Marijuana Users, why do you do it?

Sup Forums's potheads, I've got a question.

Why do you smoke marijuana?

I understand that there are no long term implications, problems, etc, HOWEVER, a large portion of marijuana users engage in smoking every few weeks.
Marijuana has been scientifically proven to dumb you down for a period of 20ish days. Thus, they walk around like mindless fools, being visibly less attentive, less mature, disciplined, and responsible than other members of society.

Also, with the incredibly high prices, as well as the higher food consumption rates after "munchies", you end up wasting more money than an individual following a similar lifestyle, but not engaging in marijuana use.

I'm not against marijuana, and I'm not for it.
I am simply curious why people do it, when it's really just an artificial happiness for a short period of time.

It makes time go faster

It's a life enhancer. Makes everything better. Yes it costs money, many things you enjoy probably do. It's not necessary, but why not? Nothing matters anyways.

Because I am a drug addict.

I have fibromyalgia and it's the only medicine that treats my disease. I don't even get stoned, just take one or two hits a night after work. An ounce costs me $120 and it can last me up to 6 months. If anything, alcohol costs me much more money; a night of barhopping will be $100

Thanks for the realistic answers, but a few more questions.

Why not do something else?

Build a shed, learn how to solder. I honestly try to engage in activities that'll end up giving me skills or goods I can hold onto.
Why not spend the time doing something productive?

I guess I can get behind the idea, but doesn't it seem like a shame to spend a big portion of your time on something that won't bring benefit?

No, no, I meant "potheads", AKA regular recreational users.

I completely understand if you need it for medical purposes.

How'd you get into it?

Because I've suffered psychosis most of my life and weed gives me solid grounding in reality

Medicine basically

No, you smoke weed then you do things. It doesn't take a lot of time, smoking a bowl will take like minutes. Then you're off to do whatever it is that you do. At least that's how it works for me.

Right now I am posting on pol. I could be building a shed or at a movie theater. I use it like a recreational drinker essentially.

Severe penile trauma when I was a kid left me with no sensation in the last 3" of my dick. It makes the remainder senstitive enough to wank or bang without needing 2 weeks abstinence to make it worthwhile sensation wise.

Also, I often forget to eat. Makes me hungry enough to make up for those missing calories

I've never tried it, can you actually function properly when under effect?
Does it affect cognitive function in any way?

I spend only one hour(ish) on Sup Forums a day.
When you smoke marijuana you're high for quite a bit more than one hour.

Alright, so in both cases, medical reasons?

Well obviously it depends on how much you smoke, but most people function just fine. Obviously it should only be smoked if you are in a non-formal setting, for recreational needs. The people who do and say stupid shit are usually just placebo(ing) anyways.

Also getting high usually only lasts for an hour or two.

>Marijuana has been scientifically proven to dumb you down for a period of 20ish days

not true user. its takes about 20 days for thc to be completely flushed from a regular users system, but there is no month long hangover for smoking a joint.

I smoke weed in some evenings to relax. an hour after waking up the next, i will feel as sober as if I had never smoked. ironically, your perspective on marijuana makes you look undisciplined and immature for not being able to enjoy one of earths greatest pleasures without exorbitance

It's a nice way to relax and enjoy the evening after a long day's work.

because it's enjoyable and I like it

why even give a fuck? ask cig smokers why they like lung cancer and heart attacks

I smoke at least three times a day, every single day. And have for about 15 years or so. I love being high. But not just any high, weed is my absolute favorite. Can't do psychedelics anymore and coke is right out. I can do everything I need to do while completely blazed. Everything is more enjoyable.

But mostly I think it's so I operate on the same level as everyone else. If I didn't smoke, my brain would be firing on all cylinders and I'm pretty sure someone would have murdered me by now if I was running like that all the time. I'm high right now btw obviously.

Helps me get new perspective on things. It basically makes you retarded so you're free to think more clear. Only degenerates do it for fun.

The only problem I've ever really had with functioning properly is that I'm happy and you end up being a worse negotiator that way.
Also long term use effects sleep, so that'll effect cognitive function.

Curiosity. It gave me some insights like how I hadn't felt good in a long time, and had just been sort of drifting. I realised I wasn't happy.

