in cultural values than in intelligence. North italians adhere to the germanic/protestant work ethic while the south values family and cultural preservation, or in modern parlance, a backwards lifestyle.

The life expectancy in Sicily is higher than the national average. GDP isn't the best measure of quality of life.

It's a matter of resources. Being close to other ladnlocked industrial countries (ie northern Italy being closer to countries like Switzerland and Austria) helps out immensely in the modern era, hence the reason Germanic countries are doing so well today, even though that wasn't always the case. Southern Italy benefited from sea trade for most of its history, nearly irrelevant in the age of the plane. Anyways, they have a good standard of living and high life expectancy in the south, which should mean as much, if not more than just industry. California makes a ton of money, doesn't make it a nice place to live.

>look at the societies they built
Which ones? Italy as a whole is a beautiful country. Naples is in the south, and it's hardly third-world.