/Fsg/ Fascism General

/Fsg/ - Fascist General

Thread for discussion of Italian Fascism, and other forms of fascism, Mosley, Codreanu, Falange, etc. Also for sharing fascist literature and information.

A Fascist general for Fascists and those interested





Be respectful and please try to keep conversations relatively "intellectual"

Good fascists/similar or influential people to get an introduction

Oswald Mosely
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Stepan Bandera
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
Ettore Ovazza
Gaetano Mosca
Friedrich Nietzsche
Charles Maurras
Enrico Corradini
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Johann Plenge
Alceste De Ambris
Gabriele d'Annunzio
Juan Perón
Giovanni Gentile
Julius Evola

Types of Fascism

British Union
Meme futurism
Clerical Fascism
Brazilian Integralism

"[Fascism] was an explosion against intolerable conditions, against remediable wrongs which the old world failed to remedy. It was a movement to secure national renaissance by people who felt themselves threatened with decline into decadence and death and were determined to live, and live greatly."~Oswald Mosely

Other urls found in this thread:

cnqzu.com/library/Solar General/100-questions-about-fascism-oswald-mosley.pdf

>philosophic conception
Fascism is thought and action. It is action with an inherent doctrine which, arising out of a given system of historic forces, is inserted in it and works on it from within. It has therefore a form co-related to the contingencies of time and place; but it has at the same time an ideal content which elevates it into a formula of truth in the higher region of the history of thought.

>spiritual conception
To Fascism the world is not this material world which appears on the surface, in which man is an individual separated from all other men, standing by himself and subject to a natural law which instinctively impels him to lead a life of momentary and egoistic pleasure. In Fascism man is an individual who is the nation and the country. He is this by a moral law which embraces and binds together individuals and generations in an established tradition and mission, a moral law which suppresses the instinct to lead a life confined to a brief cycle of pleasure in order, instead, to replace it within the orbit of duty in a superior conception of life, free from the limits of time and space a life in which the individual by self-abnegation and by the sacrifice of his particular interests, even by death, realises the entirely spiritual existence in which his value as a man consists.

>ethical conception
This positive conception of life is evidently an ethical conception. And it comprises the whole reality as well as the human activity which domineers it. No action is to be removed from the moral sense; nothing is to be in the world that is divested of the importance which belongs to it in respect of moral aims. Life, therefore, as the Fascist conceives it, is serious, austere, religious; entirely balanced in a world sustained by the moral and responsible forces of the spirit. The Fascist disdains the "easy" life.

>religious conception
Fascism is a religious conception in which man is considered to be in the powerful grip of a superior law, with an objective will which transcends the particular individual and elevates him into a fully conscious member of a spiritual society. Anyone who has stopped short at the mere consideration of opportunism in the religious policy of the Fascist Regime, has failed to understand that Fascism, besides being a system of government, is also a system of thought.

Anyone with questions, feel free to ask them.

Why would you post this thread at night, if there are any people on they're all preoccupied with Goldengate anyway




Only time I get, and its only night here on the western hemisphere. I hope they catch attention because of that, good chance not potential redpills, Golden gate threads bringing in lots of normies.


what got you interested in the topic of fascism?


Well it all started with my initial first redpills, nationalism, globalism, all that good stuff. Then going through the other stuff and realizing the amount of degeneracy around us is a result of this progressive liberalism, society now at a near collapse. Fascism I discovered is simply the reaction and solution to all forms of liberalism, because they all lead down the same road. Fascism retains as Both a reactionary and revolutionary movement.




Fascism is weird to me. I like its ideas, and how it theoretically could work but every instance of fascism has had some shit-tier racism involved or just didn't last long in general for various reasons. Even the Austrian fascism that I think is the better looking one for me personally never got a chance to shine because SHitler ended it before it started to run. I just like the idea of an authoritarian state that the people feed into and the state feeds back into the people. Doesn't matter if you're black, gay, a woman, etc. as long as you can be a productive member of society outside your household, y'know?

