You burgers didnt deserve obama

all the racists that dont have any arguments BTFO forever

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I know that this likely won't be liked here on Sup Forums due muh edgy opinions and all but I hope the best for him.

He became the leader of a nation that ended just gave his race civil rates a mere one generation ago. He led the nation in the age of increasing terrorist activities, and social unrest.

He had to deal with everything from people thinking he was the anti-christ, to a muslim, to a bin-laden, even thinking his wife was a man, and the constant racism. He even had to deal with people question his nationality.

I have no doubt in my mind he will be remembered as one of most under-appreciated presidents in history, and one of the few that has managed to leave office with approval ratings as high as he entered.

The ignorance surrounding what he does and doesn't control is absolutely insane. I've seen people who think he's directly responsible for the pentagon's new trans policy or think that he introduces every new law.

As well he handled social policies well, this is a complex time, and he managed to straddle the line by giving people their rights, without over stepping into massive special snowflake policies.

I will miss the professionalism and class

>I can't even lie

Of course you can't lie, because you actually believe in lies.

please be in melbourne

>Was X a good President?
>He handed the Presidency to someone from the same party? Yes? Good President No? Bad President

It's that simple


>Current president and a Democrat? Must be the best of all time!
Their argument in a nutshell.

Can anyone unironically believe this? He has been mediocre at best.

In 4 years, even Trump supporters will miss Obama. He'll be more popular than JFK someday.

He'll be remember as a stuttering nigger who was president during the most degenerate SJW shit ever followed by a crass madman.

Also noice pasta.


Race relations have regressed to the sixties
Guantanamo is still open
Our soldiers are still overseas dicking around in the Middle East for no reason
Obama has done nothing to address BLM, LGBT issues, immigration, etc.
Refuses to call the Islamic State Islamic
Refuses to even call them ISIS or IS, calls them ISIL
Obama literally went to war with Libya over oil because Ghaddafi wanted to get rid of the petrodollar


We voted for the fucker

we deserved it

Obama was literally bush with worse race antagonism

if you "like" obama and "hate" Bush you are just a fucking hack faggot that doesnt know shit.

Not a single day without being at war. Not a single day without dropping bombs.

No one deserves a nigger.

Not even niggers.

>promised no lobbyists on his cabinet

But it's obviously not that simple.

People weren't asked to vote for Barack Obama III. Obama is notably scandal free and charismatic as hell.

They were asked to vote for Hillary, who had no charisma and was riddled with controversy and scandals going back more than 20 years.

>Obama leaving
>Trump incoming

A mark of a great leader is his ability to cross political divides the mark of a incompetent leader is to widen them.

it doesn't matter that he's black, it matters that he's a western civilization hating commie cockmuncher

He was mediocre at best but taking down the bust of Churchill was arrogant, assuming he was king or something and had the right to do that because it didn't personally suit him.
t. buttmad Briton who's salty he tried to soil the special relationship (and also tried to soil the relationship with Russia so badly that now the west is constantly worried about war with them).

Completely failed to fix health care, destroyed it instead.

Fostered the most ridiculous period of SJWness this country will ever see

Foreign Policy was a complete disaster. Failed in Iraq and Afghanistan, Failed with Iran. Our relationship is worse with every single ally. Got walked over by Putin. Got diplomatically snubbed by many countries. Vietnam was his only success and it was handed on a silver platter by China.

Churchill burned a painting of himself. Removing his bust was just a tribute. Butthurt bong.

Obama isn't scandal free, the media just gave him a pass for shit like the VA and NSA spying.

The ONLY reason people like him is because he is black.
Objectively, he was a mediocre president. Not horrible but very far from great.
He has destroyed race relations. Vastly increased the debt. We are nearly at War with Russia because of him.

>He became the leader of a nation that ended just gave his race civil rates [sic] a mere one generation ago
FBFP, and this is something most of Sup Forums just can't grasp.

If you pay attention you'll see most of Sup Forums is under 25, and the most prolific posters are under 21. They see the 1980's as the "old days" and anything before the 1970's as ancient history.

>Completely failed to fix health care, destroyed it instead.

My plan got cheaper, and my coverage became better. I know a few friends who were able to start their own business because they didn't have to worry about pre-existing conditions.

How was it destroyed, in your view?

Barry Soetoro wouldn't have gotten into Honolulu Community College if he'd been white.

"Underappreciated" is going too far IMO. He was really quite the mediocre president. An improvement from George W. Bush, but that isn't saying very fucking much, now is it?

Thanks to his support of black supremists race relations in the US are worse than they've been in decades.

This globalist puppet piece of shit deserves a huge steaming turd on his grave some day.

>Barry Soetoro
Wow, calling Obama by his highschool nickname and his mothers ex-boyfriend's surname is really powerful.

