How did a fake spaceship captain from a tv show become the Confucius of 21st century America?

Help me out here. So theres this George Takai guy that up until recently I barely ever heard of. Apparently he had this minor side role playing a spaceship captain in star wars or something. I dunno, even though the show was popular nobody really talked about him particularly.

All of a sudden one day you couldn't go a day without seeing some shitbag millenial retweet, post about, or slobber over some random opinion he has or thing he said. I read a few of the stuff that they linked to and even accounting for typical libtard stupidity its nothing special. Its neither particularly bad or good for typical leftwing arguments. Its just the ranting of a typical dumbass. So what the heck happened? What did he do that every retard constantly looks up to him like some modern day wise sage? Did he divert an asteroid one day when I didn't notice?

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Nope, he never did anything else.

He was gay before it was cool.


George Takei is a sodomite samurai and a fucking faggot. That's pretty much it.

Because he's genuinely funny and a nice guy. He doesn't get triggered by stupid shit or people who don't like him.

welllllllllll there was this one time he was killing gooks side by side with John fucking Waybe

>super gay
>nerd icon
>on tv
>non white
>far leftist

he has all the criteria for being universally loved by the left

gays are worshiped by those dumb fucks. Being gay is like being royalty, only instead of having aristocratic status you have eternal victim status.

i think millenials confuse him for a smart scientist because he is asian. they probably think he is dr kaku

He is a fag and milenials love faggots for some reason, also with a voice and diction like that it makes it particularly hard NOT to read everything in it. He sounds like he is smart, but he is not. Its typical millennial twitter bullshit. What next you will moan about what that tranny kardashian said? Why you even on a twitter you fag?

Beats the hell outta me

I'm a gay guy. Leftie liberals usually distance themselves from me and start talking behind my back with their SJW friends if they ask for my political views.

He wasn't the captain. Kirk was.



Thanks for this, I was searching a while

He's a gay minority so he's basically the Jesus of the left

Here is when Glorious Emperor Trump Fired Mr. Sulu

>He is a fag and millennials love faggots for some reason


Fucking Mark the Bagger?

>he doesn't get triggered by stupid shit

this dumb fucking gook was comparing the rise of Trump to japanese internment camps

>Apparently he had this minor side role playing a spaceship captain in star wars or something
Never take pride in ignorance

Because he was one of the first open fags on TV, so he's celebrated. And he's nonwhite

For a second, I thought the title was referring to Captain Pike and comparing him to Hillary, not Captain Sulu.

he always sounded like a really decent guy on stern, hes a fag who cares its 2017.

doesnt he not even write his own tweets though, im to lazy to post link, its (((google))) able