Overdoses up 30% in One Year in PA!


What should Trump do about this rapidly growing problem?

I think we should expand access to treatment for addicts, needle exchanges, and Narcan. All of these may seem like enabling but in the end the harm reduction they provide reduces public health costs significantly.

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Or we can just let the degenerates kill themselves

>mostly niggers

Let Darwin sort them out

It's white people that are doing heroine. I agree though, let the degenerates kill themselves.

But there will always be newcomer addicts, user. And addicts with families.

and white addicts

The question is how to make it so that its hard to get hooked and easy to get unhooked when you have fallen down a bad path. Penalizing people for it as a moral issue is no better than withholding STD medications from people and then excoriating their wickedness. Medicine is not a moral judgment.

I think a border wall will help, but also convincing China to crack down on its end of Fentanyl producers would be a big help too.

It won't make a difference what happens either way. The only way to end the opiate crisis is to legalize and regulate the drug to the point where it is readily available and then let them drown themselves in it.

>mfw this was less than an hour from where I live

I vote for this.

I use to feel some kind of way about these people overdosing and dying, but not anymore. I have tons and tons of prescription pain meds from having a jacked up back from having been in a couple of bad car accidents at work and from having jobs that wrecked my back. These are considered the " gateway drugs " for heroin users. I don't touch them unless I need them. Do I feel good when I take them? Fuck yeah. Do I understand the high? Sure do. Do I like the high? Of course. Do I let this shit run my life? Fuck no. People that let that kind of addiction rule their life are very, very weak minded. They should be left out to rot. Unfortunately, our system enables them the most.

Fentanyl is killing a bunch of junkies throughout Canada.

It's funny listening to the news and hearing them expect people to care about them

We have fucking "safe zones" for users where you can get clean needles to shoot up.

Just fucking put them out of their misery

I think part of the regulation that must come with legalization is the dose. I don't think the point is to make it readily available or to encourage people to "drown themselves in it" but rather to take the existing quantity of supply and existing users and give them access to a more measured quality and quantity as fentanyl-lacing and wavering potency of Heroin is a big part of the issue.

Saying let the addicts die does nothing to reduce the burden on the medical community and local law enforcement as well as not accounting for people who are addicted and have children and would be better served by rehabilitation attempts (many want treatment and cannot afford it) so they can get back their kids then by creating more orphans.

What possible benefit is it to save worthless people? I know as a conservative, you're supposed to value all life as precious, but in reality these people are beyond saving and are in a slow suicide.

> Or we can just let the degenerates kill themselves

I'v been saying this for years but so many idiots insist we need to help them.

Drug Rehab doesn't work. It's nothing more than a vacation for drug addicts to meet more drug addicts.

You cannot help people who do not want to help themselves. It's like giving a degenerate thug nigger a scholarship to MIT. Waste of fucking time.

The ERs in the hospitals I work in are probably 30% overdoses at this point, and I'm in Massachusetts.

I've personally found 3 people overdosed on the road in the last 3 months.

Let them die.

A lot of addicts do want help but cannot afford multi-thousand dollar treatment. The brain reacts to repeated use of drugs by upregulating expression of FosB in the nucleus accumbens. We now know the scientific basis behind the addiction so getting people into a place with no drugs where their brains can slowly reset over time in terms of receptors and genes returning to normal levels is helpful. Not everyone will get well, but why punish and slander those who genuinely don't want to be addicts or who could possibly be helped. Everyone deserves a fair chance at life and people make mistakes.

^ this... iv lost plenty of acquaintances and friends to heroin.

They do it to themselves, they live by the feeling of being high. They don't care about anything else.

They are like this because their parents were shit, their parents never taught them anything about this world or how to enjoy life.

Their parents just sat around, watching TV drinking pepsi, smoking cigarettes and going to the bar.

Or you have these kids with rich parents who never see their kids, because they are big shot corporate management always at work or away on business trips.