Good for you but the case is most people's premiums are going up and a lot of businesses either cut jobs, reduced hours or never added jobs because of Obamacare forcing them to provide insurance. Also medicaid expansion was an underhanded trick to get states to accept federal money

But they didn't. They reported on it. Extensively

In the words of Katt Williams

>we were rooting for supernigga but when he got in we realized we forgot to ask the nigga if he could fly

Obama in the history books will get fellated only because he was the first president.

He didn't do anything but play golf, corrode race relations, get caught spying on people OVER AND OVER AGAIN (domestic and foreign), rubberstamp the CIA plans to launch the Arab Spring + creation of ISIS to replace Al-Qaeda, and give corporate welfare hand-outs to Wall Street and his top campaign contributors.

But you have no proof, big dude. Just a lot of hurt feelings because a black man will go down as one of the most dignified, charming, and intelligent presidents we've had in several decades. ;_;

So that's why he recalled all the navy ships...

>VA and NSA spying
VA has sucked for decades, and NSA spying has been going on long before his time.
Nor was it his job to personally oversee the day-to-day operations of these administrations.

If you're being intellectually honest, you just can't call these his personal scandals. The closest you can get is the whole "birther" issue which got totally discredited in the end. (And no, the Ah'nee certificate that Jerome Corsi forged is not convincing anyone.)

>What is insurance death spiral
You can say he didn't "fix" it but he certainly didn't "destroy" health care, it was already in the shitter.

I know a person whose insurance went down from $7k/mo (i.e. he didn't have insurance) to $2k/mo.

My premium went up by like $40 bucks a month, which sucks, but hey, I'm willing to chip in to help other Americans the same way I'm willing to pay taxes to keep the roads, schools, and energy grid up and running.

You know it's funny how America "can't afford" universal healthcare but we can afford to give Israel $38bn for defense, and meanwhile, Israel has universal health care.

>He had to deal with everything from people thinking he was the anti-christ, to a muslim, to a bin-laden, even thinking his wife was a man, and the constant racism. He even had to deal with people question his nationality.

But all of those things are true though...?

>Scandal free

What is Fast & Furious

>reddit formatted

kys nigger. no one cares about your shitty opinion. you support a guy who put us 70 + trillion dollars in debt and think he was a great president? he threw the middle east into eternal turmoil because of Qaddafi getting assassinated. I wasen't even driving when he bailed out GM and now that i do i am still paying for their bullshit. Fuck this nigger. he is a race baiting piece of shit.

The Justice Department horrifically fucking up a program that had good aims.

That's different from a real scandal like Iran-Contra.

>false cause
>ad hominem
Read the sticky.

Anecdotal evidence is NOT evidence.

When the problem with healthcare is insurance corporations price gouging because they hold regional monopolies, forcing the American people by law to buy corporate health care is NOT a solution.

I think he is a good figurehead but I do not think he is anything more than a meh president who is extremely overrated because he is Black

Based dan

>a guy who put us 70 + trillion dollars in debt

>I wasen't even driving when he bailed out GM and now that i do i am still paying for their bullshit.

t. got his license yesterday

>He led the nation in the age of increasing terrorist activities, and social unrest.
Made every black vs cop shooting a national issue and took sides when he shouldn't have. He also wouldn't call it "Islamic terrorism" and bombed more countries than bush, dismantled more countries than bush, gave birth to a new more radical terrorist group that's said to be in all 50 states and a bigger worldwide threat than al Qaeda. Also his administration took pride in toppling qaddafi who was the barrier between the middleeast and Europe for strictly geopolitical reasons and is largely responsible for the migrant crisis so he is indirectly responsible for fucking up a continent and the middle East
>I have no doubt in my mind that he'll be remembered as one of most under-appreciated presidents in history, and one of the few that has managed to leave office with approval ratings as high as he entered.
He hides his scandals well and shroudes his delinquency under a facade of humbleness, personality, and tons of celebrities.
>The ignorance surrounding what he does and doesn't control is absolutely insane. I've seen people who think he's directly responsible for the pentagon's new trans policy or think that he introduces every new law.
Obama has come out in support of transrights, so yes he is indirectly responsible for everyone getting in everybody's business about that
>As well he handled social policies well, this is a complex time, and he managed to straddle the line by giving people their rights, without over stepping into massive special snowflake policies.
He has always picked a side and has focused more on social issues than I ever remember bush even stepping and crossing the boundaries that he has. He's wrong about the illegal immigrant situation and how it affects jobs, he's wrong about the police shooting of a black person, and has catered to the leftist fringes of society that cultivated and been btfo by the rest
>I will miss the professionalism and class

"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." -President Obama, 2012

Sup Forums btfo???

