*Sips tea*

*Sips tea*

Other urls found in this thread:


>I am silly.jpg

That's not really a can of worms they want to open.

Because gays never fight, break up, or abuse children.

Except they do. All the time.

Makes perfect sense because fags are all superhuman perfect people incapable of divorce, violence, or being mean. Also even though they're "born that way" it's definitely not a mental disorder

What is per-capita? What are statistics?


gays are more likely to do all of those things, lmao

Do you know just how much more child abuse occurs by faggots?

>The study looked at 40 different outcomes, but reported data for children with "lesbian mothers" and those with "gay fathers" separately. Therefore, there actually were 80 outcome measures that could be said to compare children with "homosexual parents" to those from other family structures. When compared with outcomes for children raised by an "intact biological family" (with a married, biological mother and father), the children of homosexuals did worse (or, in the case of their own sexual orientation, were more likely to deviate from the societal norm) on 77 out of 80 outcome measures. (The only exceptions: children of "gay fathers" were more likely to vote; children of lesbians used alcohol less frequently; and children of "gay fathers" used alcohol at the same rate as those in intact biological families).

Tbh, at least divorce is bound to be lower among them.

Most heteros just get married because "well, we've been together for more than a year, guess it's time to get married", can't really be surprised when that fails.

Gays have no social obligation to marry ever, so they get to do it only if they want to... and sometimes not even then, depending on where they live.

That awkward moment when Lesbians have the highest domestic abuse rate... Gay men have the lowest and yet men are the violent criminals like op pic

Considering that literally all of those mentioned faults are dominated by women perpetrators, it's pretty disingenious to illustrate it with a stereotypical brute male.

>strawman is a strawman
You can be against gay marriage and not do any of those things and so not be a hypocrite


not surprised there
also sage

>homosexuals are perfectly normal, goy

>heteros rape kids and get punished for it therefore I should be allowed to tear babies apart with my tranny dick legally!
41% of pedophiles identify as LGBTQ

*cought *cought lesbians have the highest domestic violence and child abuse rates overall

Notice how they always depict a white man?

And notice that nobody ever calls racism?

Why don't they depict a black man since they believe in equality? All races are the same, right? And since they're making a point about heterosexual men surely there would be no difference in featuring a black man or a white man?

Oh yes that's right, they don't believe in equality at all, they only believe in their perverse little pyramid of grievance, where whites are to be reviled and mocked and bullied and chastised (even if they are poor, even if their ancestors had nothing to do with colonialism or slavery whatsoever), and all other races are to be celebrated and elevated (even if their ancestors WERE colonialists or slavers - like many black Africans were, since black Africans were the one who enslaved their own people for the purpose of then selling them to the white man)

Leftie genocide when?

Gay women

But if Tony and Steve aren't even married or legally united they definitely shouldn't be adopting

Even though all three of those things are, when accounted for population, SIGNIFICANTLY higher among homosexuals.


*kills fags*

in fact way more than heterosexual couples

Who cares? Just make abortion free, easily available and socially acceptable and there will be nothing to adopt to begin with.

I don't think that anyone is saying that gay civil unions are a bad thing. Is this guy living under a rock?

>Tbh, at least divorce is bound to be lower among them.
Faggots are promiscous as fuck they can't stick to one partner and lesbian bed death.

I am silly

>committed gay unions
Did anyone else like it when faggots strictly remained just dissident white men? I wish fags would remain quirky eccentric types rather than faking this boring, bourgeois lifestyle.

Absolutely implicit.

Everyone in that pic is white because the artist is probably white and doesn't care about non-whites. White is just the "default".

You're on Sup Forums. You know characters only end up black when they WANT the character to be black, it never occurs naturally.

*sips coffee*
That's a retarded strawman OP.

Someone needs to redo the comic with the shiiieeeet face, bix nooding in the speech bubble, and saggy pants.