But that does nothing to stop new people from becoming addicts. If being an addict was a one time only thing sure that might work but new people are finding their way into drugs every day and "letting them die" does nothing to stop this. Why not allow needle exchanges and Narcan to be sold OTC to reduce the overdoses in the first place and unburden the medical community?

it's a self correcting problem in the end

t. marylander with heroin ODs through the roof aswell

As usual, it already peaked just as the panic sets in. Now we can proceed to torture people who are in chronic and extreme pain by withholding needed palliative care from them to punish the addicts. Law enforcement needs to get the fuck out of medical care.

How about not being a waste of life by avoiding drugs in the first place.


I'm Pennsylvanian and I consider that shithole an unrecognized country. It's way too shitty for 82% white Pennsylvania.

> A lot of addicts do want help but cannot afford multi-thousand dollar treatment.

No, their lack of interest in this world is what fucked them over.

Their parents were shit and failed hard. Instead of teaching their kids about anything, they just let the system do it.

"just don't get sick". What a foolish way to think. Plenty of people are legally prescribed pills and grow addicted to them over time. Instead of holding the doctors and pharmacies accountable, you want to punish the patient. Not to mention harm reduction can also save money. "Just say no!" doesn't work.

I just took this pic. Patient arrived in ER suspected OD.

Let. Them. Die.

After your a near death OD experience, one should figure it out. Yet they usually don't

fuck em

Drug addiction isn't an illness you can "catch". "just say no" does work as evidenced by the vast majority of people not addicted to drugs.

Repeal the ACA and let them die, kek.

Surprised to see the rest of Sup Forums being so callous, given these people are overwhelmingly working-class/rural and small-town whites, the people who voted Trump into office .

>white people

you can buy needles at any pharmacy for like three dollars. thats about the price of one bag. if they are stupid enough to die doing it they should be dead. ive lost a half a dozen friends and they died because they were stupid.

I vape, and i'm not addicted to nicotine.
I drink coffee and i am not addicted to caffeine.

You know why these people use drugs? They are bored out of their minds with life.

I'v talked to plenty of drug addicts throughout my life, nearly everything is stupid to them.

They were mush for brains before they were addicted to drugs.


combination of right wing death squads, that liquid shit that the junkies drink to make them not dope sick, and some welfare for a bit to help people stop selling and using. Streets will be clean within a year

my IQ is over 200 and i used to be a drug addict. Fuck you, vapor fag.

ps. i vape too

Legalize marijuana. I'm serious.

It doesn't work to reduce the costs and harms associated with addiction, and given that overdoses increased by 30% in one year it seems rather apathetic to just dismiss that by saying the majority of people don't use drugs. The majority of people don't need kidney dialysis but we still offer the treatment.

They need to be in an environment where there are no drugs for a few months so their brains can calm down at a cellular level. Your brain doesn't understand fully that a synthetic substance is being introduced to it that is bad. Your brain is programmed to process only endogenous opioids and has no tolerance to synthetic ones so expecting your brain to react to a situation that simply did not happen for most of the existence of humankind is ridiculous.

Why is Sup Forums so against needle exchanges. OTC narcan, and legalization and regulation approaches? Why not reduce the burden on law enforcement and the medical community? There will always be new addicts with the hands off approach many of you seem to favor.

Some states do not permit you to buy needles without having a card for it as proof that you need them medically for diabetes.

oh god post more.

nice time digits.

Just let them overdose, what's the big deal?
It was their choice, a dead man won't waste hardworkers taxes.
Once their dead they won't reproduce anymore or raised soon to be drug addicts kids.


ITT a bunch of people who have zero idea how addiction works and are totally blue pilled on the subject.

Because then you are paying for them as they get sicker. Not every overdose is fatal. Or are you suggesting we refuse them medical treatment? And many addicts have dependents. If they die, the state is left to care for their children.

>be a black man in Ohio
>keep hearing about white people overdosing on shit
Just a few months ago, I saw some white people getting arrested in a predominately black area for what I can assume was a drug bust, they had a van with a bunch of black cases in the back.

>There's a place like this here in Cali.
>Turn the whole neighborhood into shit street
>Addicts with their aggressive begging
>Undesirables every where
>Crime is up

Its always some rich politicians, middle class fag hippy or their degenerate millennial spawns building these crack house in poor areas then leaving for their gated communities leaving us working poor to deal with all the shit that comes in afterward

i see nothing wrong. if they want to risk death, let them.

