What happened to America throughout the 60s and 70s that made it so shitty...

What happened to America throughout the 60s and 70s that made it so shitty? Crime was at an all time high in almost every major city and the economy was in the toilet. What happened?


Civil wrongs movement

I see what u did there

gasoline crisis and inmigration out of control


non-white immigrants.

lead in gasoline

Mass lead poisoning from leaded gasoline emissions

Every American problem has a word explanation:


These. Predominantly Black/Hispanic neighborhoods are havens for crime.

The Space Race
The Inner Journey
The Outer Journey
experimentation with drugs
Free Masonry

this plus the great society

>le lead meme
Wow, do you excuse all degeneracy?

also japan was rising and took their jobs literally

mass immigration, other countries started to come back after WWII, shitty hippies, Vietnam, and as per usual, niggers

Only one answer, guys

You can thank the boomers and their retarded hippie SJW BS. The Greatest Generation gave them everything and they burnt it all to the ground to conduct a pointless leftist experiment that ruined the entire West.

You mean what happened that fixed it? Cheap money and debt, they spent our futures and the best part is yet to come once all the boomers realize that they won't be getting a pension now that they spent all the money. The boomers who were just stating out back then by defaulting on college debt and working in the local factory will soon be too old to work and they will have to beg in the streets for bread like the rest of us only this time it's our turn to have some fun with them.

1962 Engel v. Vitale supreme court decision to remove Bible readings and prayer from public schools.

Kids grew up being little amoral atheist shits and we've been in decline ever since

At least 70s New York gave us Taxi Driver and some raw urban backdrops

No clue but its somehow our fault according to Trump voters

Immigration act of 1965.

White Europeans, the same ones that founded and built the country were suddenly prevented from immigrating in favour of people from the third world.

As a result of the resulting demographic shift we could very well see the Republicans unable to take power again in the future if something isn't done.

you let your your shit people through your country into ours
