If Sup Forums was a video game character

If Sup Forums was a video game character

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more like pic related

He was against skinheads, so no.

Vidyas are degenerate.



No, they were against him, as well as everyone else he met.
He just didn't have much choice.


more like this guy

smug arthas?



>Statement: Gas the kikes, race war now!

kek'd and check'd

Why don't they make games like this anymore?

Name one bad thing Garithos ever did. You can't. Hes a perfect example of a person who is unrelenting lawful good but an asshole on the side.


>Trusting a banshee

Sup Forums already is a video game character

In hindsight.
It was the Goblins who ruined East Lumbridge in the name of Bandos.
They also have their own tribe which they refuse to return too.
And didn't the underground ones claim they were secular but then turn around and start unearthing Bandos artifacts?

Literature character, bust still...


well bandos artefacts are a part of history, and i guess helps them understand history better, i have no problem with that

>Javik: This has been... amusing.
Commander Shepard: Oh?
>Javik: To discover that the most primitive races of my time now rule the galaxy. The chinks, the mestizos, the aboriginals...
Dr. Liara T'Soni: There's also the arabs.
>Javik: The sand people evolved?

Sup Forums in a nu... Armored shell.


That's literally /k/.

Left is Sup Forums
Right is Sup Forums




So Sup Forums will be defeated by an amputated Japanese tranny in high heels?

Death to non-humans.

How is that a video game character?

Funny in vidya games all you do is kill whites. In bioshock two you killed whites and blackies and its racist game. Apparently pc in everything = white death.



> Not talking about Sup Forums the character


It's not but it's the most accurate so far.

The funniest thing about Garithos and Admiral Proudmoore is that they're meant to be racist villains who are in the wrong, but Blizzard's bad writing accidentally makes them right about everything.



I mean. how, how cucked you have to be to justify the plauge that killed most of the Loarderon population and claim that literal rotting corpses have any de jure claim over anything.

If anything Humans and Blood elves have every moral and ethical right to cleanse lands from filthy roting corpses that act like a hivemind.

Also i like how only humans are racists, like when elves show hate it is because their shity sacred homeland is so valuable that they can justify ethnical cleansing.


We the Thalmor now.


but he trusted an elf

Google him. Watch the movie.
The penis is evil. The gun is good.

>Admiral Proudmoore told her only daughter Jaina that the Orcs are savages, has burned Stormwind to the ground, killed thousands of innocent human, elves and dwarves and is in cohort with demons. Thus in conclusion cannot be trusted, ever.
>Jaina betrays her father and didnt helped him, nor even just rescue his men from beings totally slaughtered by the Orcs.
>several years later, theramore isle was bombed by the Orcs.

One of the few characters that is correct if you ask me.

Also, Sylvanas should've fucking died considering how fucking treacherous of a monster she is, but no she is waifu material and blizzdrone sucks her marecock those cucks.

>Empire can't just accept balkanization
>They already had Hammerfell secede without a problem
>Hammerfell still at war with Elves without a problem
>Somehow Skyrim should not secede?!?


All his racist predictions and warnings eventually came true.

Quel'thalas for the high elves, Vashj'ir for the naga. LORDERON FOR EVERYONE!


Then who is Kreia?

This also Kaedwin king is based as fuck, though he gets to the be at the mercy of the Geralt

razing of Stormwind occured at the end of First War, depicted in Warcraft: Orcs and Humans
only Orcs and Humans died there
Alliance was formed at some time between 1st and 2nd war (1st and 2nd game, respectively)
Very few elves and/ or dwarves would die then

and nothing of value was lost, if they weren't such cuck they would won

I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!

Garrosh did nothing wrong.

1v1 Lost temple bitch.

>Bored and angry with how the world is
>Hates the status quo of the rich and powerful dicking everyone over
>Joins up with a man to kill of the Dragons, pretty much megajews.
>Wants to create a Happening and change the world, and doesn't care how many people get hurt
>Doesn't even care if the world ends because of it.

He did plenty of wrong
He should've started with better roads at Barrens, allowing goblin steam tanks from Ashara to roll all the way to 1k Needles, thus securing entire sea coast all the way to Theramore. This would prevented sacking of Camp Tuarayo and fights over barrens, as Alliance would never get a foothold there
and he fucked up in Lordearon as well, he should claim Blackrock Spire for the Horde. It have great defensive position and would block major route between Stormwind and Ironforge.

That's what happens when you try and write politically correct garbage. You end up spaghetti pocketing all over your own story.

I have no idea what are you talking about, I quit after Cata and before pandas

to be fair, Blizzard writing is very very bad even without politically correct garbage.
But it is vidya gaem and writing is less important than fun

Implying some of those scheming green fucks wont turn around and use anything powerful they find.

More like if India was a video game character.



I am a Sup Forums user and I am a gay rights advocate. You can be a gay trans stripper and still be religious as hell, be who you want to be and live how you want to live.

>mfw people post blizzard characters but dont post Arcturus Mengsk

I agree with Garithos and Arthas also, but space confederacy is much more Sup Forums

>I am a Sup Forums user and I am a gay rights advocate
why are you wasting your time?


>I have no idea what you are talking about.
I really have a nagging feeling that you are trolling/just fucking with me. Surely you have played Warcraft 3:FT once in your life. Lost Temple is the de-facto map of choice for 1v1 battles.

>you can be a trans stripper

also, General Duke


>Ultranationalist that would reset the World to the golden standard by wiping the slate clean of Globalists


Street preacher guy from KoTOR 1

Gomez did nothing wrong


I only finished campaigns in W3 and FT and I never played it again
had other games to play at that time

reminder that warcraft 3 playerbase is still pretty active and you should be playing it online, bnet or w3arena

you should install and play mp, it's fun



The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.

The Shop owner in Red Dead Redemption

Garrosh did nothing wrong.



Gomez was only reasoneable one who actually found a way to feed the colony while other lecheed from his work, at least those betas in sect camp made joints for food, but new camp fags literally stole supplies.

another user already chose this guy and exact picture, but fuck it, I didn't image search and save this shit to my desktop for no god damn reason.

> Skyrim belongs to the Nords! Therefore it should secedes!

really makes you think...



>pure alpha
>strongest in game
>believes heavily in tradition and conservatism

Lol worse tham America.

Now that you think about making Skyrim a republic with electoral college where each City holds few electors whould fix things up prety nicely, except the Thalmor.

i wanted to purge the xenos with that guy

Fuk u swadia fgt. Rhodok stronk.

all mer except of dunmer does not count, they are immigrants there

>implying that's accidental

Essential Mengskcore: youtube.com/watch?v=X6bVj-nTkiU