Why the fuck does European media copy trash US media

Why the fuck does European media copy trash US media.
Who the fuck cares that this literally who doesn't come sing for Trump.
Why the fuck does a Belgian paper report on this.

Is the European media too lazy to make good articles? Or are they owned by the same jews? Or a mix of both?

Because it's easy.

EU media would kill for the mindless following BuzzFeed has acquired.

Okay this newspaper kinda redeemed itself, on the front page there's an article shitting on Streep.
I think it's translated from an interview though, which is still lazy.


Ever read the comment section? I do, from time to time, when I can stomach it. Just to see what's on the other side. Most popular newspaper in lelgium. Feels pretty bad man.

I used to read De Standaard often, but I got disgusted by how they mindlessly copied the mainstream narrative surrounding the US election.

Do you have any suggestions?

Lazy journalism. Nowdays most get their info from places like AP and then only read upp a little bit on the subject and then print it. Since most newsoutlets are loosing subscibers and viewers in record numbers and loosing credibility by the seconds they thought making news entertaining and filled with drama to lure viewers. U.S media are leading in this. Just check CNN, MSNBC or Fox and you clearly see they focus more in keeping the viewers than reporting facts. Their political bias is also showing more than ever. It's a buisness that is doomed when social media and alt news are faster and reach more people + don't have some idioligical narrative they are compeld to follow. Biggest problem journalists have is that they often live in a bubble and only meet other journalists.

Try calling out a journalist on the bubble thing and see what happens. They can't even accept they are wrong when evidence point towards it since they are trained to believe they are the defenders of free speach and democracy when it's the other way around these days.

>hey everyone, this person that doesn't support trump won't support him
>crazy, right?

yes they are too lazy, or are owned by the same people. international news are directly bought from america

What baffles me is that EU media copies their bias too.

maybe same puppet master/s behind all media?


>hln lezen
haha pleb

De tijd is de enige leesbare krant in Vlaanderen

us won the cultural victory in civ

Couldn't have said it better.

You aquafreshers are okay. For now.

Sup Forums, mostly. This place is about as good as it gets for me. I have a subscription to humo, but I look at it in a different way, since I started frequenting this place.


>literally tumblr


I often find myself asking: Do they (yuros) really care about this stupid shit on American pop culture & politics?

I think it's mostly just being lazy and taking the easy route. Jews owning the media (similarly minded people in control) and huge media companies w/ one company that own several outlets doesn't help. Wouldn't say it's b/c of jewish (((conspiracy))); it's that they'll tend to use cookie cutter approaches to save money and they'll tend to be echo chambers

I wished American media kept us a little more informed about international events/politics. Seems like we only hear about some international event after the shit has already hit the fan.

> a dt-fout is now a common occurance in newspapers, subtitles and any written media.
> used to get hanged if you even made one of these
> tfw

> occurance
> tfw

Owned by the same jews, dutch news runs the exact same hitpieces on Trump

> Ook

Literally how the monkey speaks in the Discworld.

Dutch have been so much invaded by Africans that they now speak like gorillas. No wonder they are up in arms because a Dindu won't sing the song of her People.

Translate OP?