Then because it helped me sleep on a good schedule. That lasted for over a year. Usage was 1/4oz-1/2oz monthly. My doctor was the third person to know of my weed use. This I give partial credit for ending a spell of depression, and actually encouraging me to go to school, in large part due to lessened anxiety about being able to perform well in morning classes.

Then I got to school and I started using it to socialize. Huge mistake, it turned into completely degenerate usage, smoking before class and such. Stopped being effective for sleep. By the time I finished school I started using it to numb myself. Usage was several times a day.

Now I'm back to using it to help me sleep on schedule, after getting effective psychiatric treatment for other issues I was numbing with weed.

>Munchies make me eat more

When you're on drugs that suppress appetite and are chronically underweight not necessarily a bad thing.

I am working in Microsoft excel for 8+ hrs a day, that's more than enough reason for anyone to smoke Marijuana.

Also I believe if you're doing boring as shit repetitive work like working in microsoft excel for 8 hours a day, it's totally justified to smoke weed.

Sometimes you don't want your brain firing on all cylinders.

Cigarettes and alcohol are also the banes of society, however, marijuana usage is spiking in the younger generations, AKA it'll become the new cigarette or beer.

I smoked in college to fall asleep because I lived in really noisy roommates

Anyone here around 919, the NC Triangle, and can help an user out?

I met many weed smokers, and each one finds some different way to rationalize it to themselves why they smoke weed. Most, when asked, just say that weed doesn't cause cancer, which isn't really a justification. The real reason is, like most drugs, it makes people feel joy on this shithole life we live.

For me, I just smoke weed because I literally don't give a fuck about living

7th grade health class drug videos were so over the top they inspired me to do my own research as a kid in a much different Internet than today. Led me to erowid. Let to curiosity, then experimentation with everything drug by drug as I was able to acquire them.

I smoke weed 24/7 now because it's all that is socially acceptable for me at the moment to maintain my relationships. I am a 'recovering' heroin addict and have been to prison.

Because I don't want a beer belly.

EE PhD here. I smoke to study; shit's like ritalin for me. Only drink socially because other people do it.

Tell me more about how weed makes the remaining half inch of your leaf cock sensitive enough to climax

It eases the pain of shin splints from marathon training and broken digits from grappling in bjj.

gi's are training tools, extremity painful tools

>happiness for a short period of time.

What you need mane

Comrade, deport yourself and your requests out of my thread.

Why though? Why do you smoke it?
As a way to abstain from harder drugs?

If so, are you planning to cut down on the marijuana usage?

Don't drink beer > Save $$$, Not alcoholic, don't spend $$$ on marijuana.

Drink beer and smoke to prevent beer belly > Spend 2x the $$$, alcoholic, combination of both is a war on two fronts for your body.

its like putting butter on toast

It makes me feel good and not depressed but I've seen where you end up if you keep smoking it. You'll end up like the dude you buy it from.
Pic very related.

no matter how much i smoke i can still go to work the next morning

also booze just makes my body feel good weed actually makes me happy

If drugs were bad then the Jews would of made it legal.

It's for degenerates only.
No medicinal value.
Plenty of negative effects, both long and short term.
If you use, you lose.

From times to times i buy weed to smoke before i go to bed, its feels nice.

>Why do you smoke marijuana?
I enjoy it. For me, it's a great way to unwind and feel good at the end of a long day.

>Marijuana has been scientifically proven to dumb you down for a period of 20ish days.
I do just fine. I smoke most days and still perform more than adequately at my job (accounting).

>Thus, they walk around like mindless fools, being visibly less attentive, less mature, disciplined, and responsible than other members of society.
This simply isn't the case. I think you're only noticing obvious "stoners" who get high all day. If you met me I guarantee you'd have no idea I smoke.

>Also, with the incredibly high prices, as well as the higher food consumption rates after "munchies", you end up wasting more money than an individual following a similar lifestyle, but not engaging in marijuana use.
It's not as expensive as you make out. I spend a little under $50/week when I don't just grow it myself for free, and that covers my wife too. As for "munchies", you don't have to eat more - it's just more pleasant to do so.