>He hides his scandals well
"he has them, i KNOW it, he just hid them"

they didn't give the NSA a pass for spying however when he signed in the patriot act and the ndaa act with indefinite detention or non trial detainment there was absolutely no mention of that

>He became the leader of a nation that ended just gave his race civil rates a mere one generation ago.
He would have never won without the Immigration Act of 1965 changing the demographics minus 15% white.
>He became the leader of a nation that ended just gave his race civil rates a mere one generation ago. He led the nation in the age of increasing terrorist activities, and social unrest.
He caused most of the former and all of the latter
>I have no doubt in my mind he will be remembered as one of most under-appreciated presidents in history
What exactly has he accomplished other than being half-nigger?
>The ignorance surrounding what he does and doesn't control is absolutely insane. I've seen people who think he's directly responsible for the pentagon's new trans policy or think that he introduces every new law.
>As well he handled social policies well
What the fuck? He overrode 2/3rds of states who banned gay marriage, violating the accords of constitutional conventions to satisfy coastal elites. He incited TEN multi-week race-riots.

This. Every time one of his sons got shot Obongo gave a speech antagonizing the police.

>had good aims
Those cartel members sure did,


Universal healthcare is a meme at best, I hope you like treating a broken bone to cancer with the same weight because they have similar wait times. Canadians actually come here for cancer treatment because capitalism in the cancer industry means more inventive to cure and treat, which is why we have the highest cancer survival rates compared to the world.

Also every country with "universal healthcare" has their income taxed like >40% alongside all other expenses so they still are paying for it.

Ever heard of unfunded liabilities?

Nixon and Reagan used to give speeches "antagonizing" black people by telling them to please try not being nogs for a few days, but nobody had a problem with that

Now Obama "antagonizes" cops by asking them to try seeing their charges as people instead of as murderous baboons, and maybe not looking for every excuse to pump them full of lead, and it's called being divisive

It's just another case of intellectual dishonesty / cognitive dissonance surrounding obama


Beghazi, fast and furious, expansion of domestic and foreign spying, solyndra

>Fast & Furious
Guns don't kill people, etc. etc.


So are Sup Forumstards

I think you're being too generous. Slowest economic recovery since WWII, created racial division where there was none, increased domestic spying programs beyond what even GW Bush did (which was breathtaking in its own right), and made it legal to kill American citizens on American soil (Eric Dorner, though he didn't get the chance to kill him). Pulling our troops out of Iraq the way he did created ISIS, completely failed at nation-building in Syria (another step for ISIS), created a refugee crisis in Europe, imported tens of thousands of people who may never learn the English language (or fucking work, for that matter) to our shores, and fucked up the healthcare system to a point where it may be beyond repair. Not to mention, he's prosecuted more whistleblowers than all of the previous Presidents combined, pardoned more criminals than all the previous Presidents combined, and increased the national debt to a level that was double all the previous Presidents combined. How do you figure mediocre at best? Incompetent at best, straight up evil at worst.

/lit/ has highest IQ GTFO here with this shit.

Really Educate yourself.!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg!LotEVRxT!YE-YrG6SZ54nJqltrYN8Nw

Ebin. Post the one that says the average Sup Forums IQ is 150.

Strawman with that Reagan and Nixon nonsense as if anybody's endorsing that or even mentioned it.

By taking sides he has effectively said "I hold black people to a higher pedestal than those who try to uphold the law" it's sickening and he should've kept his opinions out of the ordeal because everything he says has authoritative weight and he doesn't realize that

By taking sides, he effectively said, "public servants should serve citizens, and maybe not kill them when they don't have to," dope.

Yes, they should be put on a higher pedestal. Every citizen should.

>He expects me to believe people on /vg/ have an average IQ 10 points higher than Sup Forums

Until Obama, it wasn't since the Cold War that we worried about Russia's feelings towards us. 20 years of a stress-free relationship fucked up by a nigger.

Barack Obama will go down as one of the biggest cult of personalities that never gets called out as such, in History

Fuck that, because of him, we got this bullshit feminist inquisition going around.

JFK is only popular because he was killed before he could really fuck up.

>cops by asking them to try seeing their charges
That's the problem. If Darren Wilson hadn't seen the gentle giant charging at him it would have been his death.

Two generations, you fucking commie. Civil rights act happened two generations ago. Boy, he's sure making us regret that one.

>Sup Forums has an IQ of 120
>pic related when you expect me to believe this

All you have to do is look up the nation's happiness rate during his administration and it speaks for itself.