Also, anyone have any good posters related to fascism? Want to get one thats influenced but not so obvious as to me not being able to hang it out for fear of "FUCKING NAZI"

I guess that's true. But remember that Eugenics isn't intrinsically fascist

Anyone know were i could buy a buf flag

Could fascism work in Africa?


But so many people have made it about that, that nowadays pretty much everyone you speak to in the general public thinks Fascists are sick fucks who want to kill -insert race/religion/ethnicity-

the thing about it is that fascism was created in the aftermath of the first world war by its veterans and nearly all nations that went fascist during the great depression did so violently, many fascist regimes even began as counterrevolutions against communist revolutions

also human nature and ideology dont mix without one conflicting severely with the other

Maybe, I think Paul Kagame could pull it off.

What do you mean by the second part?

Yeah, I have to agree with you on that one user

Fascism is meant to be molded and crafted to fit every countrys ideals and situation, National Socialism is the same family as fascism, it worked for Germany. As other countries slightly differing versions worked for them. Italian fascism was meant for Italy, and so on. I hate to see the amount of infighting that is between us, we are all natural allies, we believe in the same thing and fight against the same enemies.

Fuck that, fascism is about forming a functional nation-state based around the realities of human nature, and that means ethnic communities.

Blacks should not live among whites, or Asians, or anyone else. Neither should whites. Ensuring the ethnic solidarity of the people is one of the most important roles of the fascist government.

And in my opinion, fascism shouldn't be dictatorial, but rather a form of limited franchise democracy

what i mean is all ideologies are founded off utopic visions, which could not be farther from how humans end up actually acting


Fascism =/= Communism

Do you want to make any comment on these idiots claiming Salazar was fascist? I've already tried but they won't listen.


The estado novo of course was not full fascist, but it was highly, highly, similar. Salazar was a great admirer of Mussolini


But Salazar was fascist. Most historians would tell you the same thing.

If you admit that the EN was not fascist then why is its founder and leader - who, by the way, unleashed PIDE on the actual fascists in Portugal, arresting most and driving the rest underground - listed among fascists?

>kill sand niggers
>kill trans
>kill all niggers
>kill all fags

Tfw no redpilled gf

Search around, I'm sure you'll find one

Interested to read more into fascism. In your opinion, what modern countries do you think could reintroduce fascism or some model of government of a different name but similar mission?

South America and Southern Europe, I'd say.

It's a stupid stigma. Maybe my idea of a Utopia just differs from others in this sect of fascism.

Engelbert Dolfuss and the Vaterland Front purged NSDAP members in Austria, does that render them or the NSDAP not fascists?

Fuck off with your retarded cuckposting, fucking leaf.

It's almost like we all start at the same base, but work our way to the top of the tower in different methods, to use a weird analogy.

The fascists strongly supported hitler and national socialism, which Salazar did not. He silenced them to keep out any sort of national socialist uprising in his country, which, I mostly likely would've been on the side of those fascists. But Salazar had his own thing going. Drawing highly from policies and ideals from fascism, such as corporatism, authoritarianism, opposition towards all forms of liberalism.

Fascism these days seems to be irreversibly tainted to the public due to its relationship with the Nazis. Can there be Fascism without ethno-nationalism and ethnic cleansing? Does it come in forms? If so, what form of fascism do you prefer?

In Argentina we had fascism from 1944 so 1955 so yes. Perón even kicked out the lefties in 1973.

Anyone think this is a nice poster? Was thinking about getting one made.

Every country, all they have to do is tweak it and customize it a bit to fit their situation.

kek, Salazar heavily criticized Mussolini and Hitler for having no morals.

Yeah, Brazil even had a Fascist movement for a while. The last few decades have been ripe for revolution in SA, so anything is possible.

You even have the father of "democracy" in Portugal, Mário Soares, who recently died, saying he wasn't a fascist on tape.

Can someone explain the difference between fascism and natsoc?

