I need to be redpilled on Assange's whereabouts. Is he dead...

I need to be redpilled on Assange's whereabouts. Is he dead? Is he being pumped full of sodium thiopental and water borded 24/7? Is he just an ignorant fuck that doesn't care anymore and the isolation and realisation of the situation has finally broken him? Wtf pol?

Also: m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlpqYMpOOD0

I know I'm late to the party on this, hopefully kek doesn't punish me too severely.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking BUMP you FAGGOTS


He is most probably alive, or the fake 3d is perfect nowadays. He isn't as free as before and many followers he had don't trust him, most probably wikileaks now is a honeypot and he is being controlled by torture. He doesn't sign anything more with his pgp, most probably to indicate that the leak or message cannot be trusted 100%; the reason he gave was that "pgp isn't safe" but it is bullshit and everybody knows it. He dodged many many questions in a recent ama that could remove doubts about his life/conditions, and it seems really sketchy.

>tl;dr he is alive but cannot be trusted as before, as ((they)) are on his tail or controlling him

it isn't safe you moron it's well known to be crackable.

>and he is being controlled by torture
Somebody help him pls...

Lost contact + No PGP + won't come to the window = dead

A plebshit thread is not proof of life, someone post the CGI Bush/Putin/Trump video

You're wrong. It's still secure.

This is what I'm thinking. I am going through the latest AMA and it's true, the whole thing is sketchy as fuck. A redditor said it's as if someone is minding his answers and they're right.

The video was of crap quality making it easier to fake. And he's totally reversed his stance on PGP. I mean, it was designed to prove you are who you say you are yet he has done a 180 on it. I don't get it. His excuses are just mental gymnastics.

We need good old photographic evidence Sup Forums style. Dude needs to come to the window with a sharpie in the pooper.

What's a sharpie? And why would it be in the pooper?


He dodged all that kind of questions that asked him to draw or write something. That is a sign of him saying "I am not secure" as do the pgp thing.

Some anons think that all that was a 3d shit, as it was just 1 camera and he didn't move a lot. I mean, voice changers and voice recognition are evolving fast and soon ((they)) will have a copy of your voice and how you write/talk if you use android or windows 10. But I mean, thinking of this kind of technology being that developed nowadays cannot escape to be seen as a tinfoil thinking. Most probably he is being controlled by torture, as nobody, unless trained from early age, cannot stand having 1 ball removed with a kid scisor

By the way, Snowden gave an interview some months ago to RT and talked about governments having a sample and recognizing how you talk, write and how your voice sounds. He said that as we are now, the NSA knows everything but when you know everything you know nothing, so facebook/google/microsoft/etc are working on how to automate and compile data to be used and to be useful in the future. Google walked towards it with the "censor hate words on the search" and the zuckerberg too, while talking with Merkel about identifying automatically who is spreading "hate speech and fake news so the facebook can censor automatically". This kind of AI is a step forward to governments having a hard disk with all your info and being able to create a digital doppelganger of you who create original content as you would, with your voice, with your kind of humor, with how you create and type words on a porn handheld device.

>This kind of AI is a step forward to governments having a hard disk with all your info and being able to create a digital doppelganger of you who create original content as you would, with your voice, with your kind of humor, with how you create and type words on a porn handheld device.
this sounds scary

>obvious mi5 shillpost

Still butthurt we overturned your "failsafe" Trump response? Fucking pedophile faggots. Assange is healthy and ready to expose you demented imbreds and your disgusting monarchs.


He got Trump elected. He is now no longer needed....

unless he released the piss tape.

pump fags, i wanna know

Thought this might be interesting to some of you. Some of its a little far out but then shit with the shit our governments have been up to recently anything is possible.



uhh... what's the big deal with Assange now?

someone shine some light on the issue for me