Literally nobody was happy during his time in office

the only thing notable about this president is the color of his skin

nothing he has done, through legislature, through foreign policy, through executive orders, nor through any other channel, was significant or improved the country

the policies and government agencies he is responsible for are no different now than when he first took office

he was elected on a message of hope and change, yet he brought neither for almost a decade

You realize that's questioning the methods of the police duties and enabling more tensions towards the police which is what caused blm in the first place to flourish. Without considering the weight his words have, who's listening and what effect they have on the audience is what's wrong here. Clearly we disagree on what the cop and black man situation is and how it should be handled but Obama picking sides is not good for anybody

Really supposed to believe this?
Reading was mostly occupied by intelligent and wise people because it was the only way to acquire information outside of your local scope.
This stopped being true when the internet really took off, NOW reading printed media can actually be a worse choice because of the time it takes to go threw an editor, to be published, shipped and purchased adding to the potential that it's outdated information.
Moreover; "reading" in and of itself doesn't just magically add to your I.Q, WHAT YOU READ is important and wither you have the capacity to understand it.

>Boy, he's sure making us regret that one.

Don't say that. It might be the only reason you're haven't been gunned down in the street. You don't like blacks now, but we've got education, we've got careers, and we've got the right to vote.

That pacified a lot of us who, had rights been withheld longer, would have gladly joined some home-grown terror organization. There's a reason why the fiercest black nationalists hate integration. It killed our anger and revolutionary spirit.

>Gains Nobel peace prize for some reason
>Military under his administration bombs to death another Nobel peace prize winner

He went backwards on race relations. The one thing that was supposed to be a gimme for him and he managed to fuck that up so bad that it seems like alot of Normies are starting to hate nigs

>Strawman with that Reagan and Nixon nonsense as if anybody's endorsing that or even mentioned it.
The link here is that their comments weren't denounced by conservative media as "divisive" even though they laid blame on niggers for getting arrested in disproportionate numbers. Instead, they were hailed as "straight talking" and "common sense."

Obama lays the blame on both sides instead of just one, and it's "divisive."

>wins Nobel Peace Prize for "the promise of peace :^)"
>is the first president to be at war every single day for 8 years
>dropped more bombs than Bush

I use to be a "progressive" before obama

now I hate niggers
spics and gooks are still alright

this has nothing to do with anything though. any deeper symbolism to his getting elected is utterly irrelevant, the only thing that matters is whther he is suited to be president as an individual, which he never was.

>Guns don't kill people
No but cartel member do

>having redpilled books like Mastery and 33 Strategies of War mixed in with Art of the Deal and Adios America
Can I share your book repository with /lit/ ? I'm curious as to how they'd feel about it.

I pay $190 a month getting health insurance and dental. All I can say is in the defense of the ACA/Obama: the intention is in the right place. Our health system sucks ass... lets take notes from west europe.

>Can I
dumb cuck
Why don't you stay on /lit/, brainlet? (Rhetorical question)

How is he responsible for a collapse in race relations? There were always tensions between African-Americans and police. Camera phones and social media broadcast it to the world. Obama's made general comments alluding to legitimate grievances on BLM's side and the legitimate difficulties of being a police officer. He's tried hard to play both sides and not stoke flames.

Obama didn't make you an idiot.

>this has nothing to do with anything though
that's exactly the point, you think it doesn't because you're a millenial, but it actually does

The conversations that take place in governments now often involve old folk in their 60's and 70's, who lived that era and remember either throwing rocks at marching niggers or being marching niggers and dodging rocks

Both the BLM and white nationalist movements are community-led by old fogeys fighting their 50-year-old beefs out.

bay of pigs is a pretty big fuck up. not really his fault, but it's worth mentioning.

jfk is popular (today) because he was killed though.

>lol ur dumb go /lit/ u dumb hurrr
never even been to that board even once, user

perhaps you should kill yourself? (not a rhetorical question)

Biggest things I can think of
> Gay marriage
Thats fine, got people to shut up and government shouldn't have a place in who can get married but the benifits should change to greatly help people that are married with children.
> Transgender guidance
This shit fucking pissed me off, it normalized it and empowered that faggot crowd more. So now parents will start thinking that its ok to put their kids on hormones making them sterile. When studies have shown that 90% of the time kids change their mind.
> Obamacare
The way it was setup was to fail to move to universal coverage. The reason it was shit, is that the middle class got hit the hardest with premium raises to afford all the poor fattass welfare queens.
> Race relations
It was supposed to be an era of racial relations hitting an all time positive high, instead we went backwards. Because he constantly took sides in court cases that were related to niggers being shot, without first waiting to see how the case turned out.
> Bailouts
Any president would have done this
> Demeanor
This is actually a good thing he had. He was an incredible speaker and almost always carried himself professionally.
> Scandals
Stayed out of the negative spotlight of scandals, he might have done something small but every president has
> Russia/Syria
Started a modern day Mccarthyism and leads the charge of lying to the public about whats going on in syria and who the real enemy is.

He's going to go down as way greater then he was, and anyone that questions his greatness will be a bigot/racist. When in fact he was average/decent/