Time, movement and change

Time isn't a real concept like we think it is, plenty of people see time as something that allows change, but in reality change creates the idea of time.

Change is something that is constant in rate and presence in universe.

Movement: We can describe movement as what we 'experience' but fundamentally in principle there isn't an explanation for what happens when an object changes it's position, that's because nothing ever changes it's position.

All changes are total changes, that is although only some things appear to change, the other ones have also been replaced with identical counterpart.

All the possible frames of reality already exist, eternally, we merely shift through them.

This shift is nothing more then change in perspective while looking at the same thing.

Imaging a particle that isn't bound by any law of physics or other, that it can move infinitely faster than light so that it could as the same particle appear at every point in existence simultaneously, that's what reality is basically made of, looking at this same thing from different perspective is what 'time' basically is.

You're basically always looking at the same thing from different perspectives.


Also past like future is also dependent form present, we can simply pick which bunch of frames to make past from.

Lay off the hash, Pajeet

Ever wonder why people are so 'different'?

That's because we're all literally different entities/beings who have agreed to come on this Earth to play the game of reality, for the sake of re-discovering self from a different perspective.

Like when two people sit down to play chess, and agree to become similar through rules, the spirits have done the same thing to play the Earth game.

Mindfuck thread

So the dinosaurs lived yesterday?

There is no yesterday, only now, you can check anytime, it'll always be now, Here and Now is the only place and 'time' to be in.

Dinosaur and all the possible things exist right now, we're just not experiencing them now.

When you watch one channel on TV, all the other channels also exist at the same time, you know it, but simply aren't experiencing them.

I feel like you're on to something but I just can't put my finger on it..

You need to stop with the Jenkem, Apu.

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system always increases over time, or remains constant in ideal cases where the system is in a steady state or undergoing a reversible process. The increase in entropy accounts for the irreversibility of natural processes, and the asymmetry between future and past.

Of course it's not an arrow, are you stupid? Who believes that anyway. Time is stacked on top of each other as the atoms rearrange, that means the past is always lost. But you can go to the future because time is relative, you know if you watched Interstellar.

We just use time in its current format because it's handy.

he's not on a loo, that's for sure


Maybe we are beings that already everything there is to know about everything, and dumbed ourselves down, that's why our puny brains can't handle the vast amount of information we get when doing psychedelics.

A cool thread for once

"time" is a conceptual model for the reality

you imbecile

Nah he is mostly right.

Issue is he is saying it like it is profound when it has been part of western philosophy for over 2500 years, just got brushed aside by the platonists.

A good place to start is reading some work on how Zenos paradoxes are not paradoxes at all, but only appear to be from a plato-esque worldview which is fundementally flawed.

Movement, you say? As in bowel movement?

Really france?
is that all you can come up with?
while OP is trying to find some answers
but here you are trying to bullshit your way out which has nothing to do with anything
do you feel smart cause you can shit talk
some turd world strangers like us on the interwebz?
does it make you feel relevant?

Creation is perfect, it doesn't make mistakes.

So if you exist, you deserve to exist and creation considers your unique point of view valuable enough to let you exist.

We're all just different point of views that all that is looks at itself from.

Drugs just show you the state that is possible for you to be in, then their purpose is over.
i don't do them though.

The physical mind isn't made for that, it never knows how something "will" happen, it only knows how something has "happened".

How something will happen is the job of higher mind, follow your highest excitement at any given moment with no insistence on a particular outcome, that's your spiritual north, excitement is physical translation of you discovering your true self.

When you make a choice, you close doors.

And always what is the physical mind's best will be the higher mind's lowest point.

So use it to get the feeling then stay in that feeling, but don't insist things must happen how the physical ind imagines they should happen.

I'd rather shit talk than shit streets!


for someone who lives in a first world country you say quite some misleading things..
..well whatever pleases you I guess.

Fear is simply having a belief system that is not is alignment with who you truly are, it's a friend knocking on your door to let you know that, and it will use as much force as it has to.

Whenever you feel fear, you can think "What would I have to believe about myself for this to be true(whatever you're afraid of)" and once you identify that belief that isn't aligned with what you truly are, it's GONE, that's not the beginning of it, as soon as you identify it, that's it, gone.

A negative belief system will tell you, "What if you really are unworthy, better not find out!", but as I said, creation has already deemed you worthy by the simple fact that you exist, I suggest you don't argue with it, you're robbing the rest of us from your unique point of view.

I want whatever you are smoking.

Our society is like a tribe of people sitting around a cooking pot, on each side of the pot there is a part of the story written, we can only have the whole story if everyone honestly and fully tells their side of the story.

So tell your side of the story!

when i was in my deepest depression i would think about time a lot. im not sure why but i was pretty delusional. i was convinced that all time the present past and future existed all at once so id panic fearing i would be stuck in one moment of time that existed.
also i find it very odd how things ive done in the past isnt happening right now. where did all that time go?
ugh 2deep4me

View it as a video. Stick all the frames together and you get a block of pixels. We can only observe one slice of it at a time, but the events in the video are all there "all the time".

how do we know its there all the time? it could have disappeared.

Oh nice, young Pajeet
justify why to shit on street
with no time there is no change
and thus poop street is not so strange

There is no thing such as a disease "depression"

Call it compression, and it's a natural state of your being.
It is when you come 'home' within where you know the answers lie, from there you can readjust your definitions and reemerge as a new person, so use it as such.

all things serve double duty and you can always take positive meaning from them.

Life is inherently meaningless, but like when you watch a movie, even though you know it's not real, you allow yourself to believe it is because the experience you get from it IS real, because you are real.
And that's what it's all about.

it's really hard to take you seriously because I read your posts in Apu's voice.