Poranio si malo

p o r a n i o

za svaki slučaj
nek se razgovaraju ljudi.
prijatno sam iznanđena opštim odzvom

Sta mislite,da li bi bio ponosan na nas???

Izgubili smo tri izlaza na more, pa ne tolko,
Al ako budemo isli po sumama i cistili haos, mozda i hoce.

pa ne znam baš... davao je on dosta gibova albancima na kosovu.
ne znam šta bi on uradio.
What Would Tito Do

Sta cemo sa cinjenicom da su porezi i doprinosi 60% u ovoj vukojebini?

>/pol my son
>the race war is coming
>you must deside what you will do
>will you redpill as many as you can
>or will you shitpost and touch yourself to chinese cartoons

Redpiluj decu, promeni glasace od jugonostalgicara do kapitalista. Popravis trziste = popravis drzavu.

Dali bi mogli videt ovu kartu za 20 godina?


Pokusavam, ali da jedan narod moze biti toliko finansijski nepismen mi ne ide u glavu.


With who as our government?

>really makes you think

da ali bi to zahtevalo da trump promeni politiku amerike prema nama i da se otarasimo diktatora u crnoj gori nekako...

Ti mislis da ce ((oni)) to dozvoliti??
Jaka Srbija je samo pretnja za njihovu kontrolu nad Balkanom.

>sea access




What the fuck is up with the steppe speak in this thread

U Bosni ljudi kupuju glasove. Dobijes 50 maraka i onda odes u kafanu i seres kako vlada jede govna.
Odlicna stvar jeste sto su situacije tolko grozne, da pravi preduzetnici se stvaraju. Ljudi su skontali kako da crpe novac iz inostranstva, gde ga ima.
E sad kad bi glasaci to skontali i kad bi mogli preraditi trenutni sistem, rodila bi se velika srbija ponovo.

delete this

Idk :(

Don't be like that Bulgar we will watch your back if you ever get attacked by Turkey

>tfw low blood pressure

be nice with me winter chan 10 celsius are enough to fuck me up


Speak english you fucking slav monkeys or else go to Sup Forums

You mean like in 1885?

хи дoзeнт кнoв cлaв pyнec

sorry burgerbro

Please. Everyone on this board seems to try to redpill people by jumping straight to 'THE HOLOHOAX WAS A LIE' rather than something easy for normies to accept, like race crime stats or jihad.

>Implying I'm not doing both from here

You just have to trust us Bulgar.

are you guys not like the kebab equivalent of kebab in the usa?

Should we bring up all the times you sided with nazis against us.

We got a similar culture, same religion, and the same muslim occupator in our past. Lets work together.

Makes me think what?That the rape rate here is 0.7 and that murder rate is 1.2?
That unlike Eu who has a generation of 40% Shitskin children,America is already 44% non-white and the next generation has Non-whites as a MAJORITY?
That you probably have 2% Sub-Saharan DNA?
That only 6% of whites are of English decent,but you where cucked into speaking English because 1 more state voted to speak English over German?
Please be more specific.


i was asking seriously

obligatory reminder to serbs

When you set a precedent for backstabbery, its expected.

Yugo tiger stripe camo army when?

Ziveo Veliki vodja Vucic!!!!!

>are you guys not like the kebab equivalent of kebab in the usa?
Ever heard of 1000 mexicans chimping out and sexually assaulting thousands of women at the same time?

omg don't start that shit here, please


>tfw -14° right now and shoveled the drive and walk in shorts with an open coat and no gloves

Feels good to be white man.

Pa i ovde prodaju glas za 2000 dinara. Vecina ljudi smatra da postoje dva stanja; mirovanje i zaposlenost. ''nemam po'so''. Ovde i dalje vlada misljenje da je radno mesto nesto sto treba biti popunjeno. I blame communism. Ali da, dosta ljudi on d lou otvara male firme za outsource. Sto kazes, kad bi takvih bilo vise i kad bi formirali jedinstveno biracko telo, pa bukvalno nam je to spas.