>Fuck off with your retarded cuckposting, fucking leaf.
No, you fuck off. I'm Portuguese and I can tell you that the people who most apply the term fascist to Salazar are those leftist historians who not only wanted to destroy his legacy (which they did with the Carnation Revolution), but to further desecrate its remains and insure that whatever popular stigma exists against fascism is applied no less to the person of António de Oliveira Salazar, his ideas, and his statesmanship. This is the position of Adriano Moreira himself, the Ministro do Ultramar under Salazar.

Salazar was a Catholic authoritarian. End of.

Sure, Fascism inherently doesn't have any racial laws. You could call yourself a more traditional Italian fascist, no racial laws or anything of the sort. Although thats not my preferred form, I would mainly be a traditional fascist, but I incorporate elements from national socialism, moderate racial policies and most likely strict anti semetic laws.

Looks good user. What's the translation?
>Pic related looks nice too

That was only hitler user, they expressed respect and admiration for Mussolinis dictactorship.

Is there any good books that explain or help you get into Facism?

I have been thinking about getting into it more. As it fits what I want for the future

This question central element falls on whether the nation in question is ethnoexclusive or not. Mexico, for instance, is not ethnoexclusive, there is no Mexican race and therefore the racial question does not interest us, our national identity is defined by our history and culture; but there are other nations are ethnoexclusive like Japan or Germany, these nation's identities are defined by their history, culture and race. Anyone can become a Mexican, as long as they learn the language, the history and assimilate into the culture, but no one can become Japanese if not ethnically Japanese nor a German if not of European decent.

Italian fascism inherently has no racial or anti semetic policies, or socialistic aspects. National socialism has racial policies, anti semetic policies, and the few socialistic aspects such as healthcare for the elderly and disabled. Other than that they operate the same, and are all apart of the same family

Sounds like communism to me but more retarded. Get raped by niggers. You fucking tranny.

Start off with the doctrines of fascism user

Make sure to read the appendix footnotes at the bottom.

Put this in google translator:
“A ditadura fascista tende para um cesarismo pagão, para um estado novo que não conhece limitações de ordem jurídica ou moral, que marcha para o seu fim, sem encontrar embaraços nem obstáculos. Mussolini, como sabe, é um admirável oportunista de acção: ora marcha para a direita, ora marcha para a esquerda; combate hoje a Igreja, mas, pouco depois, é ele próprio que faz o tratado de Latrão para mandar encerrar, meses passados, as associações católicas. Sentimo-lo, constantemente, entre o escol que ele soube formar, que o serve com tanta inteligência, e a rua, a que é forçado a agradar, de quando em quando.”

“Há problemas de interesse nacional, de interesse colectivo, que se resolveriam facilmente com duas penadas, passando por cima de tudo, de todas as leis, de todas as normas, de todos os obstáculos individuais. Mas o bem que uma vez se faz, pode ser inutilizado pelo muito mal que outras vezes se poderia fazer. Um poder sem limites, rápido, decisivo, tem as suas seduções, suas vantagens e seus perigos. Não nos esqueçamos de que para se chegar a toda a parte é preciso delegar noutros, íntegro, o mesmo poder…”
Oliveira Salazar, 1932

Salazar did not give grandiloquent speeches, he hated the common folk and rarely showed himself in public, he actively told the Portuguese to not get involved in politics, he hated violence and conflict, he hated war, he was deeply catholic, he prosecuted actual fascists in Portugal. He only praised Hitler when it came to him stopping communism in Germany.

Thanks for explaining. Also do you think fascist countries can exist in times of peace? IMO fascism is a hard reset in a country to set everything straight that has been bent in the past.

In establishing fascism there will be violence, can't be peace without violence. However once it is, and other countries become it as well. Peace is guaranteed, remember before ww2 all the fascist organizations or fascist countries either sought an alliance or supported Hitler and Mussolini, they all existed with each other's support. And once the war rolled around, many either joined or supplied the reich with troops.

I think the current circumstances of Mexico make it a fertile ground for Fascism, and over here people don't think of it as a taboo, Hitler is surprisingly well liked.