I get the impression that the people who get involved with hard drugs don't have close relationships with their family. Not just parents, but siblings.

One time at a party they were passing around a meth pipe. I was super drunk, and someone put it right in front of my face offering it to me. The one thing I recall is thinking about how angry and disappointed I'd be if one of my brothers or sisters did meth. And how much I'd want to kill the person who offered it to them.

I stuck around for maybe 5 more minutes then grabbed my shoes and walked out the door without even putting them on.

Narcan needs to be provided with a binding legal contract stipulating compulsory rehab or prison. I believe in treating addiction as a health issue rather than a criminal one, but not at the cost of covering their overdoses and letting them do it again.

i love it when doctors and nurses leave this type of details when i have to review charts

i got a guy who believed in time traveling spiders out to get him

YAASSSSSS. I have no problem watching white junkies die. They watch every other race do the same.

> IQ over 200.

> Quits drugs, so must be smart enough to discipline self not to do such activities

Yet you are not smart enough to figure out why others are continuously ODing themselves on drugs.

>I've personally found 3 people overdosed on the road in the last 3 months.
Jesus Christ, where the fuck do you live? In Swaziland?

make heroin stronger, sit back and relax

Sicker? Treatment? What does it cost for an addict to be "sick"? We're talking worthless scumbags that beg on street corners, then buy dope.

>t. (You)

please be serious

You myopic cunt. One of the least known afflictions of heroin users is chronic infections that grow within for years, sometimes decades. HIV/AIDS? Yep. HepA/B/C (liver disease, cirrhosis, cancer), notwithstanding, they develop infections along their articulating bones/joint sac spaces...usually MRSA, sometimes TB. CHRONIC infection and illness...Oh and they are irresponsible and always have children, whose lives they manage to fuck up. LET. THEM. DIE.

Use the CIA to flood the streets with fentanyl like they did with crack and watch the problem solve itself. Drug orphans go to state run military schools. Drug problem solved and future convicts have been given purpose.

Frankly, if they are going to fall down the path to addiction and lose control of their lives they probably aren't great parents anyway.

You sound like a complete fag.

>We have fucking "safe zones" for users where you can get clean needles to shoot up.
How has that turned out? Have you heard about that helping at all?

When I first heard the news I thought it was a terrible idea. After thinking it over, I compared it to Backpage; even though prostitution is illegal, people will still do it and the website at least provides a safer avenue to it.

The future pharmacist in me wants needle exchanges and better access to Narcan but the Sup Forums in me says to follow Duterte and use brute force.


Not trying to be "le edgy"

But heroin stays in your body for the rest of your life

And there is a 91% relapse rate ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/20669601/

It also has a

Don't remind me user, it's too soon...


Trump will likely do something even if it's just making it harder to access the drugs by hampering their flow from Mexico. I wish he'd just let them die though. There's very little worth saving in Philadelphia, let alone junkies.

>are you suggesting we refuse them medical treatment

We refuse to treat diabetics with prosthetic limbs.

They did this to themselves and shall pay for it.

>butt butt they have children
As if having a HEROIN addict is better than government care.

A bullet to the back to head is the only cure.

Lock junkies up and dry them out cold turkey. Fuck expensive treatment, let them sweat it out.

I know how to solve this problem.

As a Philadelphian I gotta say there's a huge opiate problem here, not just heroin.
I'll pop a perc every few months an it's ridiculous how cheap they are. You can find 30's for 20-25 dollars a pill, meanwhile on the deep web they're going for 30 a pill.
Of course that's so you start off with them and then move on to heroin. I know a bunch of people who got addicted like that and you lose them. Either they overdose and die or the drug becomes their only friend. There's not an easy solution to the problem and it's fucking sad.

However the freedom lover in me says legalize and regulate the production of dope. At least then people aren't going to get hot bags which are mostly fent.

Do your part; Give a heroin addict $20 so they can overdose. One less degenerate.