Bulgar it was diffrent times back then,you have to understand that everyone was doing it,come on man it's 2017 trust your neigbour.

No, that would be Chicanos, the subhuman offspring of illegal immigrants, which in turn are the dumbes, poorest part of our country. They're just as, if not more, hated over here than in the USA.
Hell, most of us oppose the wall because we don't want them back here.

Anyways, Mexico is a cathlioc country that firmly opposes accepting muzzies. We're more kebab-removing oriented that USA. Give us a chance to remove kebab, my Serb friend. You won't be dissapointed.

Shut up autist. I vacation in Bulgaria and everybody loves us. I get shit for free just because I'm Serbian.

Both times we fucked you over, Austria was to blame. They encouraged our cuck king to attack you in 1885 and they took away coast from us to make Albania and we were forced to take Macedonia instead in 1913.

grt in here and bring the booze

>mfw it looks like Vulin

Mexico is pretty based exept for being Catho*ic


Next elections, my man. We will burn the system and a new Mexico will rise

>Hating Catholics
We're not THAT bad

I love you winter chan

Cyka blyat idi nahui vodka pulya dura shtyk molodets

But the Balkans fell to the Muslims only because off Catholics

Ovo je vecinski Srpski thread tako da imam pitanje za koga Srpski Sup Forums glasa na izborima?

She'll be right, no need to be a soft cunt, you've both got bigger problems and more in common than not. Who better to have your back?

хи тинкc хи иc фaни

Kakvo ti je to non pitanje?

Byлe или Шeки caмo oнaкo из cпpдњe

remove croat when?

When Big Serbia 3 (Also known as Big Serbia 6 in Japan) is about to happen.

let it snow

razmatram DJB... sa ne radim to?

Ja bi vas sto glasao "iz sprdnje" streljao.


Ja sam pao na taj meme

I love you winter-chan!

I put this in google translate and it had a spurdo seizure, did he lay some kind of gypsy curse on me?


>nikad neces imati ribu da ide zajedno stobom u da se bori protiv Hrvata
Da li uopste vredi ziveti???

>имплaјинг ит мeтepc
Бaт нoy cиpијycли, aјл пpoбaбли вoyт фop Шeшeљ, џacт бикoз...

Za stranke koje su na ivici za cenzus. Prošle izbore sam glasao DS i jedva su prešli.
Otkud znam, brate, moj cilj je samo da Vučko ima što manje fotelja. Ovo izdrkavanje mora da se bar malo uspori.

>nisi rodjen da se boris za Djujiceve cetnike protiv ustasa
Jel zivot stvarno vredan?

>хи тинкc хи кaн oвep пaвep мaј влaх мaџик
I feel sad for you

Yup, you're fucked. I can unlift the curse for you for 1 bitcoin.

It was just English written in "Once letter one vocal" rule that Serbians uses.
>хи дoзeнт кнoв cлaв pyнec-He doesn't know Slav runes.
>хи тинкc хи иc фaни-He thinks he is funny.

>I put ancient runes into text translator what is happening


Ali iskreno zasto su Hrvati toliko guzo bolni??


>tfw mi imamo tesline izume za kontrolu uma


>La Nina winter

Why does Winter-chan hate us?

I love you winter-chan

Jesus christ this cold is killing me, can Sup Forums conjure me up a warm blanket ?

Kako su Hrvati provalili nas genijalan plan?!?!?

Saljem kanape i stolicu ako treba, cak i instrukcije kako se samoubiti ako bas mora...

Imamo i njegove laserske topove, samo nemao struje za njih...

ladno e neka si eba majkata


It happened hundreds of years ago, and you got better. Get over it. What matters is that we won't abandon you again.

>tfw sutra cemo biti u svim hrvatskim novinama

legitimno, prihvatam, deluju mi kao plaćena opozicija.
za koga biste glasali?