>it's really just an artificial happiness for a short period of time.
Same goes for a lot of things - drinking, films/TV, gaming, etc. What's the problem with that? Also what is "artificial happiness" supposed to mean? Isn't happiness happiness whatever causes it?

I like drugs

I found out that doing some things while stoned is more relaxing and then I applied this logic to nearly everything. 20ish days huh? I haven't had such a break in like 2 years now. feels kind of bad.
The reality is that for most there is really no why anymore its just part of the routine

Cigarettes and alcohol are also the banes of society

smoking cigs for 30 years
havent touched on since dec24

booz 5 months dry

some nice 60/40 indisativ hybrid
takes the edge off

its like methadone for junkies
marjuretteadone lolz

>smoking the herbal jew

No medical use has ever been verified experimentally, leaf. You, and the other potheads, are just fooling yourselves.

The way i see it there are three reasons to use weed.

Medical/Theraputic, which is good.

Experencing higher highs.

Or experiencing lower lows.

I think weed usage becomes degenerate when usage becomes uncontrolled, you're no longer just sparking up before a stoner comedy, or you're no longer just sparking up when doing boring repetitive work. You're doing shit all day long justifying it to yourself with shit like "well I just like being high more than being sober!"

You can't really live a productive happy life stoned the fuck out of your mind all day long. At that point you're just numbing yourself, while making yourself high too constantly to be productive, and your quality of life, and pocketbook suffers for it. It's when weed starts making you a worse person, just because you can't stand to be sober, when you can't draw a line anymore.

Weed is insideous as a drug IN THAT it has so little physical or permanent consequences, so it's easier to rationalise use you would never rationalise if you were say drinking because you're killing your liver.

Idk I stopped smoking for a while but started back again weed makes vidya funner

Because I hate sobriety. Weed isn't my first choice in a perfect world but I like being high on it and it's socially acceptable for me currently.

im crazy, i am super hateful, weed keeps that turned way down. i wish it wasnt like that, but it works for now

Feels good

That's it, some people pursue relationships, fashion, career or some other shit, I just picked what seemed to have best effort/reward value.

>Artificial happiness
Literally everything is, it's just nature's trick to motiate you to do it's primal bidding, I just bypassed it a little. Hell it can even become another source of income.

People that go "But, but weed is ARTIFICAL HAPPINESS" just don't get it as well.

People spend all day on the internet, on social media, watching movies, doing various pointless degenerate shit just to feel a little better or to numb themselves to feeling bad. The fact that you're using a chemical to achieve the same end really doesn't make it any more or less degenerate. Weed is only worse than other options in that it tends to waste a lot more money than other ways to waste your time.

My posts may make weed seem bad, but I got stuck in a MUCH worse spiral of depression without weed than I ever did with weed. Weed is just a new way for me to drive my life into the ground, drugs aren't uniquely capable of making you a degenerate.

What's degenerate isn't how you're entertaining yourself, using weed, or playing vidya, or watching movies. It's not being able to draw a line anymore and letting trying to feel good take over your life. It's when you're so uncontrolled you stop trying to improve your life, and just try to stave off the bad feelings doing shit you know you shouldn't be doing.

i would recommend some light LSD therapy

>Why do you smoke marijuana?

Because I enjoy it. I enjoy other things too but it's not being called into question on why I do them. I enjoy rock climbing too, thus I continue to rock climb.

>Marijuana has been scientifically proven to dumb you down for a period of 20ish days. Thus, they walk around like mindless fools, being visibly less attentive, less mature, disciplined, and responsible than other members of society.

I think you're overestimating the effects of cannabis on even a somewhat regular smoker. It doesn't turn you into a literal zombie you saw in those dare videos, and you wont start melting into your couch.

>Also, with the incredibly high prices, as well as the higher food consumption rates after "munchies", you end up wasting more money than an individual following a similar lifestyle, but not engaging in marijuana use.

It's not much more expensive than an average drinking habit. If I have the money and enjoy something I'll do it. Other things cost money too, just about nothing in life is free. Also munchies is literally self control. Also fun fact, it doesn't make you hungry, it just blocks the signal your stomach sends to the brain that tells you you're full.

>I am simply curious why people do it, when it's really just an artificial happiness for a short period of time.