99.99% of all violent acts against homos are done by other homos
domestic violences is 100X in gay couples than hetro couples

almost 100% of child molestation of boys is done by gay men

so there

>almost 100% of child molestation of boys is done by gay men

source? from what I've read, most child molesters are not attracted to adults in any way

How does one negate the other you fucking leaf?

They're both problems

Unless the artist himself is black I assume. Still doesn't make you wrong, or is it safe to assume that even black artist default to drawing white people? On a funnier note if you do a stick figure on white paper and didn't have colors to make him look black what would you do to let the audience know that this character is black? Probably add a big nose or an afro lol

>Authorities believe Deyo shot Babbitt in the head with a shotgun, then turned the weapon on himself, the paper reported.
Awww a happy ending

Exactly, I'm just pointing out their hypocrisy, because they are such insufferable fucking little cunts

Why not just this? Oh yeah because they'll say "DAS RAYCAAAAAAAAAS"



The rates of homosexual couples being involved in domestic violence, child abuse, and in general not being committed to each other (divorce just being part of it) is way fucking higher

I live in SF and beleive me gay couples physically fight far more than straight couples. I know a faggot who went to jail for years for domestic violence. You live in Canada where 50% of young me have had homosexual experiences, yourself included, so you should know this.

> domestic violence and child abuse
> among heterosexuals
It's like it doesn't exist in homosexual unions

Young men*

>Committed gay unions
Hahahahaha but seriously we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

A man who has sex with a minor MALE child is homosexual AND a pedophile

>You live in Canada where 50% of young me have had homosexual experiences

yes, we are saying it

>a shitty straight person justifies allowing the faggot slippery slope in

The only reason faggots want to adopt kids is so they can rape them.

That is *literally* all gay marriage is. Glorified pedophilia. Faggots have absolutely no desire to live monogamous lifestyles and be fathers. The only reason they wanted the right to marry was so they could then demand the right to adopt. And the only reason they wanted *that* right........


*sips root beer*

>being a fag is normal
How does it feel knowing that humans are wired to have spiritual mystic experiences as observed and studied by science? Truly we live in a bigoted universe where the very homophobic evolution has designed mankind so very little elect people receive mystic experiences that are for people who live in the past, what a coincidence that we evolved in such a way that made spiritual experiences appear by coincidence in the lives of saints and prophets man :^)



>drinking tea
what a faggot.

*sips some more root beer*

Most gays tend to be sex pests, when was the last time you saw a gay couple?

Because I don't even remember and I live in a some what affluent area in London

Don't be too mad with them they not as degenerate as the hyper sexual ass hounds that most gay's are

>sips semen


Just half of you?

My good mate, do me one favour before you feel too smug about this:

Look at the dates on all those sources.
Most, if not all, of the real shitty stuff is decades old.

and so on.

Especially this picture has been 'debunked' many times as no longer relevant and pretty shitty.
It uses the San Francisco Sentinel as a source. A very very shitty tabloid.

I don't claim that homosexuals don't do degenerate stuff, I've been in too many gay bars for that, but please use sources that can be taken seriously, not outdated or unreliable stuff.

>I've been in too many gay bars for that

>I've been in too many gay bars for that

Shouldn't you be attending that rapefugee gang bang you organised for yourself?

That's like trying to get funding for you global warming denial research. Good luck with that. Any and all research will likely be corrupted coming out of Europe or the USA due to these groups. That's if it gets funding and allowed to see the light of day.

Well, yeah, obviously.

For the record: I've been to 4 gay bars. That was more than enough.
One was a pretty comfy place but it was more of a café than a bar, without music and all that shit.
The stuff going on in an actual gay bar or club is pretty disgusting and I want no part of that.


Excuse me what? Doesn't this cartoonist know domestic abuse is much higher among homosexual couples? Lesbians in particular have absolutely egregious domestic abuse rates, its sad really, they're worse than niggers.

Homosexuals diddle kids way more than heterosexuals.

The funny part is the truth is actually the complete antithesis of that cartoon.

