we hate the juden for a reason.

never forget.

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Kill all Kikes

It's was fun.

stop drinking sunscreen, Ivan.

If you actually care about the victims of the Holodomor then you won't support Hitler. Just saying.

no u



Yeah people fall for the joke that "hitler wuz a good boi" due to a lack of knowledge, no knowing the point of view of others, etc and it might seem convenient as well to support him. But hitler supporters should ask themselves if they sleep well at night knowing hitler massacred millions of eastern europeans. Perhaps some will be appalled by the truth they so naively ignored, meanwhile others perhaps won't care.

Also where have we heard the topic of stealing land and killing off it's native inhabitants? Lebensrau.... "greater Germany"..... hmmm, ring a bell, great ____?

I am not going to advocate Stalin or something. Human life was nothing for him as a matter of fact. But golodomor being portrayed as a genocide is a straight propoganda. Everyone was starving those years due to agricultural productivitiy lowered by an agressive collectivisation and large amounts of psychos among comissars. It is not Ukrainians who was starvig the most - they were the only ones bitching about it due to their fucking complex. And i know it not only from official statistics but from the fact my grandmother's family lost half 2 of 6 their children to famine these days, and they lived in Syberia.

Look at the state of Sup Forums: nu-(((right))) Jew worshippers who have forgotten the fourteen words, reply to bait endlessly (incapable of white unity against degeneracy and d&c), and admonish anybody who even criticizes the hidden menace: e-celebs.

More than anything else, the e-celeb is one of the most dangerous. Infiltrate a group by creating a bandwagon (and anybody who isn't "in" is part of the out-group, and you wouldn't want that, goy?). They call themselves your allies, when in reality, they are only trying to sell you their brand and don't give two shits about the message. The amount of them that are Jews! (((Molymeme))), (((Brother Nathanael))), McInnes/Southern (who work for (((Ezra)))), (((weev))), (((David Rubin))), etc.
See for yourself, say anything, literally anything, critical about TRS. Say that you dislike their shilling on anonymous boards, namely Sup Forums, trying to get a larger audience for their radio show. See what happens.



It was the damn russkies, idiot. Jews tried to stop them and failed.
For their brave opposition to soviet rule jews were then savagely persecuted and most of them ended up in gulags.

Shlomosson, please. You - evil.

Shouldn't you at least to attempt to make this normie friendly? Like what is the point?

why did the russians not care that they are jews?

Any source for this gold?

It wasn't genocide because there was no intention to destroy a certain group.
But they literally starved peasants to feed the cities. It was one of greatest crimes ever.

I mean, what do you expect when you take the means of production of agriculture away from the kulaks, the only ones who knew what do to, and hand it over to average peasants?
It wasn't deliberate or advertised, but it was inevitable. Merkel and her Jew squad don't put out a five point plan to do away with blue eyes and blond hair, but it is inevitable when you consider her policies.

Germany merely took back the land that was stolen from it after WW1.


this is a more pathetic MUH than the six gorillion desu

Gulags were ran by a Jew, Stalin's father-in-law.

ever heard of the systematic killing of native germans in polish regions?
We merely took back what was rightfully ours.
The globalist warmongers let it spiral out of control, they put it to good use.

No such thing

no mention of genrikh yagoda?

I sleep pretty well actually.

God I fucking hate David Manne.

Holodomer is a fucking myth and only a retarded Hohol would ever believe such a thing

Didya know that stalin put people in pits instead of actual prisons during WW2?

in actuality, stalin killed more people than hitler did