
literally how can this be defended
europe is FUCKED

b u m p

this shit is baseless muslims are fine

fucking bogans

this, fucking racists put this shit together and it shows in the lack of credible research

First post is best post

This seriously

holy shit are you retarded

Since your an aussie I cant tell if you dont understand how IDs work or if you are truly a shill.

fucking roo

[green]>racist calling me retatded [/green]

Yes because everyone who disagrees with you is a shill you fuckig tinfoil

did nipMOOT ban greentexting

what are IDs for 200 Alex

with open gates video was better desu, it had over 11 million views too before shutdown

Sup Forums is anonymous you turd theyre arent accounts and IDs to get gold from

i preferred the production values on this one desu

This one had the benefit of not being monetised and having research below as well

neck yourself you girlfriendless geek



This, this isnt r-thedonald


is this the infamous aussie shitposting? Because Im not impressed

he doesnt represent us

Kek. This video is bullshit. My not come to europe first and see it for yourself? Here in Germany the refugees are very nice.
Actually in our specific case those refugees can be seen as a blessing. We need immigrants and those refugees want to settle here.
They are not violent.
In fact native germans are more criminal

*why not my


eat a dick hans

Lol, screencapped you SameFag fag

Nice try, racist.

Fucking this. Ya'll white people are racist as fuck.

Go home turk

>In fact native germans are more criminal

This is either the most delusional spoutings of a liberal apologist I have ever heard, or you're a troll. Either way you got me to answer.

Look, you guys cannot sustain taking in more immigrants, you can't diffuse them throughout your country well enough and you can't make them assimilate fast enough. Mainly because they don't want want to. There are a bunch of technical reasons in the Koran that outline why Muslims will never truly become a part of another culture, but seriously, just sit down with people who were of a Christian minority in a Muslim country and listen to them.

Just yesterday I sat and talked with a guy who had to flee a muslim controlled country in the 90's because he was christian. He was ethnically middle eastern but culturally christian. Guy was in his 60's maybe, but he looked me in the eye and said, "Do not let these people in, you have no idea what it's like to live with them en masse. Even the liberal ones who smoke and drink will spit on you if they get a chance. Europe is already lost." It was fucking crazy.

Germans have already let in around 2% of their native populations worth of refugees, and with them having 6+ kids to the germans 1-2, how long do you think liberal democracy will hold up?

Fucking hell Europe. If this guy is serious and is representative of the attitude of the left there you are so, so boned.

They now need foreign aid to cleanse themselves.

Americans happy to oblige.

>starts with Winston Churchill quote on truth
Talking about a bad start.

Um is this some kind of ironic same fagging?

Halt die Fresse du scheiss Asslak, du bist so weiß wie ein haufen Scheiße.

Fahr mal runter Ronny. Du gehört eingewiesen mit deinen Störungen.
Die Mehrheit der Flüchtlinge ist absolut in Ordnung.
Du bist wahrscheinlich auch einer von denen der noch nie einen kennengelernt hat aber hauptsache über sie jetzt.

You might as well be speaking Arabic at this point, Hans.

>Die Mehrheit der Flüchtlinge ist absolut in Ordnung.

Horseshit, German apologists literally lie when crimes happen so that "refugees" don't get targeted.

Listen, we get it, the third reich was a thing, but everyone in the world is over it EXCEPT Germans. No one holds it against you unless they're talking in hyperbole about some topic ("This sandwich is as bad as the Nazis!" etc.).

You are a Western, First world Superpower and you have earned the privilege to be critical. But the more you buckle under the threat of being called a fascist or racist, the faster you will lose that privilege.

Nah, he's not german-german. He's most likely a roach.

German is a nationality.
I am german.

Problem is not so much the refugees, is the complete lack of control. At least as a Muslim make sure that you stab other Muslims who are criminal or how else you think you going to fix your native nation or modern Germany in future? Good Muslims should be Muslims who understand what's wrong. So i told you lack of order is creating problems, but lack of recognition of problem by Muslims themselves will bury you, like in those war areas where you came from.

That's the whole essence of the problem Mesut.

*looks back over shoulder at sinking ship that is mainland europe from brexit lifeboat*

good luck...

Oh really. The pakis(not EU) are magically going away right? Better leave the commonwealth mate.

are you that croatian guy in germany?

t. Muhammed

I hope the UK can completely uncuck itself but Brexit wont be enough.

>In fact native germans are more criminal

Priceless :D

Underage d&y

Gass de Kiges, race war now :DD

I dont understand how the people of these countries are not collecting en-masse and tearing down their parliament/political building and demanding the politicians to surrender themselves

There is no excuse for this other than your politicians are accepting fucking payoffs from the Middle East, and that's traitorous to sellout and destroy their country.

newfag here.. is this real? like I feel like I should share this on what you call jewbook but I don't want to be forever labeled an islamaphobe!

It's bad enough my liberal family and friends think I voted for Trump (I did) because of the Clinton bashing and light Trump trollery I participated in.

How do we wake people the fuck up? Not everyone's puritanical religious ways are as benign as white people resisting gay marriage politely. We know they want to kill us all if we don't praise allah and even then...


its pretty well sourced in the description

They are still in the denial phase mostly because these protesters live far away from the no-go regions.

Even if it takes another generation, one day they will wake up and see how irreversibly fucked the situation is. We're heading for a civil war, the reason the muzzies burn all the cars of non-muslims en masse is because they want to cleanse that neighbourhood and install shariah law. Soon there will be many areas who are de facto independent under shariah law. Many liberals already feel this, and get scared when I tell them they deserve what is coming to them.

Only martial law will be able to fix the situation. That will literally mean the army shooting potential threats. One is the prison population, where conversion to islam happens massively.

There will be so many terror attacks that people will live in a constant fear. The moment the bourgeoisie will really start to feel it is when something can change. Good chance that it will be too late, also we by the oil from the Arab nations, so what is more likely is that Western Europe will accomodate itself more and more to islam until the first traitorous politicians will openly convert.

I think this was already agreed upon after the first oil crisis in 1973. Islamisation for oil. It is either to buy it from Arabs or Soviets/Russians.

And electric cars won't help much, oil is the general precursor for petrochemistry, medicines etc.. our whole technologically advanced way of life.