If im gay for liking someone who used to be a man, then youre a pedophile for liking a woman who used to be a child

If im gay for liking someone who used to be a man, then youre a pedophile for liking a woman who used to be a child

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Yeah if only they could actually change their chromosomes or get a functioning vagina or develop actual female physiology.

>used to be a man
no, that tranny is still a man and you're still a faggot

Nice reply bait meme circle you faggot but I'm gay

>used to be a man

No user. It makes you gay AND a pedophile. Didn't realize that little hole in your logic, eh?

>If im gay for liking someone who used to be a man, then youre a pedophile for liking a woman who used to be a child

still a man.

Children age, you can't change what chromosomes you have.

Faggots don't naturally grow into women.



>implying men turn into woman naturally

Well memed, son



>If im gay for liking someone who used to be a man

You mean still is a man?

And yeah, most women have the mind of a child, so....


Oh snap

Just the other day I told some nigger on the street to not solicit me. He was trying to "canvas" he said.

I said its the same thing as a hooker vs. a prostitute.

A man is always a man.

Take a shower, hit the weights, seek sunlight, and get a clue carter

just in case

I think weve progressed enough as a society to recognise mental disorders. When somebody suffers from gender identity disorder then the treatment is to reassign their gender. Reassign meaning that they are no longer there original gender. My OP still stands

>Americans the only country worried about their daughters fucking niggers
really bottles my Aquafina

False equivalency

nice digits

>youre a pedophile for liking a woman who used to be a child
I used to be a child at the same time they were a child. Are they also pedophiles? Are pedophiles attracted to pedophiles? Is pedophilefilia a fetish?

Op is not only a faggot but he's also a moron

>When somebody suffers from gender identity disorder then the treatment is to reassign their gender.


A fake woman is not a woman. A fake woman is a man.

Faker fucker.


>implying i will ever have children

The first thing has to do with your imagination (which is diseased), the other thing has to do with nature taking its course.

They are as fake as your childhood was pal

oh no


He's not used to be a man, he's still one :^)

You're a faggot because you're attracted to a man with an inverted penis who dresses like a woman.

Women can't become men. Women can only become fake men.

Men can't become women. Men can only become fake men.

Do you understand?

Children naturally grow into adults. Puberty happens as a result of increased hormonal activity.

No mammal naturally changes all the DNA into their body to become a different gender.

Mammals can't change genders.

First is unnatural, the second is not.

>who used to be a man
But they're still men.

You can't >used to be man

You are man you are not man. Man = buttsecks

women = numerous children to plow the fields

Gee golly, I always ignore these when they're about my mom dying. But this, this I must reply to. Just in case.

men don't naturally turn into women though.
crawl back to your tumblr and try again, faggot

Trannies are more like children that put on makeup to look like parodies of adults and yes, you would be a pedophile if you had sex with such a child.

Fallacious logic. The man never stopped being a man. Mutilation doesn't change your sex.

ya did it, you madman

Id like to focus on that word mutation. If youve played any of the witcher games then you would know that to become a witcher you must undergo mutations, and it is widely agreed that witchers are not human. So i can argue that mutations do change who or what you are

>When somebody suffers from gender identity disorder then the treatment is to reassign their gender.
That is not a thing.

once a man, always a man


>Aussies in charge of reading
You're a dumbass. Try reading the post again.

Nice Ancap meme. It really got the gray matter moving.

Go fuck yourself, nothing can destroy supreme immunity dog


Mutations can change what you are.

But most trannies who try to "pass" as female don't have chromosomal disorders like XXY where they actually do have a Y chromosome.

They are just men pretending to be women, and women pretending to be men.

It's pretend. Fake. Phony.

Traps are great

Never heard of gender reassignment surgery pal?


Has 1 or more Y-chromosomes - a man
Has no Y-chromosomes - a woman.
End of story, you fucking degenerate.

Intersex people had sexual development issues, they're not the third gender, just a poorly made one of the two.

Well my gorgonzola, I just don't agree


Plastic surgery doesn't make old women into young women, and gender reassignment surgery doesn't make men into women or women into men.

Don't confuse the appearance of a thing with the thing itself.

If I make you a shit sandwich that looks like pulled pork sandwich, are you eating a pulled pork sandwich? No, you're still eating a shit sandwich.

My ancestors lived and died by the 14 words, and my descendants will as well. Evropa forever.

mutilation and mutation are not the same


>used to be a man
you mean still is a man

>used to be a man
he still is, and you're gay

>Never heard of gender reassignment surgery pal?
if you find a doctor to add a tail are you now magically a monkey?

Fuck your mathematically linear opinion .
>the double standard
>then b must equal a
> not knowing what flux is
> not knowing how the real world works

Get red-pilled you roodey-poo, candy-ass muhfeezy.

They literally had to create a new school of mathematics for this shit

cant risk it
i dont give a fuck about my mother dying in her sleep memes
but this one...

Well not that I agree with you at all. But would you agree that you are not gay if you have sex with intersex people?

False equivalency. A child is born as either male or female and is still same gender/sex when the mature into adulthood. A man is still genetically male even if he lops off his pecker. Nothing natural. So yeah, pic related.

Dammit, they're evolving.


GG user

no please sir



I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not, but western medicine is pretty much build on a foundation of managing symptoms instead of curing causes

have back pain? you get pain killers
your back is still fucked, it just doesn't hurt

have type 2 diabetes? you get insulin
you still have diabetes, you just wont die now

have gender identity disorder? lets change the way you look
your mind is still fucked up and rotting with mental illness, you just don't feel bad about it anymore.......until you do. because mental illness doesn't just go away on it's own, it evolves and mutates and gets worse

Pls no

id be mad but it was still better than OP


Ur gay and pedophiles are still pedophiles. congratulations for coming out of the closet you dirty faggot.


sure except you don't need surgery to become an adult

fuck you so much

Well ok then

Jokes on you
I can't have children

Ah fuck

Technically false since trannys are still men, but females never mentally mature past 13.

I'm sorry sir

oh jeebus

Not worth it

If a guy is with someone with a penis, that's gay.

A guy having sex with a hermaphrodite, someone born with both genitals, is pretty gay.

On the other hand, some people with intersex disorders look outwardly just like females:

>Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is when a person who is genetically male (who has one X and one Y chromosome) is resistant to male hormones (called androgens). As a result, the person has some or all of the physical traits of a woman, but the genetic makeup of a man.

>All affected individuals are phenotypically female; they develop a normal female habitus, despite the presence of a Y chromosome.

Once you find out they have a Y chromosome, and still have sex with them, that's pretty gay.

Then again, they've also found Y chromosomes in female brains. Possibly in women who have given birth to males. I don't know if women can get Y chromosomes in their brains from swallowing semen, and microchimerisms from sex partners.

OP are you a troll or are you that fucking stupid?

oh shit do nieces count?

this is the best explanation I've seen and I wish my mind came up with it.


How will I ever recover?

I'm on suicide watch

different fields. a child is expected to be the adult version of themselves. we did not expect at least by nature for a woman to turn into a man.