What isn't? Bike rids, runs, rock climbing, etc. All temporary. And in this fleeting life I'll take the happiness I can get.

If you are in Durm I'd buy you a beer or two down at Fullsteam for helping me secure an eighter as a bonus.

I smoked weed everyday for about 10 years. It's fine for a while. Depends on what kind of work you're in I suppose. When I quit, I was rocketed into a different dimension. I am now successful beyond my wildest dreams. 48 year oldfag here. You have to find your own way. I don't judge people who smoke weed. However, once I quit, I went from $30k a year to over $200k a year in six years. Ask me how if you wish.

I fucking hate potheads. Tin foil hatting pseudo-intellectuals sitting around in a basement talking about bullshit they know not a single fucking thing about.

Employee fucking burnouts who show up late, call in sick and dont have a shred of fucking drive. How hard is it to be sober for 8 fucking hours? Get a grip degenerates.

And of course the usual insecure mindset of your hobby becomes your identity. Bust out the dreads! wear the tie die 420 blaze it shirts! SO FUCKING COOL DUDE HEHEEHEHE. Fucking unbelievable.

You cant be around stoners for any pro longed period of time and honestly not tell me that habitual dope smoking makes you a fucking idiot. If it doesn't you're probably a fucking idiot too.

How'd you quit?

Is smoking weed blue pilled?

I smoke exuberant amounts of cannabis and have never done or been a part of a single one of those things. It seems like you're taking the stoner caricature that cheech and chong portrayed and took it literally.

Nope. You can't tell me I'm a dumbass when I know, understand, and enjoy things like Quantum Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Software Engineering, Computer Graphics, etc etc


A lot of the time, I'd say.

It's especially common in lefties, and liberals.

Because it makes me give less fucks about things in general.

Which allows me to actually enjoy being an extrovert without giving a shit what people think about what I say.

t. Machiavelli

It's not addicting, unlike alcohol or cigarettes. You can quit at anytime without withdrawal. You just need a reason to.

I smoked it in high school a lot, didn't give a shit and hung with losers. After high school I got a medical license because of a back injury and took high levels of edibles every night. I'm so glad to almost never use weed anymore, I was tired of being at less than my full potential.

The thing is, the actual substance isn't addicting.

But the experience and feeling of the euphoria some get doing it, ends up being even more addictive than many drugs.

SoCal expat in PNW here, that's based as fuck. Saved.

yo why do you even care? simp dork.

Clearly you are retarded, my simple leaf.

It was hard. I got sick of my life and decided that I was too uncomfortable. You cannot think your way into action. You have to act in order to change your thinking. The brain follows the body. Sounds very faggoty, I know. However, I started with small adjustments at first. Whenever I wanted to spark one, I went for a walk. I picked up the guitar. I went outside and did something. I also realized that if I really got the urge, it was because I was either hungry, angry, lonely, or tired.

Makes me less stressed, I usually smoke while doing shit I would be normally, like watching TV, playing vidya or doing HW.

to;dr self control. BoooooRRRRING!

Stop doing drugs.

is there any science backing this up, or is this just leafposting?

makes sex fucking awesome
I roll a dutch for my girl and I and it is so amazing cumming in her high as fuck. truly an experience I recommend at least once in your life

>Tfw he's right.

It just simply depends in the substance. Some are addicting for the feeling. Some give you hellish physical withdrawals.

The same reason people have done things to alter their mind. To think outside of their usual mind habits.

My family has something genetic where we can't handle weed very well and every time anyone in my immediate family just barely avoid having bad trips. I only smoke once every couple of years and I've always had what would amount to a great spiritual/religious experience.

And every time I have done it with more knowledge about humans and philosophy have I come into peace understanding my own existence. I don't think I would have thought those thoughts unless I did experiment with weed. And that peace of mind I get was worth the experiments despite nearly falling the wayside.

It's him admitting he doesn't have an arguement. Posting on 4gay is arguably more addictive.

This is true.

I smoke about once every month or so to get the creative juices flowing and make some primo spacescapes.

because I live in multikultopia

For my lower back pain.

>Sup Forums's
wtf is a Sup Forums

I am in physical and mental anguish everyday.

Then stop it.