I would kill to have the full collection of his writings published in English, honestly.

The "pagan" criticism in the first paragraph was also more or less the conclusion of the Church. The term Pope Pius XI used in reference to fascism was "statolatry" and also attributed to this some underlying pagan spirit.

But Salazar's criticism of Mussolini was on point. Mussolini was a man with no root, a futurist who cared nothing for tradition as opposed to Salazar for whom traditionalism was central to governance.

And the second paragraph is probably why Salazar outlived lunatics like Mussolini and Hitler. A cautious, careful, and prudent man.


cnqzu.com/library/Solar General/100-questions-about-fascism-oswald-mosley.pdf

Peron was pretty sympathetic to workers though

M8, fascism was invented to be a perfect balance of traditionalism and modernism, too much traditionalism becomes regressive, and too much modernism results in too much progressiveness. (IE our world today) The futurist movement was closely related to fascism but is not fascism.

So how much of a role do you think the state should take in welfare?

As an American, I think we'd be fucking unstoppable if we were a National Socialist country.

I believe a mix of fascism and national socialism would be amazing for us, I believe some moderate racial policies and strict anti semetic policies would do us wonders.

The establishment of Fascism has always been preceded by a period of profound general instability in all areas of the country and it's functioning. Yes it need to reset the country, it need to bring forth a rebirth, a rebirth preceded by near death.


Corporatist stance.

Fascism solves the problem of unemployment and poverty by establishing the Corporate State, which will be divided into National corporations governed by representatives of employers, workers and consumers, operating under Fascist government. The State will not attempt to conduct industry as it would under Socialism, instead, the State will lay down the limits within which industry' may operate, and those limits will be the national welfare. Private ownership will be permitted and encouraged, provided such activity enriches the nation as well as the individual. All interests that operate against the nation will be rigorously suppressed. The function of the Corporations will be to raise wages and salaries over the whole field of industry as science, rationalization and industrial technique increase the power to produce. Consumption will be adjusted to production and a Home Market will be provided by the higher purchasing power of our own people.

Indeed, a clash of ideologies is inevitable, and we must be the winning side.

Yes, he cared about the workers and especially the rural ones. He improved the conditions of peasants to the butthurt of landowners. What he kicked out were the Montoneros, pure cancer who got destroyed between 1975 and 1977.

Do you think we could become a NatSoc country within our life times, though? (if not whites will probably be fucked out of existence desu)

He will give you a better answer, but remember that these things don't happen by themselves an are not easy to do. I would suggest taking action yourself in pursuit of this objective, you could join the American Vanguard.

I believe we are in the midst of a resurrection m8, it most likely will not be carbon copy national socialism or fascism, but definitely something similar, and if it can reach the amount of glory the reich reached, I would be more than satisfied.

So with good hope all the efforts of the jews to persuade europe into becoming like sweden will wake up the fighting spirit of the whites?


which is the diference between fascim and traditionalism or reactionarism?

What would joining them entail?

Comparing Hitler or Mussolini to Salazar is still an insult. They were nothing alike. The leaf is on point on everything.

The difference is mostly of form and organization, to a lesser degree of content. Fascism implies a form of social, political, and economical organization. Traditionalism and reactionarism are ideologies and attitudes that have thing in common with fascism but do not imply an specific form of organization

Pockets of individuals are already against it, I just hope (((they))) push past the limits, break the brink. And hopefully that will cause a new reactionary movement on a major widespread scale.


I wasn't comparing him to hitler or mussolini, i was comparing his state to a full fascist state. Many similarities but not full fascist.

Thanks, I will be looking into these during the day

Youll receive a contact request, they usually communicate through Skype but if you have another prefered method of contact they'll use it. If a chapter in your state exists, then hopefully you live near the state leader.

I think the difference comes too form the religion's as a moral rule in the public life

Not necessarily.


Fascism does not require you to be religious to god, but to at least be religious on your morals.