It should be a big fat gay guy ripping apart a family and a bunch of cowardly white men in the corner.

But there's the big problem.
The sources you use are either completely outdated, outright shitty tabloids or in a misleading context (I'll come to that in a moment.).

Any and all studies among gay men that were done before the late 1990s can no longer reliably be applied to gay men today.
It was an entirely different life back then, thanks to the fact that most of the western world still had laws against homosexuality and all that.
There were entire city blocks dedicated to homosexuals, like ethnic ghettos, think Little Italy and all that. By today, these Gay Ghettos are tourist traps in cities like San Francisco and filled with 'Artists' and all those shitty people.

The 'Culture' that had developed around homosexuals is vanishing, mostly because it has been taken over by Trannies and all those batshit crazy idiots.

Now for
>misleading context
Look at the first part of >A. Promiscuity
The source on the
>28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners.
is dated 1978.
The article sourced for American men having 15 or more female partners on the other hand is from 2013. (And can only be found via internet archive, so you should change the note, because nbc has deleted the original page.)

That's 35 years. A whole generation grows old in that time.
You can not realibly compare these two anymore.
Yeah you can make a statement about gay men in the 70s and 80s, but that does no longer apply today.

Fun fact.
IIRC: Gay couples have the lowest domestic violence, heterosexuals the middle and lesbians apparently can't live without punching each other.
Don't throw crazy lesbos and gay men into the same bucket.
I'll try and find the source for that.

>yfw gays have much higher rates of child abuse by default
>yfw they don't divorce because they can't get married
I blame domestic violence on poor judgment and alcohol

EVEN if this was true i'd rather have divorced parents who hit me than be raised by two homos

tl,dr for If you want to make actual, objectively correct statements about this stuff, try and gather sources that are up to date, no matter how hard that might be.

You make it easy to disregard your points, even those that are actually true, if you try to argue with these pictures.
If you are actually interested in making a case for any of the stuff in those pictures, you will have to make sure that it can not be debunked by arguments such as:
>Wrong context
>Very outdated
>Shitty Tabloid that actually lost it's press pass in 2011 because of how irrelevant it is

Day of the rake when?? This post is absolutely egregious

Found it:
>The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey reports on the lifetime prevalence of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner, focusing for the first time on victimization by sexual orientation.
>It finds a victimization prevalence of 43.8 percent for lesbians, making it the second most affected group after bisexual women (61.1 percent), ahead of bisexual men (37.3 percent), heterosexual women (35 percent), heterosexual men (29 percent) and homosexual men (26 percent).

Funny, really. Bi-Scum get's hit the most, gay men the least.

You know what the biggest laugh is?
Heterosexual and homosexual men have the lowest percentage of violence.
Yet bisexual men are in third place.
The implication being that women can't handle a man who likes both sides of the coin.

Apparently jealousy makes women violent. Who would've thought?

Choke and die on your fucking tea you 1 post shill.


So you're saying more pedos are straight than gay
Nice argument

friend of mine went to egypt to see the pyramids.
gets off the plane in Cairo and immediately some faggot is trying to pick him up. Tells the guy to fuck off, i'm not gay.
Guy says "b-but your from Canada"
*hangs head in shame*

Homosexuals make up something around 1-3% of the population.
Even if just 10% are gay, the remaining 31% being Bi-Scum, that is a massive overrepresentation.

Faggots have higher rates of domestic violence than you may think.

Besides, the current geography of heterosexual marriages is entirely due to feminaziism. If women are supporting feminism and fag rights, seeings how they fucked up hetero marriages, I'd be wary to side with anything the feminazis advocate for. It's probably shit to futher their agenda.

>domestic violence
women need to be disciplined once in a while
>child abuse
that's what fags do relatively more
love lasts, attraction changes

See Only lesbians and Bi-Scum have higher rates of domestic violence.
Gay men actually have the lowest percentage of hitting each other.