Can you understand too, fellow Slavs?

Can you understand too, fellow Slavs?

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yeah, but this isnt gonna work, just like meme esperanto.

Tper = ?
Cxerez = through, but I only understood it from context

We should abandon our own languages and force this upon everyone, proclaim a Slav Empire and wage war against the world.

Medžuslovjanski jest język, ktory Slovjani iz råznyh narodov koristajųt, že by komunikovali medžu sobojų. To jest možno, ibo slovjanske języki sųt shodna i srodna grupa. Znanje jednogo języka obyčno jest dostatočno, že by imělo sę priblizno pojmanje, o čem jest tekst na kakom-nebųď drugom slovjanskom języku. Črěz věki, Slovjani sųt naučili dogovarjati sę s svojimi sųsědami posrědstvom prostyh, improvizovanyh narěčij. Jednočasno, medžusobna shodnosť vsěh slovjanskih językov jest nadyhala językoznavcev i drugih k tvorjenju generičnogo slovjanskogo języka, råzumlivogo vsěm Slovjanam. Srěd nih nahodęt sę slavny starocŕkovnoslovjanski język iz 9. stolětja, kako i mnoge ine projekty, publikovane od 16. stolětja do dneś pod imenami kako «vseslovjanski», «medžuslovjanski», «novoslovjanski», «obćeslovjanski» ili prosto «slovjanski», vse osnovane na těhže prědpoloženjah, čto čini ih blizko identičnymi.

Another Slovio/Interslavic thread?

Yes, i can understand it. We had this discussion hundreds of times, yes all slavs can understand ~95% of it just fine, but why should we bother learning it?

I do, but it's not that easy actually.

And yeah, I have no idea what "tper" means. From context I guess it means "all" or "quickly"?

We should turn it into software code for efficient election hacking.

>browsing my favorite food and cooking fitness anime tv and film business finance neo-nazi site
>the boys start speaking polish
>oy vey gotta learn polish language to keep playing

I would translate it "now", because there is a word "Teper'" in Russian, meaning "Now" or "At this moment"/

Even I understand this shit and have only ever learnt extremely basic Russian.

The pole is confused by tper because his brain can't function without 50 continuous szcyz's in a row.

Isn't that right ladszyxcszyswvzs?

my words

Probably because it's mostly based on Russian

And "tper" sounds absolutely nothing like "teraz" (if it's meant to mean now".

Szczżziszć yourself

only u polaks have Szczżziszć
čšž ftw

Slav coalition when? does kek will it?

>This thread is going a bit too well for my liking.

Why isn't it in cyrillic?

not quite sure what was cxtirsto - 400? Otherwise, it was understandable.

"now", akin to russian тeпepь

This really szczszss my rzżsććć

da, ya ponemayu

Dobrý večer moji drazí, vy zkurvenci zamrdaní.

t. Krteček

The best language, the best women. How can non-Slavs even compete. I have no idea.

Yeah. But this wouldn't work.

ayyy kurwa

чepeз (ćczerez) to po rosyjsku "przez"

tell me how close i am:
what is Slovio? Slovio is new international language that is spoken by million people on earth.
Slovio can be used to talk so 300 million Slav people,
bunch of cities cba to write
Slovio has easy and simple grammar. and Slovio is ideal for today people, learn Slovio now

I'm Russian btw